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Dr. Thomas Horn & Terry James, 2020 |
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It's been assumed for centuries that a prerequisite for the coming of Antichrist would be a revived world order an umbrella under which national boundaries dissolve and ethnic groups, ideologies, religions, and economics from around the world orchestrate a single and dominant sovereignty. At the head of the utopian administration, a single personality will surface. He will appear to be a man of distinguished character, but will ultimately become a king of fierce countenance (Daniel 8:23). With imperious decree, he will facilitate a One-World Government, universal religion, and global socialism. Those who refuse his New World Order will inevitably be imprisoned or destroyed until at last he exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). Bible prophecy depicts this coming tyrant as the deadliest in human history. He will try to carry out a satanic Final Solution to inflict genocide far beyond that done through Adolf Hitler s plan by the same name. And this soon-to-come era is closer than many can imagine, yet most don t comprehend the events that lie just ahead. 345 pages, paperback.
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When Julien, a hungry young journalist, accepts an opportunity to write the biography of the charismatic new world leader, he becomes a firsthand eyewitness to the radical changes about to overtake the world. The president considers it his solemn duty to unite the world in a time of chaos. Welcome to the rist of the Antichrist.
Based on biblical revelations about the coming man of sin, Interview with the Antichrist will cause your imagination to soar and whet your appetite for more information on end times prophecy. This raw, rugged, often shocking account will arouse your curiosity.
Those familiar with biblical prophecy will delight in the final section titled "Meet the Antichrist." Here the author unveils thirty intriguing biblical revelations that serve as the basis of the story and a foundational understanding for the days ahead. 110 pages, paperback.
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For the last two thousand years people have been anxiously trying to analyze who the Antichrist might be and when he might be revealed. Many people have made preposterous claims, and of course, they have been wrong. If you’re not careful, you can get caught up in the debate and spend so much time arguing with other Christians over the details that you don’t accomplish anything for the kingdom! To make matters worse, we now live in an era when, for the first time, we have the possibility of an artificial intelligence Antichrist, a human computer hybrid that will demand to be worshipped. Have you ever wondered if it’s OK to have Alexa, Siri, and other forms of artificial intelligence in your home? We know that the Bible says great deception is coming, so what is a concerned believer to do? Author and minister Mark Biltz wants you to understand the methods of the Antichrist so you won’t be deceived. This book will help you know the big picture of what has happened historically, what is unfolding this very moment, and what the future holds concerning the Antichrist based on the unfolding purposes of God. 200 pages, paperback, appendix.
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The Final Roman Emperor, the Islamic Antichrist, and the Vatican's Last Crusade reveals...
414 pages, paperback.
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The antichrist is among us, here and now. This book proves it by comparing the biblical prophecies about the antichrist with the evidence that those prophecies have been fulfilled. This book documents the man of sin's esoteric confession that he is the antichrist. You will learn how the antichrist has changed times and laws as prophesied by Daniel, and how he is today sitting in the temple of God, "shewing himself that he is God," in fulfillment of Paul's prophecy in 2 Thessalonians 2:4. The beast of Revelation has come into the world, "after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness," as prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:10.
The antichrist's adeptness as a hypocrite is the reason for his evil success. Indeed, to be the antichrist, his evil character must be concealed beneath a facade of piety. "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." 2 Corinthians 11:14-15. The key to revealing the identity of the antichrist is to uncover his hypocrisy. Because the hypocrisy of the antichrist is so extreme, those who have been hoodwinked by his religious doctrines will be shocked to learn of it. This book exposes the concealed iniquity of the antichrist and juxtaposes it against his publicly proclaimed false persona of righteousness, thus bringing into clear relief that man of sin, the son of perdition, who is truly a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing, speaking lies in hypocrisy. See Matthew 7:15 and 1 Timothy 4:1-3. 705 pages, paperback. View: Classic Historic Premillennialism
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The Coming Bible Prophecy Reformation walks the reader through commonly ignored history and Bible Prophecy that unveils the Middle Eastern origins of the Antichrist and his kingdom. Popular prophecy teachers have in the last century pointed to Europe as the area where the Antichrist will rise but a close analysis of history and biblical prophecy point to the Middle East and Islam as the final beast kingdom of the end times.
