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Fred DeRuvo, 2011
A commentary on the book of Revelation, chapters 5 - 22, in plain English. This commentary has been written for the average individual. In this commentary on Revelation, author Fred DeRuvo draws back the curtain on chapters five through twenty-two, presenting information in an easy-to-understand style, written for the average person. Whether he succeeds or not is up to each reader to decide. One thing is certain regarding the book of Revelation. Because of its prophetic nature, Christians will continue to debate aspects of it until such a time as we can know for certain. Either the things found within Revelation are yet to come to pass, and that alone will prove their veracity, or they will not come to pass. Only time will tell. Probably the most often-missed point of Revelation is the fact that it reveals the Lamb of God for who He is; King of Kings and Lord of Lords! We must never forget that the book of Revelation is first and foremost about Jesus Christ, God the Son. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. Without Him, there would be no Revelation! All eyes on the King! 387 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), bibliography, glossary. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation. More Information, Table of Contents, Author Profile.
Fred DeRuvo, 2010
Because of the times, it is natural to discuss areas of Eschatology (study of End Times). So many events and situations seem to point to the fact that the Tribulation period is right around the corner. During discussions, all aspects of the End Times are routinely examined, including the timing of the Rapture, the arrival of the Antichrist, the Millennial Reign of Jesus, the coming Gog-Magog (Attempted) Invasion of Israel, and the list goes on. However, one of the problems with discussing areas of Eschatology is that once a person adopts a particular viewpoint about the Rapture for instance, the discussions can quickly turn into quarrels. As the quarrels continue to rage, the one thing that the Church was called to do - the Great Commission - seems to fall by the wayside. While Eschatological discussions will always be part of the landscape, Christians should never lose sight of the real assignment at hand. Jesus commissioned us to preach the Gospel throughout all the world. While we should not ignore studying prophecy related to the End Times, is it possible we may have become sidetracked? This book is a REISSUE of the previously released Death or Rapture with a new cover and title. 152 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), bibliography, glossary. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation. More Information, Table of Contents, Author Profile.
Fred DeRuvo, 2010
As we move quickly toward the time of Christ's return, many things have to fall into place. Among them, the time must be ripe within society to not only birth a one-world government, but a ruler to rule over it. Once this ruler - the Antichrist - begins his climb to the top of the leadership heap, the Tribulation is not that far behind. Of course, societal changes must also occur in order to create favorable conditions to which the Antichrist will enter. Many of these changes are currently taking place throughout the world, guided by the politics of the United States, as well as nations across the globe. What are these political changes? How are they working to create a new world order? What to they have to do with the End Times, as it is called in the Bible? 370 pages, paperback (7" X 10"). View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation. More Information, Table of Contents, Author Profile.
Fred DeRuvo, 2011 |
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There is a chaos coming that is predicated upon the rise of Islam, Satanic Soldiers, aliens, and evil beyond measure. As an ideology, Islam masquerades as a religious light to the world, one that promises to usher in world peace but at what cost? Through the use of political strategies, military might, and religious tenets, adherents of Islam work within various established governments to create special laws or exemptions for Muslims, in the hope of eventually overthrowing that established government. Americans and other Democratic nations have a tendency to believe that something as antiquated as Islam and as barbaric as Sharia Law have little to no chance of succeeding as a worldwide venue. Yet, this is obviously far from the truth. By merely looking at current conditions in The Netherlands, Great Britain, France, and elsewhere, a clear picture is seen that those who profess Allah as god have no difficulty pursuing a course of action that promotes Allah under the three-pronged system of Islam. But Islam, while a very real threat, is not the only one. Many believe that something known as The Black Awakening will one day occur, bringing those among us who seem to live normal lives, but are deeply connected to Satan, awake to do his bidding, further precipitating a worldwide disorder. With the help of these Satanic Soldiers woken to their true calling, as well as the false front of demons masquerading as aliens, and the barbarism of Islam, Satan is leading an army in which he hopes to capture all of mankind. Sound far-fetched? Too much like science fiction? Think again because what may seem like the plot of a Sci-Fi movie, may well be at our door. The question is...what, if anything, can be done about it? 184 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), illustrated. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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We hear all the time how bad things are getting throughout the world. Many seem unable or unwilling to see it. Do we chalk it all up to being the normal cycles that occur in life, or is something else going on behind the scenes? What if this generation alive now turns out to be the last one before Jesus returns? Is that all just a bunch of hogwash, or is there any truth at all to the claim that Jesus will return one day? In this book, author and speaker Fred DeRuvo goes through the process of determining what if anything the Bible actually has to say on this subject. If you are one who has not taken the time to read through some of the books of the Bible that are said to teach truths regarding the last days, DeRuvo puts it out there in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand. 132 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), illustrated. