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Joseph Morris, 2022 |
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75+ Signs of Jesus' Soon Return!
As the world grows more volatile with looming wars, rampant pandemics, and violence in the streets, many people are wondering, Is the end near?
YES! Jesus is coming soon! But it's wonderful news!
There is also plenty of bad news on the horizon?but not for the Christian. Jesus’ end-time agenda is to give you great hope and joy. He wants to bless you and prepare you for your destiny in these last days. For more than 30 years, author, minister, and host of the weekly End of Days Update Joseph Morris has been awakening the Church to Jesus’ hastening return, helping believers connect the dots between Bible prophecy and current events. In End Times Made Easy, Joseph shares:
The simple truths in this book will empower you to run your race with joy in these last days, excited to see Jesus face to face! 305 pages, paperback, illustrated.
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Don’t get caught up in all the internet speculations and doomsday opinions. The real place to find out about the future is the Word of God. In What Does the Bible Say About the Future?, radio host and prophecy expert Dr. Charlie Dyer offers you an insightful look at the end times that’s grounded not in human fantasies but in the very revelation of God. You’ll get answers to questions like:
God didn’t give us Bible prophecy to tickle our imagination or satisfy our intellectual curiosity. Rather, God wants us to know about the end times so we can be confident in His eternal purposes. With a biblical understanding of the future, you’ll be powerfully equipped to live with faith and hope today! 112 pages, paperback.
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In Matthew 24, after Jesus gave His disciples a profound, detailed description of what will happen prior to His second coming, He urged them to “keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come” (verse 42). So as we seek to follow His commands today, what are we to watch for? Foreshadows explores 12 major trends that point toward Jesus’ ever-nearing return—and that illuminate how God’s faithfulness, wisdom, and sovereignty are on display all around us. As you read, you will…
Foreshadows will equip you to recognize the signs pointing to the end times while inspiring you to take hope in the knowledge God holds our chaotic world firmly within His control. Behind the scenes, He is at work—setting the stage for Christ’s return and the glorious eternity that will follow! 335 pages, paperback.
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Despite today’s hardships, the Bible promises a glorious new era is rapidly approaching. God’s plan for what’s ahead includes our rapture, our rewards, our participation in Jesus’ triumphal return, and our eternal glory in heaven. As a believer, you can trust that a wonderful future awaits you. In Future Glory, prophecy expert Dr. Ed Hindson helps you explore the Bible’s seven unique promises that outline what’s in store for every Christian. You’ll gain a better understanding of
Written with attention to biblical details, Christ-minded wisdom, and a gracious compassion for our all-too-human tendency to be absorbed with the here and now, Future Glory will take you on an incredible journey into your prophetic future and the everlasting destiny God has prepared for you. 224 pages, paperback, appendix.
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In these unpredictable times, nothing is more encouraging than realizing the God who loves you has a fabulous future awaiting all who love Him. The more you study Bible prophecy, the more hope and assurance you’ll gain in the midst of today’s chaos. From author and TV host John Ankerberg (The John Ankerberg Show) and the late theologian Renald E. Showers (The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry) comes this helpful guide to better understanding God’s soon-to-be-fulfilled plans for His people. In this book, you will find…
The Most Asked Prophecy Questions will enrich your knowledge of one of the Bible’s most important subjects—and empower you to live in light of Jesus’ soon return, heaven, and eternity. 224 pages, paperback, appendix.
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Jesus Christ is about to return and set up His 1000-year Messianic Kingdom upon the earth. The MILLENNIUM Prophecies and the NEW JERUSALEM book explains what this future period will be like. Some of the topics explored are:
Discover why the Bible says more about the MILLENNIUM than any other period in the past, present or future, including the First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ and the Seven-Year-Tribulation Period. This book encourages Christian believers, warns non-believers and instructs everyone on how to get a PERSONAL PASSPORT into the MARVELOUS MILLENNIUM. 344 pages, paperback.
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The FINAL Prophecies, The Prophecies in the Last 3 1/2 Years of the Tribulation, is book four of an end times series and below are just a few of the prophecies it explores:
300 pages, paperback, appendix.
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Clear Answers to Complex Questions
In a field often clouded by confusion and sensationalism, keeping track of what the Bible says about the end times can be challenging even for seasoned believers. That’s why the bestselling authors behind the Prophecy Pros Podcast are here to bring you a comprehensive and user-friendly guide to the most need-to-know facts about what is to come.
