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Also See: Clarence Larkin Charts | Dispensationalism |

Greatest Book on Dispensational Truth Photo

100th Anniversary Edition
2017 Printing

Clarence Larkin, 1918, 1920

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24 hours!

This is Larkin's famous book on dispensationalism that includes his beautifully-drawn black and white charts published as a special 100th Anniversary Edition. Book is approximately 10 X 10 inches with a black hardcover stamped "Dispensational Truth" in gold lettering. The dust cover shows the book's complete title, The Greatest Book on Dispensational Truth in the World. This is the much sought-after high-quality edition published by the Clarence Larkin Estate. A must-have book for any student of prophecy.


  1. The Prophetic Word
  2. Pre-Millennialism
  3. Mountain Peaks of Prophecy
  4. The Second Coming of Christ
  5. Rightly Dividing the Word
  6. The Present Evil World
  7. The Dispensational Work of Christ
  8. The Dispensational Work of the Holy Spirity
  9. The Jews
  10. The Gentiles
  11. The Church
  12. The King
  13. The Kingdom
  14. The Spirit World
  15. Spiritualism
  16. The Resurrections
  17. The Judgments
  18. Satan
  19. Antichrist
  20. The Satanic Trinity
  21. The Four Gospels
  22. The Seven Churches
  23. The Tribulation
  24. Babylon the Great
  25. Renovation of the Earth
  26. The Covenants
  27. The Mysteries
  28. Types and Antitypes
  29. Thhe 3 Trees to Which Israel is Compared in Scripture
  30. The Feasts of the Lord
  31. The Offerings
  32. The Dispensational Teaching of the Great Pyramid
  33. Scripture Numerics
  34. The Signs of the Times


Revelation Chart

Mountain Peaks Chart


  1. The Ages as Viewed from Different Standpoints
  2. The Mountain Peaks of Prophecy
  3. The Perspective of Prophecy
  4. The Two Comings
  5. The Two Stages of the Coming
  6. Time Element of the Comings
  7. 7000 Years of Human History
  8. Rightly Dividing the Word
  9. Relation of Jew, Gentile and Church to Each Other
  10. The Times and Seasons
  11. The Creation of the Earth
  12. Generation
  13. Six Days of Re-creation
  14. First Day (Cosmic Light)
  15. Second Day (Firmament Formed)
  16. Third Day (Land and Vegetation)
  17. Fourth Day (Solar Light Restored)
  18. Fifth Day (Fish and Fowl)
  19. Sixth Day (Animals and Man)
  20. Diagram of the Eight Works of the Six Days
  21. The Seven Cosmic Phases of the Earth
  22. Degeneration
  23. Edenic Dispensation
  24. Book of Genesis
  25. Antediluvian Dispensation
  26. Post-Diluvian Dispensation
  27. Patriarchal Dispensation
  28. Legal Dispensation
  29. Ecclesiastical Dispensation
  30. The Tribulation
  31. Dispensation of Judgment
  32. Regeneration
  33. Messianic Dispensation
  34. Perfect Dispensation
  35. The World's 7 Great Crises
  36. The Prophetic Days of Scripture
  37. Greater Life and Work of Christ
  38. The Heavenly Tabernacle
  39. The Jews
  40. Book of Exodus
  41. The Royal Grant to Abraham
  42. Book of Daniel
  43. Prophetical Chronology
  44. Daniel's Seventy Weeks
  45. Map of Old Roman Empire
  46. The Gentile Nations
  47. The Church
  48. Failure of Christianity
  49. God's Eternal Purpose As to the Earth
  50. The King
  51. Book of Matthew
  52. Kingdom of God Vs. Kingdom of Heaven
  53. The Kingdom
  54. The Church Vs. The Kingdom
  55. Kingdom of Heaven Parables
  56. The Millennial Land
  57. Book of Ezekiel
  58. The Spirit World
  59. Threefold Nature of Man
  60. The Three Tabernacles
  61. The Resurrections
  62. First and Second Resurrection
  63. Resurrections and Judgments
  64. Judgment of Reward
  65. Satan
  66. Antichrist and Times of the Gentiles
  67. The Four Gospels
  68. When the New Testament Books were Written
  69. Book of Revelation
  70. Messages to the 7 Churches
  71. The 7 Churches
  72. Messages to the 7 Churches
  73. Daniel's Seventieth Week
  74. Daniel and Revelation Compared
  75. The 3 Stages of the Earth
  76. Renovation of the Earth
  77. The Holy City--New Jerusalem
  78. The Covenants
  79. The Mysteries
  80. Five Fingers Pointing to Christ
  81. Types and Antitypes
  82. "As" and "So"
  83. The Feasts of the Lord
  84. The Tabernacle
  85. Book of Leviticus
  86. Great Pyramid (Diagram A)
  87. Vertical Section of Great Pyramid
  88. Christ and the Saints Compared to the Heavenly Bodies
  89. The Weeks of Scripture
  90. The Signs of the Times


  1. The Passover
  2. Michael and the Dragon
  3. The White Horse Rider
  4. Daniel's Fourth Wild Beast
  5. Ram and the He Goat
  6. Four Horned Ram
  7. Paul's Man of Sin
  8. John's Beast
  9. The Scarlet Woman
  10. The False Prophet
  11. Image of the Beast
  12. The Sun Clothed Woman
  13. The Vine
  14. The Fig-Tree
  15. The Olive


176 pages, hardcover, over 100 charts, maps