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Bernie L. Calaway, 2004
Everybody knows Revelation is a weird writing. Grasping its message is not often easy and probably not first choice for a night's fireside reading. Nevertheless, most inquirers recognize the book's insights and prophecies as crucial to our lives. We need a guide to ease us through the complexities and out the other side with understanding and inspiration. Look no further. Revelation for Regular Readers tumbles out page after page of dependable discernment with engaging entertainment. None of us are "dummies" who want weak scholarship to push us through Revelation; most are "average" readers who would simply welcome a little help along the way. Revelation for Regular Readers is logically organized, solidly written, and glazed with humor and common sense. You won't regret plunking down a little change and settling in. Revelation speaks to the new millennium and now, thankfully, we can hear it clearly.
APPENDICES AUTHOR PROFILE Bernie L. Calaway is a retired Navy chaplain and biblical scholar. Revelation for Regular Readers is his fourth book. Bernie is a native Texan who soon learned he was a better minister than farmer. He and wife Paula now live in the North Carolina mountains where Bernie churns out words and chases squirrels off the back stoop.
BOOK SPECIFICATIONS 255 pages, paper, appendices, bibliography, index. |