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Lloyd B. Hildebrand, 2009
Since the beginning of the human race mankind has asked the question when will it all end. From every corner of the Earth there are beliefs, prophecies, and legends, most of which point to “the year 2012”. Some of these stories point to a new beginning, others to the end of the world as we know it, and some to the annihilation of the world. 2012: Is This the End?, covers many (and there are very many) of these prophecies but more importantly it discusses what the Bible says about end-times events and what we should expect. The reader will find predictions of the Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, Chinese, Merlin, Mother Shipton, Nostradamus, and others to be intriguing. Compare and contrast these predictions with the Holy Bible.
AUTHOR PROFILE Lloyd Hildebrand is the Publisher and CEO of Bridge-Logos Foundation. Throughout his career, he has served as a pastor, teacher, professor, writer, counselor, and editor. He has coauthored several books, including Cops and God, God’s Special Promises to Me, and Victory in Jesus, and edited hundreds, including Heaven Is So Real. He lives with his wife, Peggy, in Fort White, Florida. They are the parents of five sons and the grandparents of seventeen grandchildren.
BOOK SPECIFICATIONS 258 pages, paper, index, illustrated. |