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Paul Ellis, 2017 |
$16.95 | Ships within 24 Hours! |
Is the world going to hell in a handbasket? Is ours the generation that will be left behind? Are global events harbingers of the great tribulation? Such questions promote a fear and anxiety that is contrary to the hope-filled gospel of Jesus Christ. In AD70 and the End of the World, award-winning author Paul Ellis offers an alternative, gospel-based perspective of the last days. Based on an in-depth study of scripture and the forgotten lessons of history, he reveals the astonishing good news hidden within Christ's parables and prophecies of judgment. This book is the antidote to pessimistic prophecy. It answers questions about Judgment Day, the rapture, and the end of the age. It reinterprets dark tales of vengeance and wrath through the bright light of grace. If you are weary of gloomy forecasts or are anxious about the apocalypse, AD70 and the End of the World will give you a confident and joyful expectation of a bright tomorrow. 242 pages, paperback, illustrated, appendix, Scripture index, maps, tables.
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Is history a purposeful process with a beginning and an end, or is it a random series of events with neither purpose nor direction? If history is a guided process, are we near the end of the world?Have we almost completed preparations for the End of Days? What will happen next? When? Are we backseat passengers in this journey, or are we in the driver's seat? Daniel Friedmann takes you on a journey to discover what is really going on with Biblical eschatology and the end of the world, and to then glimpse the future and ponder the role you will play in it. History is a discipline that uses a narrative to examine and analyze a sequence of past events and to objectively postulate the patterns of cause and effect that determined them. Friedmann looks at history from the supernatural perspective. Every plan becomes suddenly evident when enough of it has played out. Have we reached the point in history where the Divine Plan of history is apparent? Read Roadmap to the End of Days and discover what is really going on, then glimpse the future and ponder the role you will play. 180 pages, paperback, appendix, index.
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$8.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Rev. Norman F. Hodges, Sr., shares what he believes is a timely message for the Body of Christ. After receiving revelation from the Lord, he began a study to develop a greater understanding of what he had been shown. In doing so, he has uncovered some interesting parallels between the plagues unleashed on Egypt immediately prior to the Exodus and events in the United States. According to the patterns, there is a great storm to come affecting the very core of the nation. Will the Breadbasket region of America survive? What will the impact be for this country and the rest of the world? Blow the trumpet and sound the alarm! He who has ears, let him hear! 83 pages, paperback.
$32.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
One entire shelf of my personal library is filled with books on eschatology, about 100 of them, representing a daunting array of "schools" of Bible Prophecy, each with its own ideas of what will happen in the "last days", the time just before and just after the Second Coming of Christ. One would have to be braver than I to insist that a new book presents the final solution of the question! Indeed, I haven't so much as tried to present a definitive system of eschatology - that is, the study of the last things. What this book does attempt, without endorsing or denying any of the diverse schools, it to draw a picture of all that the Bible definitely affirms about the glorious hope of the church, which is the return of the Saviour to establish the eternal Kingdom of God. Are there signs of his coming that we can observe? How will he come? What will be the result? When and how will the church be raptured? What judgments will occur? All these questions, and many others, are raised in these pages, and are answered, your author hopes, sensibly from scripture. But there's only one way to find out. Read the book yourself! 382 pages, paperback, bibliography.
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Where will the Antichrist come from, and how will he govern? Is the devil preparing a delusion to explain away the rapture? Could he actually be preparing various delusions for every philosophy on the planet? In The Spirit of Prophecy, author Dan knezacek offers a radical new analysis of biblical passages to shed light on many prophecies. A lifelong student of biblical prophecy, Knezacek has discovered several ideas that take the Bible's End Times prophecies one step further along the path to understanding. 364 pages, paperback, resources, Scripture references.
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A definitive work demonstrating the historical Timeline of the Jubilees Cycle started at Creation. Using verifiable historical records, this book reconstructs the Jubilee Cycle used in history. Included are the dates for Creation, the Flood, the Exodus, and many other historical events that were dated relative to the Jubilee Cycle. There are enough objective historical records to demonstrate that this Timeline cannot be shifted in either direction, not even by one year. This Timeline becomes the backbone for reconstructing all of chronology. Revealed by the Creation Jubilee Timeline is that we are indeed living in the last days. This book provides the evidence that Genesis 6:3 and Daniel 9:24 are prophecies referring to Jubilee Cycles ending in September 2023. All of the end-time prophecies will be fulfilled in the next few years. 66 pages, paperback.
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$17.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Chisholm maintains that the principle key to unlocking Bible prophecy is never found in great, overbearing, complexity-but in a simple willingness to acknowledge what God is saying to us. The reader will find that this is, indeed, the focus of his book: being able to make simple use of prophetic “keys.” Not only is that original “eagle’s wings” interpretation found here-but another gold mine as well, unveiled in what he calls the “3½ clocks”-a powerful link to Daniel’s seventy weeks prophecy, centering around the return of the nation of Israel to her land. These “clocks” then open the way to a serious warning given by Jesus in His parable of the ten virgins. Open this book prayerfully, as you discover the danger (and hope) past midnight when making use of these “keys to the apocalypse.” 326 pages, paper.
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This unique work of prophetic research looks afresh at some foundations of end-time prophecy found in the Holy Bible, and unveils a startling pattern that unmistakably reveals the handiwork of God in his plan. The simple but awesome revealed pattern beautifully resolves many conflicting views of prophecy. Many mysteries will be explored, such as: · Does the popular view of Daniel’s 70th Week hold a crucial error? · Do the 7 Feast Days found in the Old Testament reveal God’s whole plan of redemption? · Does the Bible reveal what day the Harvest or Rapture of the Church will happen? · What does the opening of the 6th Seal in the book of Revelation mean for the Church? · Is there a harmony between the 7 Feast Days, the 7 days of Creation, the 70th Week of Daniel, the 7 Spirits of God, and ‘the Lamp of God’? 332 pages, paper, appendix, bibliography.
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This book explores the 7,000-year theory of history using a three-dimensional system of "stacking" sets of Scripture that, in the layering process, reveal prophetic connections throughout the biblical text. The overall structure of history is seen to rest on the prophetic foundation of the first chapter of Genesis. With the Gregorian year 2000 now behind us, many seem ready to give the 7,000-year theory of history a nasty burial. This book demonstrates that the old theory has nver been more viable. 325 pages, paper, appendix.
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