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T.T. Schlegel, 2005 |
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Within Christendom, most contemporary commentators have followed the common belief that the terminus a quo, or "beginning point," of the 70 "weeks," occurred in either 445 BC or 444 BC, which points to Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem as the end point or terminus ad quem of the first 69 weeks. But is this biblically supportable? In Know Therefore and Understand, the author provides a solid case for a much earlier terminus a quo that places the terminus ad quem, or end point of the 69 weeks, not at Jesus’ triumphal entry, but at his birth. The author’s argument is testified both by the ancient prophets and by secular history, proving both to the Jewish and Christian communities that Jesus must be the "Messiah Prince" in a way that is both historically and biblically defensible.
The Context of Daniel 9
Historical Interpretations of the Terminus a Quo of Daniel's 70 Sevens
Isaiah 44:28, 45:13, Ezra 4, and Haggai 1:4: Re-Examining the Terminus a Quo
Interpreting the 69 Weeks of Dan. 9:24-26 with the 538 BC Decree of Cyrus
The First Seven Weeks: Enter Ezra and Nehemiah
The 62 Sevens and the Terminus ad Quem
Key Events That Fulfilled Dan. 9:25-26
Daniel 9:26 -- After the 62 Sevens, Messiah Shall Be Cut Off
Prima Facie Limitations
Appendix: Answering Objections From Rabbinical Judaism
56 pages, paper, references.
ISBN 0970433093