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Douglas W. Krieger, Dene McGriff & S. Douglas Woodward, 2013 |
$24.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
What if the Antichrist were an American leader? What if he were alive today and living in the U.S.A? What if he were only a few years away from revealing himself to the world? Instead of being omitted from Bible prophecy as many of the major eschatology scholars have taught for decades, what if America were at the very center of Bible prophecy? What if the U.S.A., rather than Europe, Rome, or Babylon, were the power base of Satan’s conspiracy against the Kingdom of God?
These three authors, Douglas W. Krieger, Dene McGriff, and S. Douglas Woodward, argue just that. Together, they have written what may be seen as a landmark book rethinking the traditional prophetic scenario in light of developments in America and the Middle East. Combined, these authors bring over 100 years of study, teaching, and writing to the subject of Bible prophecy. The amazing blend of their respective backgrounds in the foreign services, evangelical ministries, and corporate America, lends unsurpassed credibility to their stunning and remarkably fresh presentation.
In some respects, The Final Babylon is a classic prophecy book, rich in exegesis of key scriptures most often overlooked or misinterpreted. The implications are life changing. Reading The Final Babylon, America and the Coming of Antichrist will awaken you to what has been happening right in front of our eyes that we simply couldn’t see due to our love of country and our faulty assumptions concerning the antagonists in the traditional prophetic scenario. This book may change your politics, your view of the Bible, and what you do day-to-day.
Tables of Figures
FOREWORD: The City Sliding Down the Hill
AFTERWORD: Democratic Globalism and the Fate of America
Appendix: The Burden of Babylon
Selected Bibliography
About the Authors
DOUGLAS W. KRIEGER is Co-Editor of the Tribnet since 2004, having written scores of e-books on Bible Prophecy. He has served as Education Administrator for public schools for 20 years, as well as Public Relations and (formerly) the Executive Di-rector of the National Religious Broadcasters National Prayer Breakfast in Honor of Israel during the 1980s. He holds a BA/Admin. Cred. from CSULA/CSUS Additionally, he was a pastor during the Jesus Movement. Since 1968, he’s been married to Deb-orah and has three children who love the Lord Jesus. Doug’s in-volvement in Christian Leadership led to several White House brief-ings during the Reagan Administration with the Religious Roundtable and the American Forum for Jewish-Christian Coop-eration.
DENE MCGRIFF has 30 years’ experience in international business and development with Food for the Hungry and World Re-lief and several international Fortune 100 companies. The past dec-ade, he has been a Co-Editor and writer for the Tribnet. He has written books on apostasy and deception, the global economy and the role of America in prophecy. He has a unique perspective hav-ing worked on all continents and in over 50 countries around the world. He realizes that people around the world are much more likely to agree with the conclusions of this book than the average American Christian.
S. DOUGLAS WOODWARD is an author, speaker, and re-searcher on the topics of alternative history, the occult in America, and biblical eschatology, with 40 years’ experience in researching, writing, and teaching on the subject. He has written five books be-sides the present volume: Are We Living in the Last Days? (2009), Decoding Doomsday (2010), Black Sun Blood Moon (2011), Power Quest, Book One: America’s Obsession with the Paranormal (2012), and Power Quest, Book Two: The Ascendancy of Antichrist in America (2012). Doug has also served as an executive for Mi-crosoft, Oracle, Honeywell Bull, and as a Partner at Ernst & Young. He has served as Elder in the Reformed Church of America and the Presbyterian Church.
340 pages, paperback, appendix, bibliography.
ISBN 9781490947068