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Beasts, Horns and the Antichrist
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Handwriting on the Wall

Secrets from the Prophecies of Daniel

Dr. David Jeremiah, 2020

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The book of Daniel offers some of the most vivid and descriptive portions of prophecy in all of God’s Word. And through the instruction of world-renowned Bible teacher Dr. Jeremiah, Daniel’s visions come alive like never before. In The Handwriting on the Wall, Dr. Jeremiah uses his clear and approachable style to help readers

  • see Daniel’s incredible accuracy in prophesying about events in human history that have already come true,
  • find comfort in God’s specific and powerful promises for the future,
  • place their trust in the reliability of God’s Word rather than the instability of today’s headlines,
  • be assured that evil is on a leash and God is in control,
  • and much more.

For Christians of every generation, understanding the truth of biblical prophecy offers confidence and hope for the future. But that’s not all—to know the book of Daniel is to open a pathway for dynamic, faithful living today. 260 pages, paperback

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40 Days Through Daniel

Revealing God's Plan for the Future

Ron Rhodes, 2016

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The book of Daniel holds the distinction of being one of the most important prophetic books in the Bible--and one of the most challenging to understand. Now you can unearth its inspiring lessons and enduring truths in just 40 daily readings. You'll be amazed to see how prophecies from the sixth century BC are unfolding today. To help you personally interact with the vital truths of Daniel, trusted Bible teacher Ron Rhodes provides...

  • easy-to-understand notes on each verse
  • brief summaries of the most important ideas
  • helpful cross-references on relevant topics
  • practical applications to everyday life
  • thought-provoking conversation starters

As you see God's faithfulness on display in the lions' den, in the fiery furnace, and in the rise and fall of world empires, you'll gain a deep sense that God is in control. 298 pages, paperback, bibliography.

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The Beasts of Daniel and Revelation Explained


Douglas Ophus, 2015

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It gives the locations of the ten seats of power of the beast with ten rulers having horns and ten crowns that have not received their kingdoms yet. It explains the women setting on the beast arrayed in purple and scarlet. Purple representing political-military rulers and red representing religious rulers. It explains the five major locations depicted by the animal beast in Revelation. It explains the awesome man in Daniel is an ingenious depiction with one foot having five toes representing future political-military rulers and the other foot having five toes representing religious rulers. The iron and clay toes of the awesome man represent two different types of kingdoms of different persuasions. It gives the locations of the three established rulers the Antichrist will uproot. It explains the beast with two horns like a lamb is a false christ that is both a religious ruler and a political-military ruler. It warns against the blasphemous little book the Antichrist will write during the Great Tribulation. It discusses the great multitude in heaven and the Greek grammar of "These are the ones coming out of the Great Tribulation." It integrates much of Daniel, Zechariah, and Revelation that pertains to the time of the Great Tribulation. It explains that the beast already opposing Jesus as the Lamb of God is a fulfillment of Rev. 17:13-14. It explains the situation today based on Rev. 17:8c, "The beast that was, and is not, and yet is" : the establishment of modern Israel as a nation, and since then the formation of the European Union, the return of a pre-Christian Greek type culture in the west, and the rise of Iran as a world power. 144 pages, paperback, Scripture index. View: Post-Tribulation Rapture

Daniel's Prophecy, Syria, and More


Rodney Wegermann, 2014

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Bible prophecy is a problem for many people. They don't understand what they read, so they give up in frustration. Or they misunderstand what they read, and draw wrong conclusions. But God spoke of the future in Scripture to guide and encourage us, so that we would be prepared for what is to come. He will not be surprised by tomorrow! Long-time Bible student Rodney Wegermann helps bring clarity and insight to important texts that have been troubling to many--those speaking about the Antichrist and the end of days. In this slim volume, he offers a careful, clear analysis of passages from the books of Daniel, Matthew, and Revelation that combines biblical, historical, and geographical context. Using plain language, he brings understanding so you may know that "although events and catastrophes escape our control and the control of society, they do not escape the control of God." Reading Daniel's Prophecy, Syria, and More will leave you ready, and resting in the confidence of God's sure care. 72 pages, paperback.

