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With 2012 finally here, the heavens are in alignment. The Mayan’s Bolon Yokte will come with a great cortege of gods. A polar shift will be the result, when a fire dragging a trail of sparks collides with the planet Earth. Seers will all be vindicated, as Atlantis rises from the depths and the world’s New Age begins. There is only one problem – the Most High God has a special connection to Shem. And his great revelation of end-times events begins with the prophet Daniel. This seer travels in rarified air. His amazing gift makes room for him with the high ones on high and the kings of the earth. His devotees think him brilliant and brave, his life full of great events. He is, after all, greater than Joseph, not even needing to hear a dream before he provides its meaning. Interpreter, dreamer, visionary – in old age he is the waking prophet, with no need to sleep and dream. But his chronicles cover seventy years, the captivity of the Jews. His visions are not daily fare – they come at a rate of one per decade, with the mundane in between. To do the king’s business means paperwork, meetings, and tough decisions. And in Daniel’s case, his rewards are public, whether in persecution or praise. He may seem to be a standalone, but Daniel’s discourse is interwoven with Isaiah, Jeremiah, and John. And though man’s higher criticism typically brands him a fraud, Christ knows better, warning all that this prophet endures to the end. Thankfully, he is a creature of habit, for his is no easy life. There is no mention of mother or father, wife, or sons and daughters. His co-workers are the masters of envy, lions who wait to devour. Yet he has three friends who know how to pray. His days are characterized by prayer and regular Bible reading. If he is a prophet, so are others, as he stops to read Jeremiah. Having sought his Creator in the days of his youth, he will do so into his eighties. And beside the most bitter of persecution, Daniel will manage change. He is not Isaiah or Jeremiah, outlasting Jewish kings. His workplace will go from Babylonian to Median and Persian. Language, law, and customs will change, but Daniel will stay the course. But the change here is more than cultural, beyond the blending of East and West, or the adaptation of myths. His shena changes times and seasons, from which there is no return. It abrogates the king’s word and seal, when his will is opposed to God’s. But when those two wills coincide, the matter has been predetermined. This change strips away the thin veneer of errant worshippers. Nebuchadnezzar’s change brings rage, when civility’s mask is removed. Belshazzar’s change brings knee-knocking fear, with the rapid draining of liquid courage and effervescent joy. This shena foreshadows the Antichrist, as it alters clothing and countenance; seasons, times, and laws. His kingdom is indescribable, diverse from all the others. An irreversible change has occurred, as when one ascends from the smoke of the pit, with his hair not singed by the flame. “It has to get worse before it gets better,” is Daniel’s news to the Jews. For the other phrase that defines this book, setting the prophet apart, is the abomination of desolation, when a man from the pit decides to sit in the place reserved for the Lord. Seven mentions of desolation declare that tough times are ahead. But sometimes what is not being said is as telling as what is recorded. The book of Daniel does not describe the fall of Jerusalem. No mention is made of the fate of the ark, or if angels will be in attendance. God’s presence is now in Babylon, where a Hebrew prophet and three faithful friends will keep the king from loss. And those angels that guarded Jerusalem are laboring in the East. Their warfare changes the times and seasons, as great nations rise and fall. The world’s greatest king will fall to his knees, as an angel chops down a glorious tree, much to Daniel’s regret. Greatly beloved, known by angels, he has penned a singular book. Revealed yet concealed, his work’s an enigma, one that would make Samson proud. While Isaiah brings Babylon’s king to the pit, Daniel gives Israel the Most High God and the reign of the Son of Man. © 2012 Joseph B. Conti ![]()
Joseph B. Conti, 2012 |
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He is to the saints what Nostradamus is to the hopeful heathen. The high ones on high and the kings of the earth are his traveling companions. Beloved by God, guided by angels, Daniel has news for the Jews - time, times, and half a time is a testimony of trouble. Interpreter, dreamer, visionary - Daniel is the master of change, transcending culture and kings. For thousands of years his word will stand, until an archangel lifts two hands. In his treatise Till The Time Be Changed, author Joe Conti gives the reasons why: > Daniel's great Mosaic prayer has made the Jews his people > Seventy weeks relates to the Sabbath and their need for full forgiveness > The Beast and his kingdom are called diverse because they are resurrected > Nebuchadnezzar, the great destroyer, is the lord of the bottomless pit Join in this study of Daniel the dreamer, as we tackle the themes of church and state, angels, prayer, and the man of sin. Vengeance is God's, he will surely repay, when the Son of Man returns in the clouds to rescue the nation of clay. 65 pages, paperback.
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