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The Rapture

THE RAPTURE: A Pre- or Post-Tribulation Event?

Colleen Wandmacher, 2023

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God tells us not to be deceived about the timing of us being caught up to meet Jesus in the air, an event Christians refer to as the rapture. He would not have said that unless there was going to be an avalanche of false teaching with regard to the timing of the rapture in the sequence of end-time events. Diligently studying pertinent Scriptures in God's Word is the only way one can be free of deception and be spiritually prepared for the times that may befall us. This book helps the reader to deeply study the Word of God to see the truth. View: Post-Tribulation Rapture


Introduction and Instructions

  1. You're So Right: God Did Not Appoint Us to Suffer Wrath!
  2. The Last Day Resurrection and Rapture
  3. The Last Trumpet
  4. The Clouds
  5. The Great Day of God's Wrath
  6. The Day of the Lord
  7. The Day Lot Left Sodom
  8. A Thief Is Coming!
  9. The Appearance
  10. The Coming
  11. Preparation for the Tribulation
  12. A Response to Some of the Pre-Tribulation Arguments
  13. The Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ


Colleen Wandmacher has two beloved daughters, two beloved grandchildren, a loving 90-year-old mother, and three really great brothers. She was a stay-at-home mom for many years and was a co-owner of a business for a number of years.

For more than 30 years, she attended a denominational church, but never heard the gospel. However, at around the age of 39, she began to read the Bible. Not knowing that one could have a relationship with Jesus and have every single one of their sins forgiven, she came into a relationship with him and had all her sins forgiven through believing what she was reading.

Coming to know him brought her out of the darkness of religion and into a joy she had never known before.

When Jesus opened her blind eyes, she became passionate about studying the Bible and eventually began to study the issue of the timing of the rapture.

As she studied, she kept detailed notes. She turned the pertinent scriptures and her notes into this workbook after she saw that every piece of evidence from scripture, with no ambiguity whatsoever, pointed to a post-tribulation rapture.


165 pages, paperback.
ISBN 9798886852271