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Daniel Knezacek, 2010 |
$22.95 Retail $24.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Where will the Antichrist come from, and how will he govern? Is the devil preparing a delusion to explain away the rapture? Could he actually be preparing various delusions for every philosophy on the planet? In The Spirit of Prophecy, author Dan knezacek offers a radical new analysis of biblical passages to shed light on many prophecies. A lifelong student of biblical prophecy, Knezacek has discovered several ideas that take the Bible's End Times prophecies one step further along the path to understanding.
The Spirit of Prophecy examines many issues related to the biblical End Times scenario.
The Spirit of Prophecy exposes Satan's plan to produce a decoy Tribulation period, and enlist Christians in his cause! This period will contain clever counterfeits of the Antichrist, False Prophet, Babylon the Harlot, and Armageddon! Occurring before the Tribulation actually begins, the chaos of this period, which is just around the corner, will prepare the world to welcome the Antichrist, right on time! Isn't it within Satan's power to produce multiple counterfeits? Couldn't he counterfeit the counterfeit? Hasn't he already done this, many times? Antiochus, Nero, Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin, are just some of the many examples.
Challenging conventional ideas on the End Times, The Spirit of Prophecy presents a logical and fascinating scenario that fits the literal sense of the Word of God.
Scripture References
Dan Knezacek has followed several career paths, including farmer, pilot, printer, graphic artist, and machinist, but his life goal is to know Christ and His Word. Dan lives in Ontario with his wife, their two sons, and their dog. Visit Dan at www.thespiritofprophecy.ca.
364 pages, paperback, resources, Scripture references.
ISBN: 9781450277938