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Ron Graff and Lambert Dolphin, 1997, 2010 |
$32.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Connecting the Dots simplifies the subject of Bible prophecy and shows how current events relate to Bible predictions. It reveals the "big picture" of prophecy: an overview of this vast aspect of God's Word. It begins by showing how fulfilled prophecy is the most convincing proof that the Bible really is inspired by God. and it traces the broad outline of things to come so that you will understand how various predictions fit together. The first chapter lists the major prophetic events that are yet to be fulfilled. It then gives a revealing look at the tumultuous state of the world. You will see that many of the major current events show that we are actually living in the end times. It explains the amazing changes that have taken place in our world since the rebirth of Israel, and the resurgence of Islamic terrorism. You will understand why wars, economic problems and other pressures are pushing us toward the acceptance of global governance and a one-world religion.
Table of Contents
Part II - The Church: A Mystery Revealed
Part III: Tribulation Saints
The Destiny of Believers during the Coming Tribulation
Part IV - After the Tribulation
Ron Graff is Senior Pastor of Solid Ground Church in Southern California. He is a graduate of Biola University and Talbot School of Theology, and has been a pastor and an avid student of prophecy and world affairs for over 45 years.
He was a pioneer in the field of educational computer software, producing the first commercially available educational products for microcomputers, starting in 1979. He helped write Apple Computer's Educational Classics, and produced the first electronic encyclopedia for personal computers, called The Discovery Encyclopedia.
Ron is editor of “Prophecy Central,” which is usually listed on the first page of Google searches for “prophecy” and “Bible prophecy.” He conducts “Prophecy Cafe” seminars and conferences.
His primary interests are in the areas of family (married to Barbara - three grown children), evangelism, discipleship, eschatology, apologetics, technology, and Israel.
Lambert Dolphin is a graduate of San Diego State University and Stanford University where he pursued studies in physics, electrical engineering and mathematics. He retired early after 30 years in research physics at a large west coast think tank and went on to pursue Bible teaching, research and writing.
After a long search through world religions and many years of restlessness about unanswered questions in life, Mr. Dolphin became a Christian in 1962. He studied under, and was greatly influenced by, the late pastor and Bible expositor Ray C. Stedman of Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, California.
For more than 35 years he has maintained an active interest in the Middle East and Israel and he travels in that region often.
He edits the popular Internet site: “Lambert Dolphin’s Library.”
Lambert and Ron met over the Internet. Because of their strong common interest in biblical eschatology, similar evangelical beliefs and mutual commitment to sound biblical interpretation, they joined forces to write this book.
340 pages, paperback, appendices, bibliography, index.
ISBN: 9781609579784