Packed with charts, timelines, and infographics, The Prophecy Pros’ Illustrated Guide to Tough Questions About the End Times delivers speculation-free, biblically sourced answers to your questions on one of the Bible’s most significant topics. You’ll learn about imminent events like the rapture, Jesus’ second coming, and life in heaven, while understanding exactly what Bible prophecy is, where it’s found in Scripture, and why Christians should study it.
As you grow in your understanding of God’s plans for history still-to-come, your trust in Him will be transformed. Whether you’re new to your faith or a longtime student of Bible prophecy, this approachable handbook will provide helpful, straightforward answers to your queries and concerns about the end times, inspiring you to face the future with confidence! 208 pages, paperback.
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$14.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
In a time of global upheaval and uncertainty, uncover God’s prophetic plan for the ages—and your place in it.
Living in this era of pandemics, economic chaos, natural disasters, and political strife, you may feel tempted to question whether God is in control. Yet when you look to the Bible, you’ll find these events actually signal that His promises will soon be fulfilled. In Aftershocks, bestselling author Jeff Kinley reveals how current societal and global trends foreshadow the nearness of the end times—and how the prophecies about what is to come should renew your passion to lovingly proclaim Christ to a suffering world. This book will
Aftershocks unveils the raw reality of these last days while inspiring you to live with hope—a hope that vaccinates you against the ignorance, naivety, and anxiety that plague our world today. 205 pages, paperback.
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How can we know if the Bible's promise of everlasting life is true? One word: prophecy. One prophecy (among many) says that troubled times would come, with "men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth." These certainly are troubled times. The CDC reported that in June 2020, a massive 30 million Americans seriously considered committing suicide. However, among its fearful predictions, the Bible also gives wonderful hope to those who will listen. Only God knows the future, and thanks to the Scriptures, so can we. 82 pages, paperback.
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The prophetic clock is ticking.
We are living in tumultuous times. From corrupt world politics to global pandemics to an unprecedented rebellion against God and His Word, humanity has reached a critical stage. What happens next? In this eye-opening book, Jimmy Evans examines biblical prophecies about the end times and points to their unmistakable parallels with today’s world. With clear, insightful analysis of Scripture, he answers many common questions, such as:
Ultimately, Tipping Point will help you understand current events with confidence. There is no going back, but hope and peace are possible as God’s plan unfolds and we approach the end of the age. 250 pages, paperback, appendix.
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The missing piece to God’s end-time plan is you.
Through more than forty years of ministry, Pastor Larry Huch has seen a trend: Christians are living well below the promises and covenants of God. He says they are missing out in part because they don’t fully understand where we are on God’s biblical timeline.
In this timely book, Huch, a respected teacher on the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith, reveals seven Bible prophecies unfolding right now that will release God’s end-time outpouring of supernatural blessings and miracles into the world and into our lives. Every day ancient prophecies are unfolding in the world. Prophecies that we have read about but could only imagine are actually becoming reality in our lifetime. In every realm and sphere of life the missing pieces are coming together. What was sketchy and vague in the past is becoming crystal clear right before our eyes!
In The Seven Living Prophecies, Huch uncovers these ancient Bible prophecies, mysteries, secrets, and hidden truths that are coming to pass and ushering us into the great outpouring of God in the last days, the rebuilding of the tabernacle, the latter rain of miracles, and the coming of the Messiah! This book will draw you to the Jewish roots of your faith so that you can experience the blessings that God prophesied. 222 pages, paperback.
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The LAST PROPHECIES is book three in an end times prophecies book series. It is the sequel to The NOW PROPHECIES and The NEXT PROPHECIES.
The LAST PROPHECIES explores the biblical prophecies listed below that happen within the first 3 1/2 years of the dreaded Seven-Year Tribulation Period.
Ancient prophecies are about to roll off of their parchments and pound down on the pavement packing a powerful global punch. Don't get LEFT BEHIND to face The LAST Prophecies of the Tribulation Period! 310 pages, paperback, appendix.
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In the Bible, Jesus spoke about the signs that would make it clear His return is near. What are those signs? And are they evident today?
As a Jewish native Israeli who is a Christian, Amir Tsarfati has a distinct perspective that weaves biblical history, current events, and Bible prophecy together to shine light on the mysteries about the end times. From his vantage point in the Middle East and through careful Bible study, Amir points to evidence that informs us the return of the Lord is imminent.
In The Day Approaching, you will learn…
As you seek hope and clarity about earth’s final days, let the Bible alone be the resource you turn to for answers. 217 pages, paperback.
