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Billy Hallowell, 2016 |
$16.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Interest in the end times has been at an all-time high in recent years, but how much of what we read in today's headlines and best-selling books is true? What does the Bible really predict will happen and when? Why are there so many different viewpoints among Christians, and are any of them right? With questions like these, it's no wonder that the subject of the end times creates confusion, doubt, and anxiety for many people today.
The views of a broad range of today's foremost experts in Bible prophecy and other leading voices in Christian ministry have been gathered in one book to allow you to educate yourself on what the Bible says, compare what the experts believe, and draw your own conclusions. In one-on-one interviews with Billy Hallowell, these leaders explain what they believe the Bible teaches us about the Rapture--including views on pre-Tribulation, post-Tribulation, and everything in between--Antichrist, Tribulation, Millennium, mark of the beast, and more.
INTRODUCTION: Our Obsession With the End of Days
Billy Hallowell has been working in journalism and media for more than a decade. His writings have appeared in the blogs Human Events and Mediate, as well as on FOXNews.com, among other outlets. Hallowell has a BA in journalism and broadcasting from the College of Mount Saint Vincent in Riverdale, New York, and an MS in social research from Hunter College in Manhattan, New York. He is the founder of Pathufind Media and lives just outside New York City with his wife.
207 pages, paperback.
ISBN 9781629989211