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China and End-Time Prophecy

How God is Using the Red Dragon to Fulfill His Ultimate Purposes

Eugene Bach, 2021

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For years, China’s population size, economic growth, and thirst for military power have taken center stage by those who study biblical prophecy. Most end-time experts have seen the “Red Dragon” as an aggressor to Israel. In Revelation 16 and 19, John's mention of the armies involved in the final battle marking the end of the world could well depict China’s army today. However, a different kind of army is also rising in China, and it is quickly approaching two hundred million people. This army is for Christ--it is a host of Christians from the Chinese underground House Church. Even under intense persecution, these believers are motivated by a powerful vision to complete the Great Commission by bringing the gospel to unreached peoples in China's eastern provinces and to all the countries between the border of China and the city of Jerusalem.

This book may change your view of end-time prophecy. It explores the missions phenomenon of the Chinese church as an eschatological event, confirmed by both the Old and New Testaments, that is connected to the sign of the return of Jesus Christ. God is using the Red Dragon to fulfill His ultimate purposes. China and End-Time Prophecy will show you why the completion of the Great Commission is inevitable and the return of Christ is unstoppable.


Introduction: An Unstoppable Gospel

    Part I: The Red Dragon and China's Underground House Church

  1. China as the Red Dragon
  2. China's Underground House Church
  3. Revival in China Part II: Old Testament Foundations of the Back to Jerusalem Vision

  4. Back to Jerusalem from the Beginning
  5. Back to Jerusalem in the Old Testament
  6. Zionism at the Center of Prophecy
  7. The Dragon Well of Jerusalem

    Part III: New Testament Foundations of the Back to Jerusalem Vision

  8. Jerusalem and Missions
  9. The Temple of Jerusalem
  10. Signs from the Mount of Olives
  11. The Westward Direction of the Great Commission
  12. Back to Jerusalem and Pentecost
  13. Moving West
  14. Ethnocentric Judaism as It Relates to China
  15. The Gates of Hell
  16. The Westward Direction Orchestrated by God
  17. To the Ends of the World
  18. Eastward Movements

    Part IV: China's History and End-Time Prophecy

  19. The Gospel Continues East to China
  20. China's Christian Emperor
  21. The Bloody Roots of the Back to Jerusalem Movement
  22. The Birth of the Back to Jerusalem Vision
  23. The Holy Mountain of China
  24. The Back to Jerusalem Vision Begins
  25. God Speaks and Creates the Back to Jerusalem Ministry
  26. The Resurrection of Vision

    Part V: Back to Jerusalem Today

  27. A New Generation
  28. Back to Jerusalem Attacked
  29. Jerusalem: The Epicenter
  30. The Back to Jerusalem Vision Today
  31. Guerrilla Warfare

Epilogue: An Eschatological Event in History
About the Author


Eugene Bach is a pseudonym for a member of the Chinese underground church. He was trained in US military special operations and served two tours in the Persian Gulf and Asia-Pacific region, serving primarily as a member of a rapid response team focusing on targeted threat elimination, counterterrorism, and security. He has been working with the underground church in China for more than fifteen years, helping them to establish forward mission bases in closed countries around the world, including Iraq and Syria. Eugene leads the Chinese mission movement called Back to Jerusalem, which provides essential support for Chinese missionaries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. He has also written or coauthored numerous books about the underground church in China, North Korea, and Iran, including ISIS: Heart of Terror, The Underground Church, and I Stand with Christ.


208 pages, paperback
ISBN: 9781641236218