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Jim Fletcher, 2009
Jim Fletcher admits to having a fascination when it comes to the end of the world. Will it come in a cataclysm? In an inferno? Will it come at all? Fletcher has spent much of his adult life in search of the truth about the Bible and Bible prophecy. In this book, he clearly demonstrates just how relevant (and true) the Bible really is, showing how... Despite the mockery of the Bible today, we are in fact living in the last days of world history, as outlined in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. With humor and a keen eye for pop culture, Fletcher walks you through the opinions of people from the famous to the obsure and then demonstrates conclusively that the Bible's predictions are turn... and there's nothing to be afraid of. 204 pages, paper. More Information, Table of Contents, Author Profile
Jason Boyett, 2005 |
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The Pocket Guide… takes a humorous look at our culture’s ongoing love affair with the “End Times.” A handful of anecdotes, acknowledgements of the phenomenon in pop culture and insights from the author precede chapters like: “Apocalyptionary: A Glossary of the End Times,” “Fun with Eschatology” and “Armageddon Grab-Bag.” Don’t get left behind on this end-times extravaganza! 161 pages, paper.
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In The Return of Jesus in Early Christianity, John T. Carroll and three other scholars describe the origins of this hope in ancient writings and its persistence to the present. Chapters on the New Testament explore the theme of the parousia, or return, of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels and Acts, in the writings of Paul (a chapter by Alexandra Brown), in the Johannine writings, and in the Catholic Epistles. Jeffrey S. Siker describes Christian hope for Jesus' return in the two hundred years after the last New Testament books were written. Claudia J. Setzer relates the Christian hope to Jewish messianic expectations. A final chapter surveys key developments from Augustine through the Reformation to North American developments. Carroll concludes that even at the end of the twentieth century, Christian theology is irreducibly eschatological. 236 pages, hardcover, bibliography, index.
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Getting ready for the millennium does not mean getting ready for the end of the world. Wright offers a clear explanation of how the turn of the millennium has been misunderstood; shows why the widespread "apocalyptic take" on the millennium is in error; exposes what drives millennium fever; and offers a meaningful way to celebrate the millennium with integrity. 111 pages, paper, appendix
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Ever since Jesus ascended into heaven, Christians have been watching for his second coming. By tracing the origins of apocalyptic expectation and delay, Holman shows how the early believers dealt with this tension and provided us with a resource for dealing with our own tensions over Christ's return. 224 pages, paper.
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Over a ten-year period, intrepid cultural traveler Alex Heard has been sojourning among America's most intensely religious and political believers-sometimes disturbed, sometimes euphoric, usually bizarre, and very occasionally deadly groups who bring their own all-American spin to the Biblical idea of apocalypse. Among the amazing cast of characters encountered: a UFO cult whos members look forward to the mass landing of Angelic Space Brothers in 2001; trembling New Age penitents who fear that our polluted planet is bent on taking highly conscious revenge and lots more. 360 pages, hardcover.
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