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Elbert D. Charpie, 2014 |
$21.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
"Have you ever had a 'I get it!' the metaphorical 'light bulb' or 'Aha' moment? The Bible records the past of God's great love, grace and power so that we may apply that assurance to our present time. Most of us, however, out of ignorance or neglect have missed the rest of His story where the Bible applies to our future. Reading The Return was my "light bulb" moment. Although God's master pieces can be complicated, His past, present and future master plan for His creation is quite simple and easy to understand. The Return grips you with an almost unbelievable and detailed story of Christ's return, then shines the light on what the Bible says, rather than trusting the blind to lead the blind. God is not the author of confusion. So why have we been so confused for so long? Until now..." - Thomas Dismukes, Motivational Storyteller. View: Pre-Wrath Rapture
Table of Contents
Table of Figures
Dr. Elbert Charpie lives in Citronelle, Alabama and is the Pastor of First Baptist Church. He is the Found of PreWrathMinistries.org which provides biblical understanding of end times and his poplar study, "In View of the End." Dr. Charpie received his Doctor of Ministry from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Since 1976 his passion has been to share Christ's love and to make biblical truths the way they should be... simple to understand and applicable to daily life. Dr. Charpie lives with his wife Vickie and has two sons, a daughter and a grand daughter.
194 pages, paperback.
ISBN 9780988206311