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John Hagee, 2007 |
$14.95 | Ships within 24 hours! | Secure Order Form |
Why is the Middle East in such turmoil? Is the modern State of Israel in the plan of God? Can and should Christians do more than pray for Israel? Does God’s Word contain instructions to Christians regarding the treatment of Jewish people? As Hagee guides readers through the scriptures that explain why Christians need to stand with Israel and the Jews today with as much fervor as God does, they will encounter a man deeply passionate about loving this historic people of God. They’ll be inspired to take up that same mantle of love and play a part in extending acceptance and favor to the people of Israel, just as God has called them to do.
Foreword by Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg
John Hagee is the founder and senior pastor of the 18,000-member Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. Known best nationally for his End-Time writings, he has authored several fiction and nonfiction best sellers, including Jerusalem Countdown, one of USA Today's top 100 best-selling books of 2006. In reading his works, you will encounter a man deeply devoted to the Jewish people and Israel--the apple of God's eye.
207 pages, paper, index.
ISBN 9781599792101