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The Bible offers many insights into what is yet to come--and this book reviews those predictions and what they mean to you today. From the creator of The KJV Study Bible, Bible Prophecy and You is a fully illustrated reference for everyday readers, not scholars.
Section 1, "Prophecies Fulfilled," describes predictions about Israel, other biblical kingdoms, and Jesus, all of which have been fulfilled and give us confidence in the Bible's trustworthiness.Section 2, "Prophecies Pending," explains yet-to-be-fulfilled predictions about Israel and the end times, always with a view of what they all mean to you today.
You'll be encouraged to watch attentively and live hopefully as the sure plan of God unfolds. 278 pages, paperback, appendix.
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The NEXT PROPHECIES is book two of a trilogy that attempts to chronologically order the prophetic events of the end times. The NEXT PROPHECIES is the sequel to The NOW PROPHECIES book. The NEXT PROPHECIES will happen soon after The NOW PROPHECIES and the stage is presently being set for their fulfillment! The NEXT PROPHECIES include:
The NEXT PROPHECIES book prepares the reader for powerful future world events! Don’t get LEFT BEHIND to face The NEXT PROPHECIES! 240 pages, paperback.
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We all have questions about the end times. But, as Israeli Christian and respected Bible teacher Amir Tsarfati explains, biblical prophecy is a mystery, not a secret. Understanding is available to anyone who takes the time to study it. Let this book be your guide. With deep, thought-provoking insight into biblical prophecy and its modern-day application, Amir's exploration of the Bible is both fresh and fascinating.
Rather than engaging in speculation and playing on people's fears, Amir poses real-life scenarios grounded in biblical truth regarding the Rapture, the Antichrist and the Great Tribulation. He also helps you understand the roles--and fates--of Russia, Iran, the European Union, the United States and Israel in the end times, showing how biblical prophecies are being fulfilled right now. There is hope in the midst of chaos. No matter what happens, God is in control. He will protect His own. 220 pages, paperback.
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With so much hype about the signs of the times, it's more important than ever to know what God really said was going to happen. It's not enough to take someone else's word for it. You must know how to uncover prophetic truths in the Bible for yourself. In this easy-to-read yet extremely helpful guide to understanding the nature and purpose of the prophetic passages in Scripture, Jeff Kinley will show you...
The future may seem like one big mystery—but it doesn't have to be! God has made His plans evident to all. And when you know what He has revealed, you can face the last days with a confident assurance of His provision and victory. 190 pages, paperback.
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$18.95 Retail $19.99 | Ships within 24 Hours! |
The signs are unmistakable.
We've always had earthquakes but this many? We've always faced natural disasters but this terrible? We've always had Middle East tensions but this intense? This widespread?
Jesus said there would be clear signs in our world before His return. Over the last few years as we have read headline after headline, those signs seem to be escalating. Could Christ's return and our world's final days be closer than we think? Greg Laurie opens the Scriptures and addresses hot-button topics such as angels and demons, the rapture, and the Antichrist. Find out how to make the most of every opportunity in light of what's next for the nation, the planet, and the body of Christ. 223 pages, hardcover.
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The Word of God clearly reveals a great spiritual battle that has been taking place in the invisible realms of the heavens between God and Satan throughout the ages of time for the hearts and minds of humanity. We are on the precipice of the revealing of Jesus Christ and His subsequent return to earth to rule and reign as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Scripture has much to say concerning the condition of the world just prior to the return of King Jesus and His saints. Those Who Are Alive and Remain is an overview of some of those conditions and signs that precede the Lord's return. It will both enlighten and equip those saints at the end of our present age to overcome the many perils and pressures that will fill the earth in the last times. Greg Bogart sounds the alarm to the church to make proper preparation for the return of their King. The reader will be challenged to think deeply and to objectively examine their eschatological understanding with a fresh perspective. Prudence prepares, and this book is a prudent preparation manual for every believer to ensure they are properly positioned in Christ as they wait for His glorious appearing. 260 pages, paperback.
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What on God's Green Earth is About to Happen? Are we living in the last days? How can we know? And if so, what does that mean, and what's next? If you have asked yourself those questions, you are not alone. To many of us, this is a scary time to be alive. It seems that every newscast raises more questions about where we are headed. Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled..." When God's messenger angels appeared to people in scripture, they always said, "Fear not." Fear is based on uncertainty. However, everything about God's plan is certain. This book is like a "spiritual GPS!" In it, author Randy Nelson takes us on a guided tour through the days and events to come. He unveils God's Exciting end-time plan and our place in it. Jump in, you'll be glad you did. 255 pages, paperback.
