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The 50 Final Events in World History

The Bible's Last Words on Earth's Final Days

Robert J. Morgan, 2022

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With all that is happening around the globe, it's hard not to wonder, Is this the end times? Revelation tells us about the world's last days, but many of us find it too intimidating to understand, so we end up feeling stuck between daunting headlines and confusing prophecy. Beloved pastor Robert J. Morgan demystifies Revelation so you can embrace the hope and assurance it offers. This comprehensive yet easy-to-understand overview of earth's final days

  • takes you through a literal, sequential understanding of Revelation so you can better understand current and future events
  • shows you verse by verse what the end times will be like
  • expands your conception of Jesus' glory and authority
  • reminds you that God knows the future, so you do not need to fear
  • offers inspiration and a call to action as you stand for Christ in this generation

From Christ's messages to churches to the tribulation to the moment believers step into eternal joy with Christ, The 50 Final Events in World History will guide you through what you need to know about the future so you can grow in intimacy with God today.


Introduction: The Trajectory of Our Times

Part 1: The Starting Point (Revelation 1-3)

  1. The Hidden Code for Understanding Revelation
  2. Next Stop: Patmos (Revelation 1)
  3. Christ's Final Messages to the Churches (Revelation 2-3)
  4. The Foreseeable Future (Revelation 4-22)

Part 2: The Fifty Final Events (Revelation 4-22)

  1. The Potential Rapture of the Church (4:1)
  2. Celebration Erupts in Heaven (4:2-5:14)
  3. The Lamb Inaugurates the Tribulation--Seal 1 (6:1)
  4. A Powerful Political Leader Appears (6:1-2)
  5. Global Conflict Rocks the World--Seal 2 (6:3-4)
  6. Famine Ravages the Earth--Seal 3 (6:5-6)
  7. The Death Rate Soars--Seal 4 (6:7-8)
  8. Multitudes Die for Christ--Seal 5 (6:9-11)
  9. Natural Catastrophes Sweep the Planet--Seal 6 (6:12-17)
  10. 144,000 Jewish Evangelists Are Commissioned (7:1-8)
  11. More Martyrs Arrive in Heaven (7:9-17)
  12. Dramatic Manifestation of Answered Prayer--Seal 7 (8:1-5)
  13. A Global Firestorm Erupts--Trumpet 1 (8:6-7)
  14. The Sea Is Contaminated--Trumpet 2 (8:8-9)
  15. Fresh Water Is Contaminated--Trumpet 3 (8:10-11)
  16. Sunlight Is Diminished--Trumpet 4 (8:12)
  17. Demons Are Released to Terrorize the Earth for Five Months--Trumpet 5 (8:13-9:12)
  18. High-Ranking Demons Are Released to Destroy a Third of Surviving Humanity--Trumpet 6 (9:13-21)
  19. A Massive Angel Heralds, "There Will Be No More Delay!" (10:1-7)
  20. John Receives a Message About the Second Half of the Tribulation (10:8-11)
  21. Two Super Prophets Are Commissioned (11:1-14)
  22. Heaven Declares: "The Time Has Come!"--Trumpet 7 (11:15-19)

    The Midway Point of the Tribulation--Revelation 12-13

  23. Satan Is Expelled from Heaven and Attacks Earth with Vengeance (12:1-17)
  24. The Antichrist Arises (13:1-10)
  25. The False Trinity Forms (13:11-13)
  26. The Abomination of Desolation Is Set Up in the Temple (13:14-15)
  27. The Mark of the Beast Is Issued (13:16-18)

    The Last Half of the Tribulation--Revelation 14-18

  28. The 144,000 Arrive Safely in Zion (14:1-5)
  29. Three Angels Deliver Final Messages to the Earth (14:6-13)
  30. Christ's Declaration of War (14:14-16)
  31. Warfare Erupts Around Israel (14:17-20)
  32. The Seven Last Angels of the Last Plagues Appear (15:1-8)
  33. Global Contagion Spreads--Bowl 1 (16:1-2)
  34. The Seas Are Destroyed--Bowl 2 (16:3)
  35. The Fresh Water Is Polluted--Bowl 3 (16:4-7)
  36. Intense Heat Scorches the Planet--Bowl 4 (16:8-9)
  37. Darkness Covers the World--Bowl 5 (16:10-11)
  38. The Euphrates Dries Up--Bowl 6 (16:12)
  39. The World's Armies Converge at Armageddon (16:13-16)
  40. Earthquakes and Extreme Weather Devastate What's Left of Earth--Bowl 7 (16:17-21)
  41. The Antichrist's Religiopolitical System Is Destroyed (17:1-18)
  42. The Antichrist's Capital City Implodes (18:1-24)

    The Return of Christ--Revelation 19-22

  43. Hallelujahs Ring Out in Heaven (19:1-10)
  44. The Lord Jesus Christ Returns! (19:11-16)
  45. The Rebels Are Defeated (19:17-21)
  46. The Millennium Breaks Forth (20:1-3)
  47. The Tribulation Saints Are Resurrected to Reign with Christ (20:4-6)
  48. The Final Battle (20:11-15)
  49. The Wicked Are Judged at the Great White Throne (20:11-15)
  50. The New Heaven, the New Earth, the New Jerusalem--and Eternity! (21:1-22:21)

Conclusion: The Spirit and the Bride Say, "Come!"


The Five Views of Revelation
Revelation on a Napkin
Genesis, Revelation, and the Circle of Scipture
Will We Know One Another in Heaven?
Antiochus IV Epiphanes
Gog and Magog
A Final Word

About the Author


Robert J. Morgan is a writer and speaker who serves as the teaching pastor at The Donelson Fellowship in Nashville. He is the author of The Red Sea Rules, The Strength You Need, Reclaiming the Lost Art of Biblical Meditation, Then Sings My Soul, and many other titles, with more than 4.5 million copies in circulation. He is available to speak at conferences and conventions.


246 pages, hardcover, appendix.
ISBN: 9780785253860