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Thomas G. Reed, 2012 |
$12.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
The final days of human history bring with them the darkest days of history. This last seven-year period of great Tribulation is a time of extreme anguish and universal killings highlighted by the revealing and reign of the man of sin, Antichrist. In Overcoming Antichrist, we look at some of the mysteries of God regarding the end of time, even the presumed purposes of all the tragic faces and forces about to be released on this world, sinner and saint alike. For the saint, these are indeed the worst of times, as persecution and dying become the order of the day. In death, however, saints not only find a better life, but from a divine perspective and a godly purpose, they impact the Antichrist as others cannot, that is until the Son of God Himself appears and makes a full end of him at the Battle of Armageddon. View: Post-Tribulation Rapture
About the Author
Thomas G. Reed earned his degree in Mathematics and Physics at East Carolina University. After working for 16 years as a design and cost analysis engineer for the telephone company, he took a two year sabbatical to study and try to understand the true meaning of holiness, especially as contrasted to the smothering effects of humanism and liberal progressivism on all our lives. The theological side of After Capitalism & Christianity was written during this period, but remained unpublished for twenty years. Then more recently, the political side of After Capitalism & Christianity was written in response to the sharp turn to the left in American politics and the way the liberal left’s agenda appears to match exactly that of religious humanism. Specifically, their common goal of a one world government necessitates the demise of our country. Thus, we are now witnessing the systematic demise and dismantling of the greatest nation on earth. By mixing religion and politics in the same book, we hope to connect America’s future, and the future of Americans, with our willingness to choose between our current destructive course and a quest for personal holiness and national revival. At least we would then have the hope that no matter how America falls, we, as individuals, can be saved.
Thomas is married and is a business owner in Western North Carolina.
90 pages, paperback, bibliography.
ISBN 9781938526220