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David A. Reed, 2008
Will unbelievers and half-hearted churchgoers have 7 more years to make up their minds about Christ after He raptures the Church? LEFT BEHIND gives them all a 'second chance.' But is that what Jesus taught? His parables of the talents, the wise and foolish virgins, the wheat and the tares, and the faithful and evil servant all show him returning unexpectedly with both rewards and punishments in his hands. Neither the parables nor the plain words of Christ teach a second chance for those surprised by his coming. But LEFT BEHIND does. Few Christians realize LEFT BEHIND tosses aside the teachings of Luther, Calvin, Tyndale, Wesley, Wycliffe and Spurgeon. Read dozens of quotes from these and other respected sources that show LEFT BEHIND strays far from the truths Bible readers have understood for centuries.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Quotes Reflecting the Traditional Protestant Understanding Genesis Verse-by-Verse Answers--New Testament Matthew Conclusion AUTHOR PROFILE Researcher David A. Reed served for a decade as a contributing editor of Dr. Walter Martin's Christian Research Journal, while also editing his own counter-cult periodical Comments from the Friends. He has authored more than a dozen books on Bible topics, including the popular Jehovah's Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse and Mormons Answered Verse by Verse (Baker Book House). Known world-wide as an expert on the failed prophecies of the cults, Reed now looks closer to home, researching the prophetic teachings of Protestant churches today. David and his wife Penni are active members of a three hundred year old church in Plymouth County, Massachusetts.
BOOK SPECIFICATIONS 141 pages, paper, bibliography. |