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Jim Simmons, 2009 |
$19.95 | Ships within 24 hours! | Secure Order Form |
The Last Generation lays out evidence that the generation born in 1948 (when Israel became a nation) or later is the generation that will witness the Second Coming of Christ. It draws on credible evidence from current events, the fulfillment of prophecy at a accelerated pace, the views of many scientists, and information gained by intelligence sources. This book answers such questions as: What will happen to Israel? Where does Russia fit into prophecy? What about Iran and Syria? What will be the ultmate solution to the world economic crises? Where does the New Age movement and UFO's fit into biblical prophecy? View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
Appendix A: New Age Apostasy: Departure from the Faith
Appendix B: The UFO Grand Deception
Appendix C: List of Tribulation Judgments
Appendix D: For the Reader's Consideration
Jim Simmons has been a psychotherapist for more than 30 years. He is licensed as a professional counselor and as a marriage and family therapist. He has a Master of Arts degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and has studied prophecy for a
number of years. Jim has done extensive research on prophecy and what the Bible says about the future. His first book, The Last Hour, published in 2001, explored specific reasons to believe that we are in the last days and showed that the stage is set for a global deception. In The Last Generation, he presents a thoughtful and intriguing approach to biblical prophecy as it relates to current events, worldviews, and the New Age Movement. Jim lives with his wife, Joanne, in North Texas.
303 pages, paper, appendices.
ISBN 9780984168033