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Hal Lindsey, 1999 |
$13.95 | Ships within 24 hours! | Secure Order Form |
We live in a world essentially devoid of hope. Visions of the future as portrayed by popular books and films include catastrophic events like asteroid strikes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and plagues. Images of the future are more often than not eerie, post-apocalyptic scenes complete with darkened skies over ruined cities presided over by chaos.
Those images are completely in harmony with the prophecies of the Book of the Revelation for the last days. But there is another prophecy-the promise of the Rapture of the Church. What is the Rapture? Which view is correct? What are the other views? Is the Rapture a recently developed doctrine? When will it take place? Who will go? Hal Lindsey explains in clear, easy to understand terms the answers to these and many other doctrinal issues surrounding the Rapture of the Church.
Our Desperate Need for Hope * Preparing for the Unknown
The Fear Factor * Examine the Evidence! * Birth Pangs
Hot Wars-Cold Wars * The Ultimate Rumor of War
Out of the Ashes of Victory... * Ethnic Group versus Ethnic Group
Incomplete Victory * Stunted Growth * Mankind's Losing BAttle with Bacteria
Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On * Water Wars?
What's Wrong with the Weather? * Dorothy's Storm Was Nothing!
Scared Silly * Spinning Toward the Abyss
Impending Doom, or Blessed Hope? * Summary
Chapter Two
The Interpretation Debate * Why This Book?
A Few Terms You'll Need to Know * The New Protestant Purgatory
Why So Many Views? * Some Areas of Common Agreement
No Millennium? * A Disagreement among Brothers
From Bouquets to Battle * Can Anyone Offer a Sure Hope?
Chapter Three
What Is the Rapture, Exactly? * I Love a Mystery * A New Truth
The Rapture Means No Death * The Rapture Includes All
The Rapture is a Transformation * The Rapture is Instantaneous
Will We See Our Loved Ones Again? * The Rapture is a Reunion
A Meeting in the Air * To the Father's House * Put it All Together
An Ancient Lesson in Hope
Chapter Four
Controlling the Imagination * A Cardinal Maxim * How to Avoid Error
Alexandria, the Beginning of Darkness * The Blessing and Curse of Augustine
The Impact of the Reformation on Interpretations
The Forerunners of Serious Prophetic Studies
Example # 1, Jesus Interpretated Literally
Example # 2, Jesus Interpreted Grammatically
Example # 3, Jesus Recognized Double Reference in Prophecy
A Lesson and a Warning * Are You the One Who Was to Come, or Should
We Expect Someone Else? * The Mystery of Elijah's Coming
THE APOSTLES INTERPRETED LITERALLY * Peter Interprets a Prophecy with Double Reference
The Double-Reference Dilema
Context Tells the Story
Chapter Five
How Rapture Truth Was Rediscovered * Unsealing the Apocalypse Code
Mine Are Better Than Yours? * A Short History of Prophetic Interpretation
Prophecy's Dark Ages * The Curse of Replacement Theology
Augustine's Influence * Early Church Was Pre-Tribulational
Don't Take My Word for It, Let's Ask Ephraem!
The Essence of Pseudo-Ephraem * The Period of Prophetic Ferment
Some Observations * The Snow Job * Antoher Blast From the Past
Chapter Six
So Many Views, So Little Space * Some Divine Distinctions
What Is an Age? * Explosive Emotion versus Reason
Dispensationalism Defined
Chapter Seven
What Are the Dispensations or Economies?-God's Time Line
The Dispensation of Freedom or Innocence * The Angelic Factor
God Had a Plan * The Dispensation of Conscience or Self-determination
The Dispensation of Civil Government
Chapter Eight
Precise As It Needs to Be * The Dispensation of Israel under Promise
A Promise Is a Promise * The Dispensation of Israel under Law
The Dispensation of Grace * A Clear Distinction * The Apostate Church
How the Church Ends * The Unparalleled Time of Global Catastrophe
The Dispensation of the Millennium * Summing Up
Chapter Nine
God's Greatest Mystery * Jew and Gentile Segregated Again
What Is the Church? * A Very Special Word
The One Who Builds the Church * The Most Important Baptism
The Local Church * The Visible Church on Earth
Chapter Ten
The Mystery of Being "In Christ"
Christ's Death, Burial and Resurrection Become Ours
The Most True Thing * Now What? * Is the Church a Mystery?
The Postmillennial Argument for the Church in Tribulation
Why Are Gentiles Mentioned in Old Testament Prophecy?
What about Dispensational Transitions?
