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TERRORISM: The New War on Freedom - VHS
Caryl Matrisciana and Dr. Peter Hammond, 2002 |
$6.25 VHS Retail Save: $18.70 (75%) | Ships within 24 hours! |
September 11, 2001: The day terrorism invaded the shores of America. This bold video expose goes behind the scenes and courageously documents issues the mainstream media refuses to confront. From the devastation of ground zero in New York, you will be taken to the mountains of Sudan, Africa where millions continue to be slaughtered through terrorist activity. Join author and world religion expert Caryl Matrisciana and Frontline Fellowship Director Dr. Peter Hammond for this in-depth report from the frontlines. 50 minutes.
The Muslim controlled government in Sudan is systematically bombing their own Christian churches and schools as part of a statewide effort to convert all of its citizens to Islam. But why?
60 minutes
ISBN 6067711013 - VHS