Discover why prophecy teachers falsely concluded, the Antichrist would rise from Europe Discover how Rome never fulfilled the prophecy of the fourth Beast kingdom Discover how the Islamic expansion of the 7th century and the Ottoman Empire of the 14th century fulfilled the prophecy of the fourth Beast kingdom Discover how ethnic Assyrians and Arabs composed the Roman legions and auxiliaries that destroyed the Jewish Temple in 70 AD Discover how Islam will be the platform used by the Antichrist to rise to power Also discover what happened to the 10 lost tribes of Israel and why it matters to you as a Christian. 387 pages, paperback.
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Every generation of Christians have talked about the Antichrist. Jesus taught of him, and the apostles mentioned him in their books. Jesus's teachings on the Antichrist also mystified the church fathers. They discussed the Antichrist in detail. There are many questions that have been asked about the Antichrist. The Antichrist of Revelation provides the answers, exposes the myths and reveals the most complete deptiction of the Antichrist found in any volume. Written by author and prophecy expert Erika Grey, Erika focuses on current affairs, the EU and its relation to Bible Prophecy and issues that affect individuals living in these end times. 96 pages, paperback.
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God has begun to reveal the truth about the End Days and the Rise of the Islamic Antichrist, whom the Muslims call Imam Madhi. In this book we will show conclusively that only Islam can fill the role of the Antichrist. You will be shown how Islam is trying to revive its Islamic Caliphate in the Middle-East, which perfectly fulfils the role of the Biblical Empire of the Beast. And also how Islam is planning to create a New Islamic World Order, through Global Jihad, which will begin with the conquering of Jerusalem. We'll compare Muslim tradition about the Last Days and Christian end time scripture, only to discover some shocking revelations, that have remained hidden until now, which will tear the veil and mystery off the end days for good. Finally you'll discover what the Real Mark of the Beast is, and how it connects to 666. Even the book of Revelation has been made easy to understand. 204 pages, paperback.
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Many believe that Pope Benedict XVI was number 111 of the 112 popes prophesied by the Catholic saint and Bishop Malachy. Some have said that there would only be 112, and since Pope Francis I is after Pope Benedict XVI, this could make him 112—Peter the Roman—the last pope—the pope who Bishop Malachy said would oversee the destruction of Rome--and this is consistent with biblical prophecy. Catholic prophecies also tell of an antipope who will betray that faith. Could this really be Pope Francis I? Is Pope Francis I possibly the Antichrist? What will happen in the future if he or a successor is? 185 pages, paperback.
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This book explains about how, by virtue of his background and policies, Barack Obama is fulfilling, and will continue to help fulfill, various prophecies that will lead to the destruction of the United States. Not intended as an anti-Democratic nor pro-Republican book, Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States also tells the truth about Mitt Romney and why his possible election would also lead to destruction. It answers questions such as “Is Barack Obama apocalyptic?” and “Is Barack Obama the Antichrist?” Citing Islamic, Kenyan, Catholic, Byzantine, and Bible prophecy, as well as the writings of Nostradamus and others, “Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States” explains from many source where, why, when, and even some of how, the various aspects of destruction will come. 160 pages, paperback.
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What if the commonly held beliefs concerning the Antichrist are mistaken? The Antichrist and the Second Coming looks at the Antichrist and the Second Advent of Christ from a preterist (i.e., past fulfillment) perspective and provides a unified interpretation of the little horn, the prince to come, the king of the North, the man of lawlessness, and the beast. This is the second in a two volume set on the Antichrist; it focuses on the book of Revelation. This edition stands on its own and is recommended reading even if you have not read the first volume -- The Antichrist and the Second Coming: A Preterist Examination: Volume 1: Daniel and 2 Thessalonians. McKenzie shows how the Antichrist was ultimately a spiritual ruler from the abyss (Rev. 11:7) that worked through Titus in his three-and-a-half-year destruction of the Jewish nation (AD 67-70; cf. Dan. 9:26). This spirit of Antichrist was about to come out of the abyss in the first century (Rev. 17:8 NASB) and was destroyed by the Second Advent of Jesus in AD 70 (a spiritual event). Continue reading to see how McKenzie convincingly makes the biblical case for this fascinating and controversial position, and what it means for us today. 640 pages, paperback. View: Preterist.