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Daniel The John Walvoord Prophecy Commentaries

The John Walvoord Prophecy Commentaries
Revised and Edited by Charles H. Dyer and Philip E. Rawley

John F. Walvoord, 2012

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This Walvoord masterpiece presents the beauties of Daniel's prophecies in the light of modern archeological evidence. Companion to his commentary on Revelation, this major contribution to prophetic research has now been updated and expanded by Philip E. Rawley and Charles H. Dyer. Now using the English Standard Version (ESV), the commentary text has been streamlined and refined.

This expositional commentary on Daniel is accurate, up-to-date, and readable. Daniel goes beyond a mere presentation of the author's interpretation of Old Testament prophecy. It quotes Bible scholars from various corners of the theological ring to help readers discover the meaning of Scripture for themselves. This major contribution to prophetic research emphasizes the value and genuineness of Daniel It considers: Alleged historical inaccuracies; Apocryphal additions; Use of Persian and Greek words; Historical background of Bible events; Past and future fulfillments of specific prophecies. 427 pages, hardcover, bibliography, indexes.

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The Book of Daniel Photo


Clarence Larkin, 1929.

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Dispensational commentary on Daniel that includes Larkin's famous charts.

267 pages, hardback

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Prophecy Marches On! Daniel and Revelation

Daniel and Revelation

John G. Hall, 1963, 1964, 1994

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In this enlarged edition, John G. Hall has combined and coordinated the studies on Daniel and Revelation, relating them also to Ezekiel's prophecies of the end times. Since the studies complement and shed light on each other, the reader will find it most convenient to have them in a single volume. Additional material, as well as a handy index enhance the value of Prophecy Marches On. 246 pages, hardcover, index.

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The Book of Daniel

The Smart Guide to the Bible Series

Daymond R. Duck, author, 2007
Dr. Larry Richards, general editor

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The Book of Daniel is really two books in one as you'll discover in The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Book of Daniel. You'll be inspired by Daniel's integrity in part one. As a young man in Babylonian captivity, Daniel's faith and courage led him to famously interpret the King's dream and to survive being cast in a furnace. And, you'll be amazed by Daniel's God-given prophecies in part two. Many of these events have already taken place or are now unfolding exactly as predicted. This Smart Guide will help you understand-and be prepared for-God's triumphant plan. 367 pages, paper, appendix, index.

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Daniel's Prophecies Made Easy


Arno Froese, 2004

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Daniel's Prophecies Made Easy takes a new and refreshing look at the ancient prophecies illustrated by Nebuchadnezzar's image, the four world powers, the ten horns and the climax of Antichrist's dominion of planet Earth followed by the establishment of God's divinely ordained kingdom. Readers will appreciate author Arno Froese's thorough and easy-to-understand approach in this practical and powerful study tool. 235 pages, paper.

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Daniel's Prophecy of the 70 Weeks


Alva J. McClain, 2007

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The brief but well-known prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, recorded in Daniel 9:24-27, has always been a focus of interest to scholars of God's Word and eschatology. In this short but important work, McClain introduces the first 69 weeks and answers questions such as "What is the measure of time indicated by the 'weeks' of this prophecy? and "When did the whole period of the seventy weeks begin?" Continuing with a discussion of the parenthesis of time between the Sixty-ninth and the Seventieth weeks, he concludes with an exposition of the Seventieth week and the coming of the Roman Prince. 74 pages, paperback.

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Till The Time Be Changed

Daniel's Vision of Nations

Joseph B. Conti, 2012

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He is to the saints what Nostradamus is to the hopeful heathen. The high ones on high and the kings of the earth are his traveling companions. Beloved by God, guided by angels, Daniel has news for the Jews - time, times, and half a time is a testimony of trouble. Interpreter, dreamer, visionary - Daniel is the master of change, transcending culture and kings. For thousands of years his word will stand, until an archangel lifts two hands. In his treatise Till The Time Be Changed, author Joe Conti gives the reasons why: > Daniel's great Mosaic prayer has made the Jews his people > Seventy weeks relates to the Sabbath and their need for full forgiveness > The Beast and his kingdom are called diverse because they are resurrected > Nebuchadnezzar, the great destroyer, is the lord of the bottomless pit Join in this study of Daniel the dreamer, as we tackle the themes of church and state, angels, prayer, and the man of sin. Vengeance is God's, he will surely repay, when the Son of Man returns in the clouds to rescue the nation of clay. 65 pages, paperback.

