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Clarence Larkin, 2021
NOTE: This is an edition published by Whitaker House. Click Here for the edition published by the Clarence Larkin Estate. Dispensational Truth is the Rev. Clarence Larkin’s famous book on dispensationalism with his beautifully drawn black and white charts. A must-have book for any student of dispensationalism, the book contains more than 115 charts, maps, and drawings. The result of thirty years of study, Dispensational Truth is a gold mine of information on prophetic truth for the busy pastor, evangelist, Bible teacher, and everyone who loves God’s Word. In fact, Larkin’s charts have been called “the gold standard” of pre-tribulation knowledge. A trained draftsman, Larkin diagrammed what he read during his Bible studies. From his drawings and charts, the study of God’s Word has enriched generations of those who seek illumination and clarification regarding history, prophecy, and the future of mankind. This book has sold thousands of copies since it was first published in 1920. 272 pages, large format hardcover.
$59.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
This is Larkin's famous book on dispensationalism that includes his beautifully-drawn black and white charts published as a special 100th Anniversary Edition. Book is approximately 10 X 10 inches with a black hardcover stamped "Dispensational Truth" in gold lettering. The dust cover shows the book's complete title, The Greatest Book on Dispensational Truth in the World. This is the much sought-after high-quality edition published by the Clarence Larkin Estate. A must-have book for any student of prophecy. 176 pages, hardcover, over 100 charts, maps, woodcuts.
More Information, List of Charts, Sample Charts, List of Woodcuts
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From the front cover: This book "Rightly Divides" the fundamentals in a series of contrasts, as "Law and Grace," "Faith and Works," "Standing and State," "Sin and Salvation," " Atonement and Redemption," etc. It contains the ream and meat of the Author's sermons and Bible lectures, for thirty years, and is illustrated with 55 charts and diagrams. The charts are clear and simple and adapted to Institute and Bible class work. 328 pages, hardback, illustrated.
Table of Contents, List of Charts
$19.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
John G. Hall presents the study of dispensations as a natural and logical framework for understanding the past and what is yet to come in God's eternal plan. In the popular Bible question and answer section, the author deals directly with some of the most often-asked questions concerning the Scriptures. The index is a valuable aid. This book is correlated with the author's dispensational chart which is available in two sizes. 202 pages, hardcover, index.
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More Books and Charts by John G. Hall
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Dispensationalism is a framework for understanding the Bible, a teaching that God has dealt with man throughout history in different administrations or “dispensations.” It maintains a radical distinction between Israel and the church—that there are two peoples of God with two different destinies—and it distinguishes between the rapture and the second coming of Christ (that one precedes the other by seven years of tribulation). Taught at Dallas Theological Seminary and Moody Bible Institute among others, dispensationalism continues to provoke heated debate within the Christian world. In this best seller, Ryrie discusses covenant theology, historic premillennialism, and the three segments of dispensationalism (classic, ultra or hyper, and the popular progressive), making this complex subject more understandable for believers worldwide. 265 pages, paper, bibliography, subject index, Scripture index.
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The relationship between Israel and the church is a crucial reference point in theology, especially in distinguishing between dispensational and nondispensational ways of thinking. The thesis of this book is that Israel and the church are distinct theological institutions that have arisen in the historical progress of divine revelation. But they are also related as successive phases of a redemptive program that is historically progressive and eschatologically converging. The approach to these issues here is neither polemical nor apologetic; rather, it anticipates a convergence among evangelical scholars in the recognition of both continuity and discontinuity in the Israel-church relationship. This book has three purposes: - To offer a contemporary dispensational treatment of that relationship through an exegetical examination of key texts with a focus on theological concerns - To foster genuine dialogue with nondispensational thinkers regarding major biblical themes tied to the plan of God - To identify the changes in dispensational thought that have developed since the publication of Charles Ryrie's book Dispensationalism Today in 1965. 402 pages, paper, name and subject index, Scripture index.
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Debate abounds on the future of Israel and Israel's relation to the church, not only between dispensationalists and non-dispensationalists, but among dispensationalists themselves. In the past that debate has sometimes been acrimonious, and proponents of the differing viewpoints have found little common ground. In recent years, however, views have been modified and developed so that the dialogue is increasingly by cooperation and a mutual exploration of diverse ideas. The Case for Progressive Dispensationalism is intended to enlighten the debate in that same irenic spirit. The book is solidly dispensational in perspective in affirming that the Old Testament prophecies are completely fulfilled in the future, that the nation of Israel has a prophetic future, and that Israel is not the church. Dr. Saucy departs from classic dispensationalism, however, in showing that (1) the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy begins in the present church age, and (2) the church is not a parenthesis in God's program but represents a continuity with the Old Testament messianic program. This modified dispensationalism seeks to satisfy many of the objections of non-dispensational approaches to eschatology while retaining the crucial elements of biblical interpretation that characterize dispensational thought. 336 pages, paper, indexes.
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For several years two groups of dispensationalists, commonly known by the terms traditionalists and progressives, have engaged in an ongoing debate centered around three crucial issues: 1. The interpretation of Scripture. What rules of hermeneutics our understanding of Scripture? 2. The Abrahamic, Davidic, and new covenants. To whom do these covenants apply and how are they fulfilled or yet to be fulfilled? 3. Israel and the church. How are we to understand the present relationship and future destiny of these two peoples of God? In an irenic debate format, this book demonstrates that those on either side of the issues care deeply about Scripture and its meaning. 345 pages, paper, bibliography, indexes.
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$9.95 Retail $10.99 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Early in his spiritual life Pink was a Scofield Reference Bible carrying Christian. Yet around 1929 he began to reject dispensational teachings, as he grew in his understanding of Reformed theology. In this little work, A Study of Dispensationalism, we discover his core complaint against dispensationalism: it destroys the unity and applicability of Scripture. He so vigorously turned from dispensationalism that in these pages he denounces it as a “modern and pernicious error.” Through his characteristically insightful and compelling method he ably demonstrates dispensationalism’s destructive tendencies. Also includes The Ninety-Five Theses Against Dispensationalism. 85 pages, paper.
$11.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Written from a Reformed theological perspective, this book
examines some distinctives of dispensationalism--grace and
the sovereignty of God, the kingdom of God, the rapture, the
second coming of Christ, and the Millennium--and compares
them with Reformed theology.
160 pages, appendix, Scripture index
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