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I PREDICT!: What 12 Global Experts Believe You Will See Before 2025!
Thomas Horn, 2016
Over the last few decades, celebrated theorists and philosophers have increasingly contemplated the future of humanity through a predictive lens the meaning and purpose of our existence in light of the Bible s end-times narrative. Is it possible that ancient prophets actually foresaw how the world would come to an end and how final salvation including judgment of the nations would precisely transpire? In this wide-ranging and authoritative work, recognized experts from around the globe examine extraordinary developments currently playing out in geopolitics, science and technology, discovery, and even the supernatural, under the microscope of Scripture. The magnitude of individual choices and opportunities that lie just ahead, these experts say, will soon impact all of our lives in unprecedented ways. 327 pages, paperback. More Information, Table of Contents
Billy Hallowell, 2016 |
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Interest in the end times has been at an all-time high in recent years, but how much of what we read in today's headlines and best-selling books is true? What does the Bible really predict will happen and when? Why are there so many different viewpoints among Christians, and are any of them right? With questions like these, it's no wonder that the subject of the end times creates confusion, doubt, and anxiety for many people today.
The views of a broad range of today's foremost experts in Bible prophecy and other leading voices in Christian ministry have been gathered in one book to allow you to educate yourself on what the Bible says, compare what the experts believe, and draw your own conclusions. In one-on-one interviews with Billy Hallowell, these leaders explain what they believe the Bible teaches us about the Rapture--including views on pre-Tribulation, post-Tribulation, and everything in between--Antichrist, Tribulation, Millennium, mark of the beast, and more. 207 pages, paperback.
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The Last Generation lays out evidence that the generation born in 1948 (when Israel became a nation) or later is the generation that will witness the Second Coming of Christ. It draws on credible evidence from current events, the fulfillment of prophecy at a accelerated pace, the views of many scientists, and information gained by intelligence sources. This book answers such questions as: What will happen to Israel? Where does Russia fit into prophecy? What about Iran and Syria? What will be the ultmate solution to the world economic crises? Where does the New Age movement and UFO's fit into biblical prophecy? 303 pages, paper, appendices. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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People are wondering what in the world is going on! The stock market fell and many lost their savings. The government is buying up everything they can. Fascism government control is here! We have lost our freedom and more is coming. Jobs have gone, Global warming is here. We have the greatest drought ever seen. Our leaders want total control, but to us, that change is not good. We see flooding, earthquakes, high cost of living, famine, volcanoes, and our enemies rising up ready to strike. This Book tells you why and just what Hour it is. 181 pages, paper.
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Revelation Hoofbeats is a compilation of internationally known Bible prophecy experts including Harold Willmington, Dave Breese, Dave Hunt, and Arno Froese. These authors have written on crucial topics of the day so you can understand the fulfillment of biblical prophecies and explore prophecies for the future. Revelation Hoofbeats shares God's plan of the ages and helps you understand the times ahead. 363 pages, paper.
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According to a recent poll commissioned by the Tyndale House Publisher s, over forty percent of Americans believe God will eventually intervene in human affairs and bring about an end to life here on earth. Of those believers, over 80% say that it is likely Jesus Christ would return and half of them believe it will occur in their lifetime. With wars and environmental disasters looming around the globe, we may very well be living to witness the end times. 141 pages, paper
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$11.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Six leading authorities on Bible prophecy, and AIDS expert Dr. John Cionci bring us up-to-date in this awesome look toward the future for the church and the world. This explosive volume brings you 13 concise and penetrating essays delivered to a packed-out audience at the Atlantic Coast Prophecy Conference. 281 pages, paper, index
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