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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For centuries, demons have disguised themselves as gods, sharing with gullible humanity all forms of occult knowledge through mystical channels.In this follow-up book to Demons in Disguise, author, speaker, and teacher Fred DeRuvo, shares insight into not only what these demons-as-Pleaidians are teaching, but also how they are attempting to bring it all about through the deceived of planet earth. We are in the Last Days and we are witnessto, not only a departing from the faith by those who have a saving knowledge (without the spiritual commitment), but also humanity's reach for something higher. This something is nothing less than the doctrines of demons, which is our Nephilim Nightmare. 148 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), illustrated, list of resources. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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In today's day and age, the PreTrib Rapture position is becoming increasingly notorious to believe and espouse. It seems that more and more people are believing what Dave Macpherson and others are say - that the PreTrib Rapture is a creation of a few men, who sought to pull the wool over the eyes of many within evangelicalism. Apparently, according to MacPherson, they were successful. Rather than simply attempting to deal with aspects of this subject which have already been dealt with, author Fred DeRuvo tackles the claims against the PreTrib Rapture from another perspective. He deals with the plausibility of a few men being able to pull off what has got to be the greatest hoax the church has ever known...if it actually was a hoax. Beyond this, DeRuvo also deals with many other claims by the Anti-PreTrib Rapturist, finding out if these claims hold any water at all. 168 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), illustrated, list of resources. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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You have to wonder sometimes. Though the visible church is being overrun by Contemplative Prayer, Church Growth movements, Seeker-Sensitive thinking, the Emergent Church, Spiritual Formation and a host of dangerous philosophies that are squelching the authentic gospel with what Paul would call "another" gospel, there are far too many individuals who seem unable to see the forest for the trees. 204 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), illustrated, list of resources. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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Obviously, not all aspects of Eschatology can be correct. Does this mean however, that an incorrect view of Eschatology means a lack (or even a loss) of salvation? Are the two connected? To hear some talk, the answer would be a vociferous "yes." Most often, people point to those who believe and espouse a PreTrib Rapture position, as one major source of error, resulting from deception. Not only is this view seen as erroneous, but it is also believed that the individuals who hold to this position are in grievous danger of falling headlong into the Great Tribulation completely unprepared. The tragic results of this, says those who warn, can only mean one thing: potential loss of salvation due to an underlying deception. Is this where the PreTrib Rapture position naturally leads? This book takes a look at the claims of those who condemn not only the PreTrib Rapture position, but the one who holds the position. 68 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), illustrated, list of resources. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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Four verses in the ninth chapter of Daniel are arguably some of the most important verses found anywhere in Scripture, related to prophecy. If we are to understand what God has given us in these four verses, then we had better do all that we can to ensure we have a correct interpretation. The 70 weeks of Daniel, highlighted in Daniel 9:24-27 are there for our benefit. God did not need to tell us anything, but He chose to do so in order that we would be blessed by the information He has graciously provided to Daniel through the angel Gabriel. The most important question becomes then, what is Gabriel actually relating to Daniel in these four verses? Is the information found there for us today, as yet unfulfilled, or is it all in the past, in which case it would merely be testimony of how God has worked in our past? 70 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), illustrated, list of resources. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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Everyone has an opinion. It does not matter whether you're a New Ager, a UFO researcher, a student of the Bible, or simply a curious party. Theories regarding aliens range from believing that the whole alien phenomenon is nothing more than an elaborate hoax, to the belief that they are real and getting ready to take over our world, to the view that they are demons disguising themselves as aliens. Who is right? Can we know? Each reader will undoubtedly have their own opinion about the subject of extraterrestrials and their goals for earth and its people. In this book, author, speaker, and teacher Fred DeRuvo culls information and research from a variety of well known researchers and authors in the field. 204 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), illustrated, list of resources. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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