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Thousands of experts in finance, communicatons, and computer technology are now predicting an international crisis. Congress has warned that utilities may be impacted. News reports warn of martial law. Others warn that government payroll checks and Social Security checks may not be delivered, and banks may be forced to close. In this revealing new book, you'll find the answers to questions such as:
View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation
A Word of Thanks
Dr. N. W. Hutchings is president of the Southwest Radio Church, one of the foremost prophetic ministries in the world. He has written dozens of books and booklets on prophecy and other Bible themes. Dr. Hutchings has been active in missions and communications ministries for over 40 years and is recognized for being a world travelor, having led tours to Israel, Iraq, Egypt, Europe, China, and other nations around the world. His plain and conversational style of writing makes the subject matter he approaches both interesting and informative to the reader, regardless of the level of education or understanding.
Dr. Larry Spargimino came from a Catholic background. He became a born-again believer after hearing the gospel of grace through faith. The author changed his eschatological view relating to the Second Coming of Christ from amillennialism to pre-millennialism while working on his doctrate at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Forth Worth, Texas. Dr. Spargimino served for several years as pastor of the River Bend Baptist Church in Bristol, Tennessee. He is now an associate pastor and editor with the ministry of Southwest Radio Church.
208 pages, paper |