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EARTHQUAKE RESURRECTION: Supernatural Catalyst for the Coming Global Catastrophe
David W. Lowe, 2005
Within the pages of EARTHQUAKE RESURRECTION lies a model for future events that will challenge the traditional interpretation of the prophecies of the Bible. Discover a shocking link between the resurrection of the dead and earthquakes which has momentous implications for a near-future global catastrophe which, according to Jesus and the apostle Paul, many will not escape.
DEDICATION SECTION I - THE FUTURE HOPE OF BELIEVERS SECTION II - EARTHQUAKE RESURRECTION PROPHETIC MODEL SECTION III - UNDERSTANDING THE PROPHECY OF DANIEL'S 70 WEEKS SECTION IV - REVELATION: FROM THE ASCENSION TO THE CATCHING UP SECTION V - THE RE-GRAFTING AND THE COVENANTS David W. Lowe was born in 1969 in Wichita, KS. He was dedicated to the Lord as an infant in an Assembly of God church, and was brought up from his youth with the belief that church was an important part of life, and that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. His parents, Jerry and Janice Lowe, were faithful to attend church almost every service that the doors were open.
When Mr. Lowe became a teenager, he was introduced to a program for youth by his brother Steve called Bible Quiz, in which teens from grades seven through twelve study selected books of the Bible in the King James Version. Teams are formed within a church, and a book or set of books is chosen to study during roughly the same time frame as a normal school year. During a season, participants learn the book or books to be able to answer questions in competition against other teams. During his participation in this program, his team made it to the National Finals competition five of the six years of his eligibility, and Mr. Lowe put to verbatim memory every verse of 14 books of the New Testament.
The events of September 11, 2001 provided an awakening for Mr. Lowe, and prompted him into an even deeper study of biblical prophecy and interpretation. As a result of this study, he has written several essays for publication on his personal web site, and developed the prophetic model as presented in this book.
Mr. Lowe works as a tax accountant for an oil refining and marketing company, and currently teaches a 3rd and 4th grade Sunday School class. He and his wife Vivienne of eight years live in Wichita, KS. Questions or comments about the content of this book can be directed to Mr. Lowe at his closely-monitored email address.
323 pages, paper, appendix, bibliography. |