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Ron Rhodes, 2017 |
$14.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Strengthen your faith and find real hope for the future in this extensive resource that provides concise answers to your most burning questions about Bible prophecy and the end times. Topics include everything from how to interpret prophecy to clarifying the perplexing specifics of the rapture, the antichrist, and the afterlife. Respected Bible scholar Ron Rhodes addresses questions many are asking, such as...
Whether you're looking for quick instruction or you're eager to go deeper, this accessible Q&A-style guide will help you navigate prophetic Scripture passages and better understand matters of eternal significance.
Introduction: The Blessing of Biblical Prophecy
Postscript: An Eternal Perspective
Ron Rhodes, president of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries, is heard regularly on nationwide radio and is the author of The End Times in Chronological Order, 40 Days Through Revelation, and Unmasking the Antichrist. He holds ThM and ThD degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary and teaches there and at several other seminaries.
250 pages, paperback, bibliography.
ISBN 9780736964296