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Understand how ancient biblical prophecies are coming to pass in our day, how coming prophetic events will impact you, and how there is hope for all followers of Christ.
We are approaching eternity at breakneck speed. We live in the very first generation to see all the end-time signs converging. The apocalyptic storm clouds foretold by the ancient biblical prophets are now arriving, and the hearts of people everywhere hunger to know more about the coming events. Hope in the Last Days will walk you through the end-time prophecies, helping you prepare for what is about to transpire on the earth. What you believe about prophecy will dramatically affect your future, the way you live your life, and how you prepare for what lies ahead. If you thought the past was intense, get ready for the future. 200 pages, paperback, bibliography.
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Even a cursory glance at the news is enough to convince us that the world is falling into chaos. But God is still in control of his creation--and he keeps his promises. In fact, he has a sovereign plan that includes ultimate victory for the church and the salvation of His people, Israel. The Stage is Set carefully illuminates the signs of the times that point toward Christ's glorious appearing and millennial reign, answering questions you have about the identity of the antichrist, the future of Israel, the location of Armageddon, and more. He is coming. Soon. And his people must be ready. Are you? 236 pages, paperback.
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$9.95 Retail $10.99 | Ships within 24 Hours! |
Everything you need to know about the end times in one easy guide
The end times can be confusing, or even troubling, as we struggle to understand such things as when Christ is coming back, who the Antichrist will be, when the tribulation will occur, and how to interpret biblical prophecy. If you are curious, confused, or fearful about any of these things--this book is for you. Dr. John Hart clearly and respectfully offers easy-to-understand answers, letting you know exactly what God's Word says--as well as what it doesn't say--about the end times. This slender volume answers the most frequently asked questions, then explores how those answers affect you, your family, and your friends. 190 pages, paperback.
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Would you like to understand God's prophetic timeline? Do you wonder if our generation is living at the end of the age? Would you like to discover the kingdoms and events that will occur before Messiah's Second Coming? In God's Prophetic Timeline: Messiah's Final Warning, as author Chadwick Harvey answers these questions, these awesome revelations will become very clear to you! He explains in detail the prophecies of Messiah, Daniel, and John the Revelator and expounds upon the details of Messiah's Second Coming events, including the Battle of Armageddon and Messiah's Millennial Kingdom. In concluding this prophetic journey, Harvey explains Messiah's final warning! 255 pages, paperback.
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After decades of researching biblical prophecy, bestselling author Timothy Dailey warns that end-time events are closer than we realize. Connecting the dots between history, archeological findings, first-hand accounts, and Scripture, Dr. Dailey shows that malevolent forces are converging to trigger the end of human history. He reveals:
Yet under the shadow of the apocalypse, the world is witnessing an unprecedented spiritual revival and outpouring of the miraculous. It's time for us to read the signs and take a stand, knowing that Jesus has promised to be with us to the end of the age. 215 pages, paperback, index.
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God's word to Noah was to prepare NOW for a worldwide flood. God's word to Joseph was to prepare Pharaoh and Egypt NOW for seven years of famine. God's word to Jeremiah was to prepare the Jews NOW for seventy years of exile into Babylon. The key word in these historical examples was NOW! What does God's Word say for us to prepare for NOW? What are the tough decisions we need to make? The NOW Prophecies book identifies the biblical prophecies that were written centuries ago for THIS GENERATION! These ancient inscriptions predict powerful events that will profoundly affect everyone. This book makes it easy to understand how to get ready NOW for what to expect in the near future! 240 pages, paperback, appendices.
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In his most concise and compelling work to date, T.W. Tramm proposes that Daniel's "sevens," a.k.a. the shemitah and jubilee cycles, are the key to understanding the Lord's timing. Learn how:
Informative and thought provoking, whether you have never heard of the Jubilee or are already well-versed, "-2015- The Final Jubilee?" will have you more encouraged than ever that the time of redemption draws nigh. 81 pages, paperback.
