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Dr. Richard Booker, 2013 |
$15.95 Retail $16.99 | Ships within 24 hours! | Secure Order Form |
The Book of Revelation is not a book of doom and gloom but rather the story of victory of the Lamb of God and those who follow Him. In this third book in a groundbreaking series, Dr. Richard Booker explains John’s vision within its original historical, literary, and biblical context. Written in Dr. Booker’s usual clear style, The Victorious Kingdom is powerful, prophetic, practical, and personal — ideal for individual or group study. The Victorious Kingdom, shares fresh perspectives that include:
Understanding the Book of Revelation is a three-volume series that helps you see the future by examining the past: Volume 1 – The Overcomers, Volume 2 – The Lamb and the Seven-Sealed Scroll, and Volume 3 – The Victorious Kingdom.
Dr. Richard Booker has written 38 books and developed numerous courses on the Bible from a Judeo-Christian perspective. He had made over 400 television programs and serves as a spiritual father to many. He and his wife, Peggy, have led tours to Israel for 25 years.
272 pages, paperback, bibliography.
ISBN 9780768441987