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ISRAEL UNDER FIRE: The Prophetic Chain of Events that Threatens the Middle East
John Ankerburg & Jimmy DeYoung, 2009
Israel Under Fire has the key ingredients for readers who track today’s news, scriptural predictions, and Israel:
Ankerberg and DeYoung, co–host of Day of Discovery and noted prophecy expert, examine signs that point—now—toward apocalyptic conflict:
Readers will gain unparalleled insight into the massive historical currents converging on Israel...and promising to generate inescapable consequences for the West.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword by Dr. Tim LaHaye
A Final Word Appendix A: Interview Transcripts Featuring Benjamin Netanyahu Appendix B: Interview Transcripts Featuring Retired U.S. Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin Experts Interviewed for Israel Under Fire Notes
AUTHOR PROFILES John Ankerberg, host of the award–winning John Ankerberg Show, has coauthored the two-million-selling Facts On series of apologetic books, as well as Taking a Stand for the Bible and Middle East Meltdown. Jimmy DeYoung, author, conference speaker, and journalist/host on Day of Discovery, has his finger on the pulse of the world's hot spot, the Middle East.
BOOK SPECIFICATIONS 207 pages, paper, appendix. |