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George Gutchess, 2014 |
$24.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Many Bible teachers today are proclaiming that Christ will come at any moment to take the Christians to heaven, leaving the non-Christians behind to endure seven years of great tribulation. Others teach that Christ came spiritually in AD 70, when the city of Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans. Is there any other view? Here is an older interpretation that was commonly held before those which prevail today. The first part of The Great Tribulation is a verse-by-verse commentary on Matthew 24 written in readable, nontechnical style. The second part of the book contains nine articles related to the second coming of Christ and end-time events. The Great Tribulation provides insight on these questions: What does Matthew 24 really teach? Will Christ's coming be in two stages? Does Daniel teach that there will be a seven-year tribulation? Who is the antichrist, and will he appear in a rebuilt temple? What is the "abomination of desolation"? Was the kingdom of God postponed? Will there be a thousand-year period called the millennium? Will some be taken and others left behind? What is the generation that Christ spoke of that is going to see it all? 222 pages, paperback, bibliography.
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$54.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
The antichrist is among us, here and now. This book proves it by comparing the biblical prophecies about the antichrist with the evidence that those prophecies have been fulfilled. This book documents the man of sin's esoteric confession that he is the antichrist. You will learn how the antichrist has changed times and laws as prophesied by Daniel, and how he is today sitting in the temple of God, "shewing himself that he is God," in fulfillment of Paul's prophecy in 2 Thessalonians 2:4. The beast of Revelation has come into the world, "after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness," as prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:10.
The antichrist's adeptness as a hypocrite is the reason for his evil success. Indeed, to be the antichrist, his evil character must be concealed beneath a facade of piety. "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." 2 Corinthians 11:14-15. The key to revealing the identity of the antichrist is to uncover his hypocrisy. Because the hypocrisy of the antichrist is so extreme, those who have been hoodwinked by his religious doctrines will be shocked to learn of it. This book exposes the concealed iniquity of the antichrist and juxtaposes it against his publicly proclaimed false persona of righteousness, thus bringing into clear relief that man of sin, the son of perdition, who is truly a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing, speaking lies in hypocrisy. See Matthew 7:15 and 1 Timothy 4:1-3. 705 pages, paperback. View: Classic Historic Premillennialism
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$14.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Christians everywhere await Christ's return. Will he come as the pre-existent Son of God or the incarnate Son of man? To the whole world or just one place? In the same way as the first time or otherwise? Soon and suddenly or after clear signs? What can he achieve by coming back and how long will it take? These and many other questions are tackled in this book. When Jesus Returns is a detailed analysis of the two major areas of controversy, the 'Rapture' and the 'Millennium', followed by a look at other related issues - the application of unfulfilled predictions in the Old Testament, the nature of the kingdom in the teaching of Jesus and the future of Israel and the biblical philosophy of history. The final section attempts a new approach to the interpretation of the 'Book of Revelations'. 269 pages, paperback.
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