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S. Douglas Woodward, 2009 |
$7.50 Retail Save: $11.45 (60%) | Ships within 24 hours! |
Are We Living in the Last Days? argues that how we interpret the Bible, our hermeneutic, determines what we believe about prophecy in the Bible. The author examines the three dominant Protestant methods for interpreting the Bible (Mainline Denomination Liberalism, Covenantal Theology and Dispensational Theology) and their respective positions on new and classic topics of the Apocalypse to shed light on their meaning today. In exploring the prophetic subjects, many other pertinent issues are tackled including the Gnostic gospels, the dangers of literalism, how Liberalism and Evangelicalism differ on the meaning of truth in the Bible, and why some theologians dismiss the future value of Bible Prophecy.
For Further Reading
About the Author
S. Douglas Woodward ("Doug") is a management consultant working with dozens of start-up and emerging companies in the Pacific Northwest. Over the past twelve years, Doug has served as CEO, COO, and CFO of numerous software and Internet companies. Prior to his tenure in entrepreneurial efforts, he worked as an executive for Honeywell, Oracle, Microsoft, and as a Partner at Ernst & Young LLP. Doug attended the University of Oklahoma where he received an Honors Degree in Letters (Bachelor of Arts), graduating Cum Laude. His studies focused principally on religious philosophy and theology as well as European history and Latin. In particular, Doug studied under Dr. Tom W. Boyd, a re-nowned professor, teacher, and speaker there. Doug actively participated in Young Life and Campus Crusade for Christ throughout his college experience. Upon graduation, Doug served as a Youth Minister and Associate Pastor in the Methodist and Reformed Churches for three years before experimenting with the computer industry as another possible career choice. He grew to love it and has spent thirty-four years in various capacities there. He has written various articles and spoken at many conferences and seminars throughout his career on the topics of Advanced Office Systems, database technology, and more recently, on financing and growing start-ups. Through the years, Doug has served in various capacities in Methodist, Presbyterian, and Reformed Churches. Most recently, Doug served as Elder in the Presbyterian Church.
312 pages, paperback.
ISBN 9781448636846