The Close of the Great Parenthesis * The Restrainer Must Go
Chapter Eleven
History of the Future * The Duration of the Tribulation
God's Prophetic Stopwatch * Two Critical Historical Events
The Last Week * A Distinct and Special People
Events Just before the Tribulation
Chapter Twelve
The Promise to the True Church * The What, Who, and Why of the Test
The Church of Philadelphia * Search for the Missing Church
Who Moved the Lamp? * The Bride in Heaven
An Embarrassing Resurrection * Is God a Bigamist? * Summary
Chapter Thirteen
The Thessalonian Legacy * The All-Time Greatest Bible Conference
The Problem of Lazy Brethren * The Rapture Delivers from Wrath
"The Wrath to Com" * Rapture, Reunion, and Crown (2:19-20)
Rapture and an Unblamable Heart (3:12-13) * The Great Body Snatch (4:13-18)
The Day of the Lord (5:1-11) * Paul's Answer * The Day of the Lord in
the Old Testament * Day of the Lord in the New Testament
Antichrist's Unveiling Closely Connected to Beginning of the Day of the Lord
Sanctified and Completed at the Rapture * Summary of 1 Thessalonians
Chapter Fourteen
Light from a Forged Letter * The Terrifying Forgery
A Curcial Question * Two Imperative Historical Signs
The Great Apostasy * The Unveiling of the Antichrist * A Necessary Prelude
The Restrainer * The Duration of the Restrainer's Mission
Who Is the Restrainer? * Is the Restrainer Satan? * Is the Restrainer the Holy Spirit?
Is the Restrainer the Archangel Michael?
Chapter Fifteen
Revelation's Chronology and the Rapture
Why Revelation is Relevant to Rapture * Risking Treason
Describing the Indescribable * The Divine Outline
The Things Which You Have Seen... * The Things Which Are...
The Things Which Shall Take Place after These Things...
An Amazing Similarity
Chapter Sixteen
God's Wrath upon Earth Begins * TheConsecutive Order of the Judgments
Who Is Worthy to Open the Seal Judgments? * The Tribulation Begins
Two Prophets Shake the World * An Important Observation
The First Series of Judgments Begins * Are the Seal Judgments Part of God's Wrath?
The First Seal: Antichrist Revealed
General Conditions of the First Half of the Tribulation
The Midpoint of the Tribulation
Chapter Seventeen
The Second Seal Opened-War Begins * Jerusalem, My Glory
The Third Seal-Global Economic Catastrophe * The Fourth Seal-One Fourth of Mankind Perishes
The Fifth Seal-Massacre of Saints * The Sixth Seal-First Nuclear Exchange
Chapter Eighteen
The Seventh Seal-Another Series of Judgments
The Trumpets-A Judgment of Thirds * "Wormwood"
John Knew Beijing's Troop Strength * A Shocking Survey of World Opinion
Chapter Nineteen
Vignettes of the Main Characters and Movements
The Seventh Trumpet-Bowl Judgments Unleashed
A Reaping unto Life and a Reaping unto Death
The Seven Golden Bowls of God's Wrath * Terror Times 200 Million
The Death of All Cities * The Second Advent of the Messish
This Bride's Not Blushing Anymore * The Enormity of the Tragedy
It's No Wonder
Chapter Twenty
World Peace for Three and One-Half Years
God's Blazing Wrath in the Second Seal
Armageddon Isn't One Battle, but a War * The Seventh Seal and Trumpets
Chapter Twenty-One
The Earliest Roots of Dominion Theology
Road to Holocaust * Is God a Liar? * Signed, Sealed and Delivered
Don't Bother Us with Facts * Summary
Chapter Twenty-Two
Optimism versus the Truth * What Is Ultimate Success for the Church?
Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory * What Is Victory for the Gospel?
"Taring" Up the Gospel * The First Error
The Second Error * A Parable about Evil's Explosive Power to Spread
The Third Error * The Great Commission * Mockers of the World, Unite!
Jeremiah and the Positive-Confessing Optimists of His Day
"Machismo" versus Spirituality * Contend Earnestly for the Faith
Chapter Twenty-Three
The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church * Too Many Tribulations...
The Problem[s] Are... * When Does the Wrath Begin?
Michael Not Strong Enough * Not a Great Enough Multitude to Qualify
Turn It All Around and It Works! * I Will (Sometimes) Leave or Forsake You
Chapter Twenty-Four
Another Problem * It Just Doesn't Work
The Purpose of the Day of the Lord (2:8-12)
The Beginning of God's Wrath * Paul's Final Proof
Chapter Twenty-Five
One a Personal Note
Hal Lindsey is the best-known prophecy teacher in the world and author of 16 best-selling books including The Late Great Planet Earth; Blood Moon; Apocalypse Code; The Final Battle; and Amazing Grace.
396 pages, paper
ISBN 188884843X