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Jeff Kinley, 2017 |
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Will God’s Wrath Fall on America? What happens when a country glories in its immorality, turning away from faith in God and obedience to His commands? Jeff Kinley, author of As It Was in the Days of Noah, explores historical and biblical precedents for the demise of a nation and addresses pressing questions such as…How did we get to this point?Is America in Bible prophecy?Will Christians face widespread persecution here?What effect will the rapture have on America?How should I respond to the moral decline? This forthright survey of current events and trends offers valuable perspective on the future of America—as well as powerful motivation to embrace the only source of lasting hope. 256 pages, paperback.
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Exalt Thyself as the Eagle, is a thought provoking book that reveals how the prophecies of Obadiah bear a remarkable resemblance to characteristics of the United States. From the words of the most mysterious prophet of the Bible, this eye-opening examination pinpoints prophetic parallels between the ancient Edomites and modern day Americans. Though his prophecy is only twenty-one verses in length, the book of Obadiah packs a powerful end-time message that cannot be ignored. Learn how the power, prestige and pride of Esau's descendants, were foreshadows for the economic, moral and military decline of United States. You will be amazed to discover that America's national symbol, high standard of living, and presence in outer space are not coincidental, but were foreshadowed in Obadiah over twenty-five-hundred years ago. If America is to be saved from the consequences of her actions, there must be national repentance from the White House down. "Exalt Thyself as the Eagle" is the clarion call for America's most precious resource-the Church-to stand up and be counted to ignite the spark of revival-to turn this nation around! 186 pages, paperback.
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What if the Antichrist were an American leader? What if he were alive today and living in the U.S.A? What if he were only a few years away from revealing himself to the world? Instead of being omitted from Bible prophecy as many of the major eschatology scholars have taught for decades, what if America were at the very center of Bible prophecy? What if the U.S.A., rather than Europe, Rome, or Babylon, were the power base of Satan’s conspiracy against the Kingdom of God? These three authors, Douglas W. Krieger, Dene McGriff, and S. Douglas Woodward, argue just that. Together, they have written what may be seen as a landmark book rethinking the traditional prophetic scenario in light of developments in America and the Middle East. 340 pages, paperback, appendix, bibliography.
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The End of America - The Role of Islam in the End Times and Biblical Warnings to Flee America interprets Biblical prophecies describing a rich, powerful and influential end times nation, destroyed in one day/hour/moment. Twenty-one scriptural clues unlock the "mystery" of the identity of the nation. Muslim prophecies and speeches are linked to Bible warnings of destruction. Verses are analyzed advising American Christians and Jews to flee the nation. When and where to flee and world events to watch for are detailed. 339 pages, paperback, bibliography, index.
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This paperback version of Pastor John Hagee's newest book has ripped-from-the-headlines updates. New material has been added regarding the death of the dollar, a nuclear Iran, and the rejection of Israel. Further, this New York Times best-selling author says the United States is heading into a "Perfect Storm." Titanic. John F. Kennedy's assassination. 9/11. John Hagee maintains that these American tragedies all have one element in common: they were unthinkable. And in the opening pages of his newest book, Can America Survive? Hagee uses these tragedies to prove two points: that the unthinkable can happen and, given the right conditions, the unthinkable can quickly become the inevitable. 300 pages, paperback.
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“Little children, it is the last hour…” So wrote the beloved apostle John. Two thousand years later we are living in the final moments of history. God’s people are beginning to lift up their heads, knowing their redemption draws near. Where are we in the prophetic timetable? What momentous event of Bible prophecy will we witness next? Will America be judged before the rapture of the church? Reaping the Whirlwind begins with a primer on the nature of judgment and wrath. Through Jesus’ eyes we see God as neither a harmless Teddy bear nor a vengeful tyrant, but as Agape, the Consuming Fire. We can then fearlessly examine the ancient prophesies about America. We can lay aside the popular fables that have lulled us to sleep. By casting aside false comfort, we are free to receive God’s comfort, which stirs us up to love and good works. 366 pages, paperback, bibliography.
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Every day brings more news of a world that seems to teeter on a disastrous precipice: Wars of genocide; Massive earthquakes and typhoons; The rising cost of foreign oil; Terrorist bombings; Economic disasters and lost security; Crushing federal debt; Famine and worldwide hunger; A tidal wave of illegal immigrants.
How many of these events and crises are signs of the "end times"? And what will become of the United States? Will America continue to slip as today's lone world superpower, and will it even exist when the sounds of warfare rumble at the Battle of Armageddon? Clearly explaining the end time prophecies of Scripture, Mark Hitchcock shows that today's geopolitical situation corresponds remarkably to what the Bible predicted thousands of years ago. Prophecies previously dismissed as unbelievable now read like news headlines. 193 pages, paperback.
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Does America-the most powerful nation on Earth-appear in Bible prophecy? Some people believe the United States will be wiped out in a nuclear attack. Others say it’s where the Antichrist will rise. And many people wonder what life will be like in America during the seven-year Tribulation. But what can we know for sure? And what events are setting the stage for the last days, not only in America but globally? Terry James, who has spoken and written extensively on Bible prophecy, addresses these issues and more as he examines the pivotal role America will play:
292 pages, paper.
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America, the Daughter of Babylon deals with the prophetic future of the United States of America. The Bible reveals that there will be a second nation of Babylon, which is described in detail throughout scripture and can be identified as America. The Bible not only identifies America, but also gives detailed accounts of future events concerning her. God has much to say to us today about our relationship to Babylon and the Babylonian religion. This book reveals that many of the symbols of the Babylonian religion that was created by Lucifer himself, King of Babylon, are displayed as American symbols throughout her Capitol. Its cornerstone to the founding of Babel directly links the American Capitol itself. 141 pages, paperback, index.
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Are we living in the last days? If the Lord is due to appear soon as many seem to think, what work is He performing in the earth today? And how does it relate to you and me? Scripture tells us that the end has been revealed from the beginning. Of the many signs suggesting that our Lord’s return is near, two in particular are of great interest. These events have major implications for us as Americans, and specifically as Christians. If you desire to understand the big picture and want to know how God is moving among His people in the last days, if you have a hunger for the truth, this book is for you. At a time when most Christians in this country are regarded as hypocrites, we stand at a crossroads as a nation and as individuals. Scripture tells us that our Lord is returning for a spotless bride. Will we be ready when He appears? America in Prophecy reveals how we can be. 359 pages, paper.
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The Hidden Kingdom follows the story of Abraham and his prophetic legacy handed down from father to son. The Old Testament prophets pointed to a "company of nations" richly blessed in every way as the last days abode of the descendants of Joseph, favorite son of Jacob, who was grandson and chosen heir to Abraham. Tekula has uncovered for us the eminently prominent place the United States occupies in the prophetic history mapped out in the Holy Scriptures. The Hidden Kingdom follows the prophetic bridge over the gap between the Old and New Testaments using the theme of the Abrahamic Birthright promises. 152 pages, paper. View: British-Israel
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