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Alan Lunn, 2003
This book explores the 7,000-year theory of history using a three-dimensional system of "stacking" sets of Scripture that, in the layering process, reveal prophetic connections throughout the biblical text. The overall structure of history is seen to rest on the prophetic foundation of the first chapter of Genesis. With the Gregorian year 2000 now behind us, many seem ready to give the 7,000-year theory of history a nasty burial. This book demonstrates that the old theory has nver been more viable. Christian thinking understandably focuses on the birth of Christ as history's pivotal event. 7K: The Millennial Week refocuses on the death and resurrection of Christ, pointing instead at the Cross as the central event of history and projecting the millennial parameters from that event. This book offers a refreshing and challenging look at that possibility. Readers will take a scenic ride through history as viewed through the prophetic lens of Scripture. The complete trip takes seven millennial days. Trying this vacation from traditional and secular versions of history will surely give readers some fresh conceptions with which to assess the great plan God has for His image.
INTRODUCTION DAY 1 Passover DAY 2 Unleavened Bread DAY 3 First Fruits DAY 4 Pentecost DAY 5 The Grape Harvest DAY 6 Atonement DAY 7 Tabernacles DAY 8 APPENDICES 1. Patterns of 7 AUTHOR PROFILE Writer, artist, and musician Alan Lunn brings more than thirty years of biblical and prophetic study into this 7K project. During those years he has worn many hats in the church, including roles as a worship leader, prayer leader, and lay minister with children and youth ministries, as well as tent, street, and personal evangelist. Married for more than thirty years, he and his wife raised two children. The concept for 7K was birthed in a long season of prayer and many fasts during which the author felt compelled to begin writing this book.
BOOK SPECIFICATIONS 325 pages, paper, appendix. |