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Rick Joyner, 2003
The Torch and the Sword is the long-awaited sequel to The Final Quest and The Call. This book
continues the message that began in The Final Quest and continued in The Call. It is a call to live
the greatest adventure, for the noblest of purposes. It is not for the faint of heart, but for those who
desire to live as true knights of the cross, refusing to retreat before the great darkness of our times.
It is for those who will stand with courage and resolution for truth, righteousness, and justice, as
messengers of the age to come. These are the ones who Enoch prophesied would come with
power in the last days, and who are now awakening to their destiny.
AUTHOR PROFILE Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Publications and Ministries in Charlotte, North Carolina. He has written more than a dozen books, including The Final Quest, The Prophetic Ministry, The Harvest, and The Call. Rick is also the editor of The Morning Star Journal and The Morning Star Prophetic Bulletin, and is the director of the MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries and the MorningStar Fellowship of Churches. Rick lives in North Carolina with his wife, Julie, and their five children: Anna, Aaryn, Amber, Ben, and Sam. BOOK SPECIFICATIONS 164 pages, paper. |