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Eschatology: The Signs of the Times of Jesus Christ's Soon Return was originally a title of a thesis that Rev. Washington was inspired to publish into a book format. She was inspired to alert the readers that Jesus' coming is closer than they think and that it is important for them to be aware of the signs of the times that tell of Jesus Christ's close return especially for those who receive His salvation. This book will include the events that will occur during the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, The Millennial Age and the Perfect Age, define the meaning of each Age and discuss the signs setting the state for each Age to come. This book will also prove the validity of the Bible that contains prophecies that were spoken and written by the prophets in the Old and New Testaments. Some of the prophecies proclaimed of what will happen in the end-times by the prophets of old such as, Daniel, Ezekiel, Joel, Zechariah, Jesus Christ, John, the Apostle Paul, etc., have already come to pass during the Church Age and during the history of Gentile nations until this day. 82 pages, paperback.
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What does the future have in store for us?
In the search to know what is to come, many turn to the Bible's prophets and prophecies for answers. Who were these people who supposedly could predict the future? Have their prophecies come true?This accessible guidebook will help you understand 60 crucial Bible prophecies and avoid common misinterpretations. Without all the hype, Stan Guthrie clearly and concisely explains what each prophecy meant to those who first received it. Then he summarizes what it means for our understanding of God, ourselves, and the future, and provides resources for further individual or group study. 172 pages, paperback, appendix.
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$11.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
The Rubik's Cube of Bible Prophecy is the first volume in a series entitled Piecing Together Bible Prophecy. The series is intended to ultimately provide the reader with a fairly thorough panorama of Bible prophecy that will serve as a scripturally sound summary of this most intriguing and important topic. Although the subject is unavoidably sensational, this series will attempt to steer clear of over-sensationalizing the subject. It will also attempt to present the reader with a different take on Bible prophecy than the traditional and popular theories of our day. This first volume lays the foundation for all that will follow by familiarizing the reader with the fundamentals of Bible prophecy. It asks and answers such important questions as: (1) Why should we study Bible prophecy? (2) How should we interpret Bible prophecy? (3) How did we end up with so many convoluted and contradictory schools of thought? and (4) How should we define the prominent terms employed today in the study of this most pertinent topic? 100 pages, paperback.
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HOW TO SURVIVE THE END OF THE WORLD explores an ancient apocalyptic vision--the Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle John--in a fresh, invigorating way. Instead of arcane theories and timelines, it approaches this two-thousand-year-old revelation of ''the end times'' the way it was meant to be seen and received--as a survivor's guide: an encouraging and equipping message that will prepare readers for the end . . . whenever it comes. Unlike most approaches to what many consider a confusing and frightening book, HOW TO SURVIVE THE END OF THE WORLD will bless you, inform you, and make your daily life better, fuller, and richer. 214 pages, paperback.
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Floods, earthquakes, and violent storms are on the rise. Economic troubles are sweeping the globe. Terrorism and war loom larger than ever. And today--in spite of all our technology--widespread famine and pandemics threaten the lives of millions. With each passing day the world as we know it seems to be coming more and more unhinged. For these reasons and others, there is a growing consensus among those who study Bible prophecy that the time of the end is near! But how near? A few decades? A few years? Based on a compleeing array of signs and indicators, 2012-2015: The Season of Return? poses a scenario that may shock you: Learn about the recently discoverd "signs" in the Heavens; the significance of the Lord's Feast Days and jubilee cycle; Isaac Newton's remarkable interpretation of Daniel 9 and what it implies about the timing of Christ's return... Also, the startling truth about what is really the "2012" phenomenon, the New Age Movement, UFO's, "alien abduction," and more. 277 pages, paperback, appendix, bibliography.
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Most Christians are either misinformed or blissfully unaware of how current events in the Middle East portend the fulfillment of major Bible prophecies. From Abraham to Armageddon: The Convergence of Current Events, Bible Prophecy, and Islam, explains how past, present, and future events in the Middle East relate to the rise of the Bible's "Islamic Antichrist." From the beginning of the Arab-Israeli conflict, to the birth of Islam, to the rise, demise, and ultimate regeneration of an Islamic empire, or "Caliphate," that will lead to a climactic showdown at Armageddon, T.W. Tramm makes sense of Bible passages that have baffled scholars for centuries: Learn about the mystery of "666"; the seven-headed, ten-horned beast of Revelation and its mysterious 'head wound'; the 'image of the beast'; and much more. 273 pages, paperback, bibliography.
