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The following photo is from an old newspaper clipping. The caption reads:

PHOTOGRAPHIC MYSTERY--The picture, which appeared in the Ashland (Ky.) Daily Independent, was represented to that newspaper as an actual photograph taken in the sky over Korea. According to the information received by the paper, an Air Force man from Chicago took pictures of an American and a communist plane during a combat patrol. He sent the films home to Chicago to be developed. To the amazement of everyone, including the flyer, the image of Christ, supposedly formed by clouds, showed up on one of the photos. A neighbor of the Air Force man's family in Chicago sent a print to his brother in Ashland. Someone there finally mailed it to the Independent. Actual origin of the picture is a mystery so far, because the names of the Air Force man and of the Chicago neighbor family are unknown.

Jesus in the Clouds

Newspaper clipping donated by Jackie Pierce of Statesville, NC.

"The Clouds" - Revelation 1:7

"The Clouds" is an actual photograph taken in 1972 at the O'Shaughnessy Dam in Columbus, Ohio. It was taken during sunset hours on the Sabbath by Beatrice (Madden) Mielke as an answer to a prayer that she would see Jesus in the clouds.

The Clouds Photo

Donated by Linda Shivers, daughter of Beatrice (Madden) Mielke.
Photo copyright by John R. Mielke, SR. Used by Permission.

Rapture Print Photo
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Chas Anderson, 1974

11 X 14 inch print
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22 X 28 inch print
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Pack of 100 post cards
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Full-color print of original artwork by Chas Anderson. Available in three sizes.

Also available as part of a brochure-sized tract.

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Three Angels Broadcasting Network

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