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Watchman's Guide to Daniel's Prophecies


Richard H. Perry, 2012

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When Christ was asked about the Time of the End and His Second Coming, He pointed His disciples to the prophet Daniel and told them to understand. Today, almost 2,000 years later Bible teachers and so called prophecy experts are adding words to what Daniel was told and imagining various ways to set dates and entertain audiences. Yahweh, the God of the Bible has said, not to add or take away from His Word. He even warned His people not to go beyond what is written. With those instructions in mind I have written this book to help Yahwah's people understand. 246 pages, paperback, glossary. View: Post-Tribulation Rapture

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Between Weeks

Exactly Where Are We in Daniel's 70 Weeks?

Fred DeRuvo, 2009

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Four verses in the ninth chapter of Daniel are arguably some of the most important verses found anywhere in Scripture, related to prophecy. If we are to understand what God has given us in these four verses, then we had better do all that we can to ensure we have a correct interpretation. The 70 weeks of Daniel, highlighted in Daniel 9:24-27 are there for our benefit. God did not need to tell us anything, but He chose to do so in order that we would be blessed by the information He has graciously provided to Daniel through the angel Gabriel. The most important question becomes then, what is Gabriel actually relating to Daniel in these four verses? Is the information found there for us today, as yet unfulfilled, or is it all in the past, in which case it would merely be testimony of how God has worked in our past? 70 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), illustrated, list of resources. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.

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Know Therefore and Understand

A Biblical Explication of the First 69 Weeks of Daniel 9

T.T. Schlegel, 2005

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Within Christendom, most contemporary commentators have followed the common belief that the terminus a quo, or "beginning point," of the 70 "weeks," occurred in either 445 BC or 444 BC, which points to Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem as the end point or terminus ad quem of the first 69 weeks. But is this biblically supportable? In Know Therefore and Understand, the author provides a solid case for a much earlier terminus a quo that places the terminus ad quem, or end point of the 69 weeks, not at Jesus’ triumphal entry, but at his birth. The author’s argument is testified both by the ancient prophets and by secular history, proving both to the Jewish and Christian communities that Jesus must be the "Messiah Prince" in a way that is both historically and biblically defensible. 56 pages, paper, references.

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Beasts, Horns and the Antichrist Photo

Daniel, A Blueprint of the Last Days?

Brodrick D. Shepherd, 1994

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Authors of books on biblical prophecy attempt to convince readers that the end of the world is near. The most popular theory promoted by Christian interpreters is one that relies heavily on the book of Daniel. These interpreters contend that Daniel prophesies:

  • The Rise and Reign of Antichrist
  • A 10-Nation Revived Roman Empire
  • Seven-year Tribulation Period
  • The Great Battle of Armageddon
  • Second Advent of Jesus Christ

Utilizing works of biblical scholarship, author Brodrick D. Shepherd scrutinizes this popular theory at its source--the five symbolic visions in Daniel. In detailed discussion, he emphasizes the importance of interpreting these visions within their historical and literary contexts. 152 pages, paper, appendix, index, charts.

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Daniel's 70th Week


Nancy A. Burgen, 2007

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The End is Near! Words of a doomsayer, a crazy metaphor, or is it truth? What does the future hold? What and when is the end? The future holds many possibilities but only one ending. Some events are already defined and it is possible to know what these are. This book will challenge you to discover the truth by looking at what the Word of God (the Bible) teaches about the end. Daniel’s 70th Week will introduce you to many terms and provides a step-by-step layout of what occurs during the final 7-year time period. This book is easy to understand and scripturally based. It provides honest answers to many questions about the end times. It will enlighten and encourage you to rely on God through good times and bad. 73 pages, paper. View: Pre-Wrath

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Daniel the Prophet


M.R. De Haan, 1995

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One of America's most beloved Bible teachers, Dr. M.R. De Haan, presents the major themes of Daniel's personal history and prophetic visions from a dispensational perspective. Adapted from Dr. De Haan's popular ministry on the Radio Bible Class broadcast, these thirty-five studies reflect the author's thorough, biblical research. They are practical in application, however, and accessible to Christian readers of all levels. 339 pages, paper

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