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hosted by Jeff Douglas, 2011
Some claim that the ancient Mayan calendar points to December 12, 2012 as the end of the world. Cloud Ten Pictures' 2012: Prophecy or Panic? looks at what it calls "the myths, the hype... and the truth" surrounding the issue. Hosted in Mexico by Jeff Douglas, the 90-minute documentary features prophecy experts such as Mark Hitchcock, Grant Jeffrey and Chuck Missler. Bonus features include the 30-minute program, "Man's Word or God's?" 87 minutes on DVD. Languages: English, Spanish. Closed Captioned. Region Code 1.
Mark Hitchcock, 2009
In 2012, the Bible, and the End of the World, bestselling prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock explores a fascinating last-days controversy that is gaining the attention of millions all over the globe. What should Christians make of the rapidly spreading speculations that the world will end on December 21, 2012? The ancient Mayans were expert astronomers and their advanced calendar cycles predict 12/21/2012 as a catastrophic day of apocalypse. This prophecy has spawned a growing number of fringe-element books, Web sites, and even a major movie—complete with all-star cast—scheduled to release in November, 2009. Missing in the furor is a biblical perspective. Bible teacher Mark Hitchcock—whose books have sold more than 500,000 copies—examines the following questions:
This book provides a fascinating survey of both the historical past and the prophetic future. Readers will discover how to effectively counter baseless speculation with biblical fact. 184 pages, paper. More Information, Table of Contents, Author Profile
Lloyd B. Hildebrand, 2009
Since the beginning of the human race mankind has asked the question when will it all end. From every corner of the Earth there are beliefs, prophecies, and legends, most of which point to “the year 2012”. Some of these stories point to a new beginning, others to the end of the world as we know it, and some to the annihilation of the world. 2012: Is This the End?, covers many (and there are very many) of these prophecies but more importantly it discusses what the Bible says about end-times events and what we should expect. The reader will find predictions of the Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, Chinese, Merlin, Mother Shipton, Nostradamus, and others to be intriguing. Compare and contrast these predictions with the Holy Bible. 258 pages, paper, index, illustrated. More Information, Table of Contents, Author Profile
2012 IN BIBLE PROPHECY with Shadow Mayan Tradition Clearly Cast Behind It
Wayne Redden, 2008
The prophecy contained between the covers of this book is provided free of traditional mores and politically correct constraints. Several projections result from Bible provided data in combination with man’s historical dates. Not one, but two such unions have both exploded from God’s word with the same date and with the same meaning for modern mankind. These have provided the title for this book: 2012 In Bible Prophecy. The implications of this soon to come Bible generated date in combination with the entangling shadow relationship of the Mayan people’s long cycle calendar ending in the same year are hard to ignore. Yet this revelation is but a vehicle which carries the rest of the most astonishing and yes, frightening prophetic occurrences to fulfillment. It is not all bad news; however, there is good news also, and this you will not want to miss. 422 pages, paper, illustrated. View: Premillennial Pre-Wrath More Information, Table of Contents, Author Profile
Wayne Redden, 2008
God's Word indicates that some end time prophecies will be unknown until the end of days. 2012: Quick and Dirty reveals the undeniable fact that some of the secrets of the Bible are now uncovered and exposed. Foreseeing the future has always been illusory. Some say that without great reduction in fossil fuel use, global temperatures will rise, and melting polar icecaps will flood the earth. Others, having formulated opinions of biblical prophetic intent, have expressed various scenarios of end time happenings showing considerable variation. For the intrepid reader, the unlocked version of God's end time prophetic Word is here revealed. However shocking it may seem, it also offers a positive hope. 206 pages, paper, illustrated. View: Premillennial Pre-Wrath More Information, Table of Contents, Author Profile
Synthia Andrews and Colin Andrews, 2008 |
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You're no idiot, of course. You can't ignore the weather catastrophes that are currently plaguing the Earth. But did you know these events were predicted by the Mayans, who also prophesized a time of great change in 2012--at worst, the end of the world; at best, a transformation and evolution into a higher spiritual reality? And the Mayans aren't alone in their belief. The Complete Idiot's Guide to 2012 reveals ancient insights and foresights across various cultures that predict the year will be a turning point for humanity. 226 pages, paper, appendix, index. View: Secular.
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$14.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
The countdown has begun--and there's nothing you can do to stop it. In this irresistibly entertaining book, Lawrence Joseph will make you think twice about your retirement plans as he explains why the year 2012 will likely be more tumultuous, catastrophic, and quite possibly revelatory than any other year in human history. Is it a coincidence that the burgeoning war between Christianity and Islam seems hell-bent for Armageddon? Or that numerous other religions, philosophies, and cultural traditions are signaling that the end is near, with 2012 emerging as the consensus target date? A new era is about to be born, with all the pain and blood and joy and release that birth naturally entails. 263 pages, paper, index. View: Secular.
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