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Eliyahu ben David, 2009
Finally, one book has been written that offers a truly unique perspective on Revelation; the book you are reading about right now. This book has been written at the request of radio listeners from over 65 countries who have heard this Messianic/Hebraic perspective on Revelation in recent months, on the author's international radio program. Listeners have said this perspective is so fresh and so obviously true that it is nothing short of life-changing. The author plainly demonstrates in these pages, complete with illustrations, that the prophetic message of Revelation speaks to the very time and situation which grips the world today. Did you sense the global spiritual shift that occurred in 2008? The series of radio programs that inspired this book predicted in advance the very changes that started unfolding upon the world during that year. Radio listeners have seen the occurrence of predicted events as confirmation of this Revelation message, which has now been refined and encapsulated in this book, with new material also added. Based on the experience of many radio listeners who have already heard this message, here is what you can expect as you read this book: You will finally break the barrier of superficiality that clouds most teachings on Revelation. The unique Hebraic approach of this book will help you to have a sense of certainty about what Revelation really means. Read this book and Revelation will become as relevant to your daily life as your morning newspaper. More relevant in fact, since it will give you timely insight into God's Great Plan. According to this Hebraic account of Revelation, Divine judgments that have waited for millennia are now being unrolled upon the world. The insights gained from rightly understanding Revelation can aid you personally to be prepared for these judgment events, so that you can emerge through them with a favorable outcome.
EPILOGUE AUTHOR PROFILE Eliyahu ben David is an anointed teacher of the Scriptures. His insights into the depths of the Kingdom and the Scriptures have thrilled Bible students for over 25 years. His vast ministry experience includes teaching home fellowships, in churches of various denominations, conventions, radio, internet radio, satellite, podcasting, blogging, email, PalTalk, TalkShoe, and ministry web sites. Eliyahu ben David is an anointed Messianic leader drawing together people of faith from all over the world. He has ministered on four continents! His weekly Messianic radio program, “On The Road To Tsiyon” is heard by listeners in over 65 countries. Eliyahu ben David weekly radio program includes more than 150 hours of unique material. Eliyahu ben David is the founder and director of Tsiyon Radio. Tsiyon Radio is known for sharing hard-hitting truth. The Tsiyon Community Forum Talmidim program offers a Messianic Discipleship program. Eliyahu ben David is the author of three books Zarach Publishing titles: Holy Order Restored, Holy Time Restored, and the Revelation Series. Residing in Texas he is also a successful home-school father of five children still at home. As a Spirit-led Scripture researcher he has discovered truth that will amaze you and will uplift your life.
BOOK SPECIFICATIONS 185 pages, paper. |