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What if the commonly held beliefs concerning the Antichrist are mistaken? The Antichrist and the Second Coming looks at the Antichrist and the Second Advent of Christ from a preterist (i.e., past fulfillment) perspective and provides a unified interpretation of the little horn, the prince to come, the king of the North, and the man of lawlessness. McKenzie shows how the Antichrist was ultimately a spiritual ruler from the abyss (Rev. 11:7) that worked through Titus in his three-and-a-half-year destruction of the Jewish nation (AD 67-70; cf. Dan. 9:26). This spirit of Antichrist was about to come out of the abyss in the first century (Rev. 17:8 NASB) and was destroyed by the Second Advent of Jesus in AD 70 (a spiritual event). Continue reading to see how McKenzie convincingly makes the biblical case for this fascinating and controversial position, and what it means for us today. 467 pages, paper, appendix. View: Preterist.
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The identity of the Antichrist is a topic of hot debate today. Adding fuel to the flame of rampant speculation are voices saying the Antichrist might be a Muslim or a Jew—a view that respected Bible scholar and bestselling author Ron Rhodes argues against in this revealing, Scripture-based exploration of:
It is time for a trustworthy study of this topic to take the place of emotion-based suspicions. Believers, followers of end-times news, and anyone anxiously watching the turmoil of today’s political landscape will be thankful for this thorough, straightforward resource. Excellent for church and personal libraries. 249 pages, paperback.
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What in the World Is Going On?
There is an unsettling mood hanging like storm clouds over North America. Why is there so much upheaval on so many levels? Where is America moving, and where is the world heading? Who will emerge from among the sea of nations as the survivor and the leader? In times of uncertainty, you want to know that things are under control and happening as planned. In Unleashing the Beast, Perry Stone demonstrates how biblical prophecies are playing out on the world stage today. In this informative and prophetically stirring book, you will discover…
274 pages, paperback, appendix.
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The most popular Christian speakers on television and in print tell us that the Antichrist will arise in Europe, that some form of the New Age Movement, or Apostate Christianity will help him rise to power, and that the European Union will be the center of his empire. But what if they made a few key mistakes? What if the Antichrist doesn't come to power in Europe or Russia? What if the Antichrist actually comes to power in the Middle East? What if Christians miss it all because they are watching the WRONG area of the world? 224 pages, bibliography.
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There are many books that explore the history of Assyria and the many kings that ruled there. This book explores the history of Assyria only briefly, but covers the future nation and the man who will lead her. The revived nation of Assyria will play more than a small part in the prophetic events coming in the near future. Assyria’s leader will rule much more than just a small province in northern Iraq. He will ultimately rule the world. Explores:
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Astounding footage from around the world confronts us with the shocking realization that news abou the Antichrist could break onto your TV screen at any moment...or maybe it already has! Mark Hitchcock sounds a wake-up call to this generation, unearths biblical clues about the Antichrist's identity, then shows you what you must do before he comes. 108 pages, paper.
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What if I said that an important warning sign about the rise of the Antichrist began occurring in 1992, but it has been completely overlooked? And what if I told you that the 10 kings of Daniel and Revelation may have already been on scene since 1995, but no one has noticed? Not only that, but a powerful new office has been created that could soon belong to the Antichrist. And, it happened with Assembly Recommendation 666. Hang on, because that's exactly what I'm going to tell you. 147 pages, paper.
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This book provides evidence that former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the Antichrist. Contents include: 1) Signs of the Times; 2) Christ Is Coming; 3) The Antichrist is Revealed; 4) Son of Perdition; 5) These Two Are One; 6) And Jacob Stated, "I AM!"; 7) Firstborn; 8) The Tabernacle; 9) The Hidden Secret; 10) The Beast; 11) The Beginning of the End; 12) One Way in the Temple, One Way Out. 159 pages, paper.
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Pastor and professor Kim Riddlebarger carefully untangles the confusion surrounding this biblical doctrine. He considers common beliefs about the Antichrist and end times, closely examines the relevant scriptural passages, and explains how these passages have been interpreted historically by the church. Pastors, professors, and concerned Christians seeking trustworthy guidance on the doctrine of the Antichrist will appreciate Riddlebarger's sound biblical approach. 236 pages, paper, appendix, bibliography, Scripture index, general index.
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Drawing from years of study in prophecy and a unique visit to Iraq
just before the Gluf War, respected Bible scholar Joseph Chambers
makes a strong case for the ancient city of Babylon rising out of
relative obscurity to become the seat of power for the coming
Antichrist. This book offers a view of Bible prophecy rarely
seen. Forward by Tim LaHaye.
224 pages, paper
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