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THE TIME HAS COME Richard H. Perry, 2011 |
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Richard H. Perry has studied the Bible for over thirty years with a particular focus on the Time of the End and the Second Coming of Christ. In the past ten years he has been led to study and write on these topics. He has taken to heart Christ's statement, "Be on your guard. I have told you everything ahead of time." Richard sees in Scripture what is happening in current events and what Bible prophecy foretells about the years ahead. In this book he tells us what is needed to accomplish our journey through the Time of the End.
View: Premillennial, Post-Tribulation.
About the Author
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Richard H. Perry has written several prophecy books and has appeared on History Channel's Nostradamus Effect: The Rapture.
He speaks and conducts prophecy conferences on the Time of the End and the Second Coming.
Richard has tudied the Bible for over thirty years with a particular focus on the Time of the End and the Second Coming of the Messiah, called the Christ. Since 9/11 Yahweh has led Richard to rely on Scripture and the Spirit to help Yahweh's people to better understand what Yahweh expects. What He expects them to know and what He expects them to do.
In the past he has served as church elder: Vice-President of a local Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship International and taught Bible studies on the Time of the End to diverse groups both inside and outside the organized church.
During much of his business career he has held leadership positions in the corporate world. He also served for ten years with Habitat for Humanity International, including six years in Central America and then as Area Director for Latin America and the Caribbean.
He has studied at Elim Bible Institute and holds Bachelor of Science degree from Rochester Institute of Technology. Richard currently resides in North Georgia.
260 pages, paperback, glossary.
ISBN 9781468039177