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Steve Wohlberg, 2020 |
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Riots. Pandemic. Divisions. Confusion. Mayhem. Wars and rumors of wars. The world around us is changing quickly; we find ourselves wondering what will be next. What does it all mean? What does the Bible say about the unique time we’re living in? As the world seems to be getting crazier by the moment, we are actually in a season of wonderful expectation for the Kingdom of God!
In Approaching Armageddon, Steve Wohlberg takes a detailed look at the Word of God, shedding a very hopeful light on this hour in history and revealing what is to come. He explains how chaotic world events are now fulfilling Bible prophecy, that God is fully in charge, and that there is a very real, fantastic future for those who choose to be part of God’s Kingdom. Jesus told us there would be signs pointing to His return and Scripture gives us some specific details about how these things will unfold. 200 pages, paperback.
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$19.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Will unbelievers and half-hearted churchgoers have 7 more years to make up their minds about Christ after He raptures the Church? LEFT BEHIND gives them all a 'second chance.' But is that what Jesus taught? His parables of the talents, the wise and foolish virgins, the wheat and the tares, and the faithful and evil servant all show him returning unexpectedly with both rewards and punishments in his hands. Neither the parables nor the plain words of Christ teach a second chance for those surprised by his coming. But LEFT BEHIND does. Few Christians realize LEFT BEHIND tosses aside the teachings of Luther, Calvin, Tyndale, Wesley, Wycliffe and Spurgeon. Read dozens of quotes from these and other respected sources that show LEFT BEHIND strays far from the truths Bible readers have understood for centuries. 141 pages, paper, bibliography.
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More Books on False Prophets & False Teachings
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This book explains how God's foreknowledge revealed to man in writing has been completely fulfilled year after year in history. It contains which nations, people, empires, and cities would survive while others, who are identified, disappear forever. It brings absolute clarity to why we know exactly what God expects of His creation. This book shows the order of empires and when God would intervene and establish The Kingdom of God on earth. It provides a clear roadmap of prophecy that has been fulfilled over the last two thousand years. 160 pages, paper.
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$34.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Modern Babylon (Rev. 17:5) is the Roman Catholic Church
You may be surprised to learn that many traditions of Roman Catholicism in fact don't come from Christ's teachings but from an ancient Babylonian "Mystery" religion that was centered on Nimrod, his wife Semiramis, and a child Tammuz. This book shows how this ancient religion transformed itself as it incorporated Christ into its teachings. You may be surprised that certain practices like confessions, and crossing ones self, and even the position of the Pope come from traditions of this mystery cult. 330 pages, paperback, appendix, index, illustrated.
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