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CATHOLICISM: Two Horns Like A Lamb - DVD
Bill Schnoebelen, 2015 |
$22.95 Retail $24.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Why, oh why, has the Catholic priesthood been sexually molesting little boys, young women and married women for the past 1,000 years? The answer is simple: Roman Catholicism is NOT genuine Christianity, but a church founded upon Biblical doctrinal errors, many of which lead to sexual deviancy. Bill also reveals that in the Catholic seminary he attended he discovered that about 75% of the men studying for the priesthood were gay, many of them very openly gay. This percentage is very common throughout the priesthood throughout the world, even in America. Former Catholic Seminarian, Bill Schnoebelen, proves that, given the true inner heart nature of Catholicism, sexual deviancy and molestation is what we should expect from many priests! Bill also shockingly reveals that Catholic priests teach that Jesus was able to perform miracles only because He had gone into the Occult and was using the power of Occult spirits! Even Pope Benedict XVI is thoroughly caught up in this scandal, from the actions he took while Cardinal Ratzinger. Therefore, this scandal is simply going to continue until the Antichrist arises.
PUBLISHER NOTICE: This DVD is virtually idenitical to Catholicism: The Church On Haunted Hill. People commented that they would like to share this DVD with their Catholic friends and loved ones but felt the very title and the front cover image was too harsh. Therefore, we created this cover and title and slightly modified a couple of things in the video, none of which changed the message. Running Time: 120 minutes. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada)
$34.95 Retail $54.98 | Currently Out of Stock |
Jesus somberly foretold that, at the End of the Age, rulers would be killing so frenetically that "if the Son of Man did not cut the days short, no flesh would be left alive on the earth"! Amongst New Age advocates today, a strange teaching is circulating that, since Mother Earth is overpopulated, "killing is healing". Is there any evidence that, at this present time, medical practices are designed to kill rather than to heal? Is the desire for monetary profit so strong that the medical and Pharmaceutical companies are deliberately producing medicines and healing procedures that actually kill rather than heal? Dr. Bill Schnoebelen uses his inside knowledge of the medical and pharmaceutical industries to answer this question definitively and devastatingly. This 3-DVD set contains two titles: 1) Cancer Wars, 2 DVD disks, 3 hours 30 minutes long; 2) Medical Murder, 1 DVD, 2 hours 35 minutes long. Total teaching time is over 6 hours!
Cancer Wars carries a somber message: The odds of getting cancer for a man are 1 in 2, for women, 1 in 3. Chances are, everyone knows someone who has either died of cancer or is dying of cancer. Schnoebelen presents this wonderful video into 4 parts: 1) Discussing people with cancer, Bill outlines the traditional methods of treatment using drugs, cutting or burning; 2) Demonstrating how a healthy diet can cure cancer; 3) Show how a healthy diet can prevent cancers from ever beginning; 4) Illustrating how our spiritual condition before God can prevent sickness, including cancer. People refusing to forgive, who are very angry or have issues with hatred and resentment, can and do bring on all kinds of sickness, including cancer.
Medical Murder concentrates on the Big Pharmaceutical Companies in their incredible greed for profit, even though their products are killing a great many people. The third highest cause of death in America is "latrogenic" -- induced in a patient by a physician! But that is not all the horror! The Government is killing you as it subsidizes the top killers of our population. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada)
$19.95 | Temporarily Out of Stock |
The Order of the Eastern Star is the major women's auxiliary body of the Freemasonic Order, open to both Masons and their unsuspecting female relatives. William Schnoebelen, former 32 degree Mason, draws from extensive Biblical knowledge and history of the Lodge to expose the secret dangers of this perilous, but seemingly innocent, group. Shedding light on the sinister historical roots of the organization, Bill also reveals why the insignia of the Order is the most evil inverted Pentagram, a well-known symbol of the church of Satan and of the dark goat-god, Baphomet! Although presented as a fine Christian association for women, where cherished old hymns are sung and stories told about famous female Bible heroes, Bill demonstrates dark hidden occult perils to the Order of the Eastern Star. This video uncoils Satans tactics to draw unsuspecting women into an evil labyrinth and terrifying spiritual bondage. But now you can TAKE BACK your spiritual freedom, and lead others out of the horrific Labyrinth of the Eastern Star. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada)
$19.95 | Temporarily Out of Stock |
During the past 16 years, one of the most often asked questions by concerned mothers and wives is this: 'My son / husband wants to join Freemasonry just for the business contacts. There really is no spiritual danger in the first three degrees, right?' Former Mason, Bill Schnoebelen, answers this wrenching, heartfelt question very powerfully. Once viewing this video, you will never again believe that your loved one can safely pass through the first degree of Freemasonry! Bill demonstrates that Freemasonry is Satanic from the First Blue Lodge Degree right up through the 33rd Degree. The first degree of Masonry is taken directly from the first degree of Satanism, where the initiate bows his knee to Baal and Lucifer. When your loved one completes the first degree there is a very high chance he will be demonically possessed or at least demonically afflicted. But, to make matters much worse, your loved one will bring these newly found demonic 'friends' right in the front door of your home, where he will begin to afflict all relationships within the home -- Spousal, siblings, father-children, spiritual. Every meaningful, cherished relationship will abruptly come under severe and continuous attack. Suddenly, there will be no peace in relationships and in your home.
But, there is more spiritual horror! When the new Mason begins a memorization program called 'Posting', his mind begins to change, as his mental programming is quietly and subtly reprogrammed through a mental virus very similar to a computer virus. Suddenly, he is not the same person. His relationships begin to change and he will grow spiritually colder. Bill then Biblically guides you through the spiritual steps necessary for a person who is already caught by Masonry's trap to be free of the spirit of Masonry and full of the Holy Spirit. Finally, Bill shows how you can be set free from any spiritual bondage if Freemasonry is in your family background, father, grandfather, mother or grandmother. Spiritual deliverance is thoroughly discussed. Running Time: 2 1/2 hours. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada)
$19.95 Retail $24.99 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Why, oh why, has the Catholic priesthood been sexually molesting little boys, young women and married women for the past 1,000 years? The answer is simple: Roman Catholicism is NOT genuine Christianity, but a mixture of numerous pagan doctrines and practices, all of which lead to sexual deviancy. Former Catholic Seminarian, Bill Schnoebelen, proves that, given the true inner heart nature of Catholicism, sexual deviancy and molestation is what we should expect from many priests!
Bill also shockingly reveals that Catholic priests teach that Jesus was able to perform miracles only because He had gone into the Occult and was using the power of Occult spirits! Jesus condemns this belief in the strongest of terms (Matt 12:22-31). Therefore, priests who believe this heresy are no longer subject to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and can fall into unusually hateful and hurtful sins. Bill also reveals that in the Catholic seminary he attended he discovered that about 75% of the men studying for the priesthood were gay, many of them very openly gay. Bill then reveals that Satan maneuvered the Catholic Church - beginning with Constantine - in an effort to corrupt genuine Christianity and take it down from within. By appearing to be Christian, but mixing in doctrines and practices of Satanism, billions of souls have been plunged deeply into Hell. Pope Benedict XVI is thoroughly caught up in this scandal, from the actions he took while Cardinal Ratzinger. Therefore, this scandal is simply going to continue until the Antichrist arises. Running Time: Nearly 2 hours.
DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada)
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