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Connecting the Dots simplifies the subject of Bible prophecy and shows how current events relate to Bible predictions. It reveals the "big picture" of prophecy: an overview of this vast aspect of God's Word. It begins by showing how fulfilled prophecy is the most convincing proof that the Bible really is inspired by God. and it traces the broad outline of things to come so that you will understand how various predictions fit together. The first chapter lists the major prophetic events that are yet to be fulfilled. It then gives a revealing look at the tumultuous state of the world. You will see that many of the major current events show that we are actually living in the end times. It explains the amazing changes that have taken place in our world since the rebirth of Israel, and the resurgence of Islamic terrorism. You will understand why wars, economic problems and other pressures are pushing us toward the acceptance of global governance and a one-world religion. 340 pages, paperback, appendices, bibliography, index.
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Prophetic Scriptures Yet to Be Fulfilled reveals the times and purposes of God for His Church and planet Earth. The Church has now entered a new era of Christianity-the Third Reformation. God fulfilled specific purposes in the First and Second Reformation, likewise a major purpose of His will be fulfilled in this age. Explained and predicted:
You will learn about the fascinating transformation to the seven mountains of culture and how every nation will become either a sheep or a goat nation. In the end, the restoration of all things spoken of by the apostles and prophets will release Jesus to return and set up His domain over all the earth. 284 pages, paperback, bibliography.
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Judgment Day is part of what the Bible calls the Day of the Lord, a period at the end of time when Gods will and purpose for mankind and His Word will be fulfilled. It includes the Great Tribulation, the second literal coming of Christ to earth, a one thousand year reign of Christ on earth, and the creation of a new heaven and a new earth. When Is Judgment Day? presents a systematic analysis of these end time Biblical events by carefully outlining the cosmic cataclysms in which God destroys the ruling power of evil, disposes usurpers, redeems the universe to its rightful owner, and resurrects the righteous to life in a Messianic Kingdom Topics covered include the Biblical method of literal interpretation of scriptures, the imminent return of Christ and the signs of His coming, distinctions between the Rapture and the second coming of Christ, and the difference between Israel and the Church in prophetic interpretation. 315 pages, paper, bibliography.
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$24.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
We are living in exciting times. The present generation has witnessed the fulfillment of more prophetic signs than any generation in history; and no more significant sign has been fulfilled than the return of the Jews to the reestablished State of Israel. This book explains Bible prophecy as it applies to events unfolding in the 21st century. Find answers to these questions: What is Israel’s place in end-time events? What is Islam’s role in Bible prophecy? When and where will the Temple be rebuilt? How will the Israeli/Palestinian conflict be resolved? How close are we to a global religion and a global government? Does the Bible teach about the rapture and the tribulation? 491 pages, paper, appendices, bibliography. View: Pre-tribulation Rapture.
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When we consider that at least one-quarter of God's written Word is predictive prophecy, notes Derek Prince, we are drawn to its pages with new vision--and great anticipation. Through grounded, scholarly, optimistic and personal insights, this trusted Bible teacher will help you gain new understanding about what to expect as time draws to a close. 224 pages, paper, appendix, subject index, Scripture index.
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Dr. Chuck Missler's Prophecy 20/20 is a comprehensive, easily digested book that will give you a basic understanding of how past events fulfilled biblical prophecy. It provides a strategic grasp of prophecy that equips you to clearly see the "prophetic moment" of current events. Chuck Missler, founder of Koinonia House, analyzes trends on the geopolitical and technological horizons as well as their implications for the coming years. 280 pages, paper.
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God's Word assures us of the Second Coming and commands us to know the signs of the times, to remain watchful, and to always be ready for Christ's return--whenever it may be. This book is a straightforward, in-depth exploration of the key biblical texts regarding the Second Coming: most notably, Christ's longest and most important message about the end time, the Olivet Discourse. 240 pages, paper, appendix, glossary, Scripture index, general index.
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This book is a compilation of the questions that cross Arno Froese's desk every day. As he does in the Midnight Call Magazine, Mr. Froese gives succinct answers to complex questions. The book is arranged by subject, making it easy to find a question you may have about Bible Prophecy quickly. However, it is not written as a reference book; its accessible, conversational will draw you in, and before you know you will have entirely read this short book. 173 pages, paper.
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Using recent events as a springboard, this collection of powerful messages will guide you through various aspects of God's plan for this world with one central theme - God is in control! Authors include: Dr. Charles Dyer, Dr. Mark Bailey, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Dr. Larry Mercer, Dr. Samuel Naaman, and Dr. Michael Rydelnik. 128 pages, paper.
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This latest blockbuster from David Allen Lewis's five-decade ministry is a comprehensive look at eschatology that examines such items as:
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