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R. Baruch, Ph.D., 2014 |
$23.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
So much of today's prophetic conversation is framed by the excerpts in Scripture that revolve around persecution, Beasts and Dragons, "Selas", "Trumpets", and, of course, the Anti-Christ. With so much focus on the expected horrors of the future, the fulfillment of God's plan for redemption and the return of Messiah Yeshua become little more than an afterthought. But the hope that was spoken of through the years was not completed with the events leading up to Messiah's return, but in the Kingdom that would be established upon the return of Yeshua.
In The Coming King, R. Baruch examines the whole of Scripture to shed light on this growing controversy within God's people today, as well as paint a picture of this future Thousand-Year Kingdom and the character of the very King who all of history has been waiting for.
Epilogue: Entrance into the Kingdom
R. Baruch holds a PhD in Jewish Studies with an emphasis in Biblical Languages. He earned rabbinical ordination as an Orthodox Rabbi in 1998. He and his family have lived in Israel since 2002, where he teaches at the Zera Avraham Institute, as well as the Israel College of the Bible. He is the featured speaker for the Hebrew website pdut.org. For English speakers, the website LoveIsrael.org contains many of his teachings on video. He is also the lecturer for the Israeli television broadcast, "Pdut L'Amo". This weekly, 30-minute Bible teaching program is in Hebrew. His PhD dissertation was in Septuagint studies.
175 pages, paperback
ISBN 9780996244107