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W. Cleon Skousen, 2017 |
$16.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Have you ever wondered what the ancient prophets had to say about the modern world? How to apply the messages of the scriptures to your own life? What the true purpose of prophecy is? Find these answers and more in Prophecy and Modern Times: Finding Hope and Encouragement in the Last Days, a brief but powerful exploration of six millennia worth of prophecies about society today. The prophets of Biblical times foresaw many of the complexities of the modern era with remarkable accuracy--conflicts in the Middle East and America, the rise of enormous economic and military powers, and the stealthy corruption of nations and personal lives. Throughout history, prophecies have been "fulfilled literally," as Skousen writes, shedding important light on how God communicates and how to interpret His messages in today's world. Through years of careful research and with a reporter's dedication to the truth, Skousen beautifully distills these many ancient warnings and promises into one clear, fascinating volume, providing a deeper understanding of the scriptures for a new generation. 155 pages, paperback, index.
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$11.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
The Lord will come again; He promised us that. But is His church ready? We know neither the hour nor the day of Christ's return, but we are instructed to be ready at all times. Amy Semple McPherson felt the urgency of this call, and she challenges the church to be ready for His glorious return.Join "Sister Aimee," whom Time magazine named one of the most influential people of the twentieth century, in discovering what the second coming of Christ means to the church today. In this book, she answers questions that face many believers...
The harvest is ready, and the Lord will come back to reap a bountiful, mature body of believers. Allow this book to prepare you to rise up and meet Christ when He appears in the clouds of glory! 88 pages, paperback.
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$12.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Jesus could return at any moment. Here are the scriptural answers to questions about the time, manner, and results of His return, including:
Many people view Christ's return to the earth as either improbable or dreadful. However, for those who know Him personally, His return will be a day of joy, transformation, and reunion. You can be ready for the greatest day the world has ever seen! 84 pages, paperback.
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Have you every tried to imagine what Christ's return will be like? As you explore the Scriptures with Charles Spurgeon in this book, you will discover...
Christ's first Advent altered the course of all mankind, forever changing our destiny. His Second Coming will have an even greater impact as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords returns to earth, intervening in one moment to claim His bride and to judge all of humanity. 156 pages, paperback.
$9.95 Retail $10.99 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Christ's second coming and the judgment that will follow are fascinating subjects to consider in our troubled generation. Charles Spurgeon explores many aspects of these end-time events and the role of Christians in them, including...
Discover how you can be prepared to meet God face-to-face, look forward to Christ's return with joy, and be assured of your eternal home in heaven. 144 pages, paperback.
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Living in the light of Christ's return is the duty of every generation of Christians. But, as Christ's parable in Matthew 25:1-13 warns us, all face the danger of falling asleep on watch: 'While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept' (Matt 25:5). For that reason, everything calculated to keep us spiritually awake should be prized. R.B. Kuiper's sermons reprinted in this volume were intended to help Christians live in readiness for Christ's coming. Preached just after the First World War, at a time of considerable optimism for human progress, as well as intense speculation about the 'signs of the times', they bear strong and forthright testimony against the dangers of theological modernism and other antichristian ideas, and for the supernaturalism of faith. They are a call for the preaching of the gospel to all nations and an eloquent appeal for Christian activity 'while the bridegroom tarries'. 143 pages, paper.
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The Veil will Be Lifted provides readers with a "history of future events" so that they will know the order of each future event before it occurs, based solely on prophecies in the Holy Bible. This book is "must reading" for all people who wish to know what God has revealed will occur in our future. 174 pages, paper.
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Ordained Minister Linda Schreurs gives a powerful biblical perspective of the times in which we live--the threshold of the End of the Age. The stage is being set for one of the most exciting encounters of all time--Jesus Christ the Bridegroom, coming for you, His bride! Are you ready? Armageddon Bride reveals spiritual battles that can challenge and work against your Christian faith. Get equipped and position yourself as the Bride of Christ to meet your heavenly Bridegroom. 229 pages, paper.
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$20.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
The True Living Jesus Christ is returning to this Planet Earth within the next ten years. This book will be a guide for you, during the happening events preceding His return and beyond. From the Guidepost Signs, which are written here in this book, you will know how close it will be for His return to this Planet Earth. By reading this book you will know where He will be landing when He returns. He is returning to save this Planet Earth from total destruction, and to set up His Father’s One World Order Government here on this Planet Earth. 324 pages, large format paperback.
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$14.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
For two thousand years Christians have been waiting for His coming. We are the generation that is going to see it happen. Every day brings us closer to the spectacular event of His coming. When that day comes, Jesus will reign as King of Kings on earth. Then He will wipe all tears from our eyes and death will be no more. War will no longer be taught and swords will be beaten into ploughshares. Then the earth will be a happy, peaceful and fruitful place, because Jesus will be the King. Is He already the King of your heart? Are you ready to meet Him in the air? This book will inspire you to anticipate His coming with excitement and expectation. It will inspire you to live holy and it will also stir you to share God’s love with your fellow men and win them for Christ before He will return. 239 pages, paper.
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This book presents a very basic overview of the End Times for small groups, discipleship communities, or personal Bible study. It provides a "big picture" approach to those who have been intimidated, overwhelmed, or flat-out scared to death of God's prophetic future. This work respresents the efforts of a down-to-earth pastor attempting to capture, in a very user-friendly style, the basics of the end from a premillennial, pretribulational perspective. 108 pages, paper, appendix.
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Barclay addresses the end-time passages from the New Testament to help inquirers better understand and appreciate their place in Scripture. In characteristically lucid prose, Barclay engages each verse of pertinent Scripture to both challenge and comfort the reader. Whether discussing Mark 13 or the letters to the seven churches from the book of Revelation, Barclay offers a much-needed guide to the scriptural meaning of the "last things."
136 pages, paper
$21.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
When will fears and shame vanish? When will our sufferings cease? When will graves be opened and the dead raised? Not until Jesus comes---but take heart, he will come! Join America's best-loved inspirational author for a personal, poignant narrative of Christ's return that's sure to hasten your longing for that glorious day. 207 pages, hardcover
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$7.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
The certainty of ancient prophecies are viewed against the incredible predictions made about the ancient civilization of Noah's day (Gen. 6:3) and the destruction of the famous city of Tyre described so vividly in Ezekiel 26. The validity of the Bible and the promised of God which were made hundreds of years ago are seen against the scenario of events taking place in the 1990s and point the way to future events that lie just ahead. 72 pages, paper.
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