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Victor Schlatter, 2012 |
$12.95 | Ships within 24 hours! | Secure Order Form |
Whatever happened to the promise?
...the one God made to Abraham that his descendants would be innumerable and what does that have to do with the rest of us today? As the world we once knew quickly unravels and the prophetic interpretations we once presumed credible crumble before our eyes, it s time to awaken to the possibility that the big-name visionaries of yesteryear may have zeroed in from the wrong angle. They told us as much as they saw, but after 1948, 1967, 9-11, and the current global disintegration, we see much more. Could it be that all those Abrahamic descendants are hiding in plain sight? Could it be that the Almighty was right after all? Genetically Modified Prophecies holds the key to understanding this prophetic predicament!
Epilogue: Scriptures Spanning Our Genetically Modified Study
Appendix A: What You Always Wanted to Know about DNA But Were Afraid to Ask!
Appendix B: Cultural Observations in the Faiwolmin Tribe of Papua New Guinea
Appencix C: Credibility of Carbon Dating
Victor Schlatter was a nuclear scientist before being called to Bible translation. His translation of the Waola Scriptures has spawned over 125 congregations across Papua New Guinea. The author of five books, he is the Director of SPIM and lectures worldwide. Victor and his wife, Elsie, live in Australia.
148 pages, paperback.
ISBN 9781581694154