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CHANGED: Compelling Scriptures that Changed a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Believer Forever
Steven Straub, 2011
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. I Thessalonians 4:16-17 (KJV) The Rapture. This Biblical promise has captured the imaginations of generations upon generations of believers from every walk of life and from every corner of the globe. The fact that Jesus Christ will physically return someday to gather and gloriously transform His church is truly an exhilarating thought. Today, millions await in enthusiastic and perhaps unparalleled anticipation of this spectacular event. But when will it occur? Unfortunately, this question has spawned differing theories and opinions which has ultimately fractured the church into a variety of sub-groups, resulting only in confusion and division. Is the Bible specific enough to bring us to one clear answer? A former follower of the pre-tribulation rapture theory, Steven Straub shares his awakening experience by offering valuable Scriptures and insight that changed him forever. Will YOU be changed? View: Premillennial, Post-Tribulation. TABLE OF CONTENTS
AUTHOR'S FOREWORD THE DAY OF THE LORD CONCLUSION AUTHOR PROFILE Steven Straub is the son of a Baptist minister and missionary who was raised in a Word-based home where the pre-tribulation rapture theory was considered a Biblical accuracy. For years, Straub accepted this teaching as truth. However, with a thirst for prophecy beginning to develop, investigation into the Scriptures produced many alarming discrepancies that were hard to overlook. Following earnest prayer for wisdom and guidance, the Lord began to reveal to Straub truths in His Word about the second coming of Jesus Christ - truths that were contradictory to mainstream church teachings but compelling enough to change a pre-tribulation rapture believer forever. Changed is a combination of years of intense research and writing that has culminated in a powerful yet simple approach to understanding Biblical prophecy - specifically in the area of the church rapture and its relation to the coming great tribulation period.
BOOK SPECIFICATIONS 253 pages, paperback. |