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Global Reset

GLOBAL RESET: Do Current Events Point to the Antichrist and His Worldwide Empire?

Mark Hitchcock & Jeff Kinley, 2022

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The COVID-19 pandemic unleashed a cascade of consequences that reached far beyond the virus itself. Governments became engorged with power, mandating lockdowns and vaccines as the isolation of millions of healthy citizens replaced family gatherings, concerts, church services, and more. World leaders began to leverage the crisis to address everything from climate change to human equality, conditioning followers for further tyranny.

As if these realities weren't alarming enough, a deeper, more sinister agenda was--and still is--at play. According to biblical prophecies, a one-world government will emerge in the end times, with Satan himself preparing to rule over the earth. While we aren't in those times yet, we're on the precipice of the final days--and we need to know what that means for our economy, our neighbors, and our families. In Global Reset Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley will open our eyes to how pandemics, natural disasters, and political unrest point toward the impending universal economy and godless global government of the Antichrist. 182 pages, paperback.

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The Prophecy Collection

THE PROPHECY COLLECTION: Three Works in One: The End Times Survival Guide, The Coming Apostasy, Russia Rising

Mark Hitchcock, 2021

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Three vital books on the end times, now collected in one special edition!

We live in a world that seems to be on the verge of coming apart. Shootings. Killer viruses. The threat of nuclear war. All of it is just too real. What is happening in our world today is moving Christians to return to the foundations of our spiritual existence. Believers everywhere must get back to what matters most. We must always remember our battle, at its most basic level, is spiritual. In The Prophecy Collection, popular Bible teacher Mark Hitchcock helps you discover spiritual insight and spiritual tools to understand what’s happening?and to prepare for the future?through three important works:

As we prepare for the Lord’s coming, it’s time to understand the biblical truths you need to know in order to face an increasingly decaying, darkening world. No matter what the future holds, anchor your spiritual health and welfare on the immovable rock of God’s Word. 554 pages, paperback.

Corona Crisis

CORONA CRISIS: Plagues, Pandemics, and the Coming Apocalypse

Mark Hitchcock, 2020

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In Corona Crisis, professor Mark Hitchcock will share how the current coronavirus outbreak is related to the vivid, end-time biblical prophecies about plagues, pestilence, and pandemics. Pastor and Dallas Theological Seminary professor Mark Hitchcock shares how the current coronavirus outbreak is related to end-time prophecies.

  • Jesus listed “pestilences in various places” as a sign of his coming (Luke 21:11).
  • In the prophecy of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, the fourth rider kills one-fourth of the earth with pestilence and the “wild beasts of the earth.”
  • Many believe that “wild beasts” refers to plagues that come from animals, as we’ve seen in recent decades with AIDS, SARS, MERS, the bird flu and swine flu, and now COVID-19.
Hitchcock believes the coronavirus is not the fulfillment of these events that will occur during the tribulation period but a foreshadowing of what lies ahead. Corona Crisis puts the current situation in perspective in relation to previous plagues, like the Spanish flu, while giving an overview of the major signs of the end times. The book also discusses how the rise of globalism contributes to the spread of plagues. In our global environment, events can happen suddenly that send shock waves around the world. 158 pages, paperback.

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Showdown with Iran

SHOWDOWN WITH IRAN: Nuclear Iran and the Future of Israel, the Middle East, and the United States in Bible Prophecy

Mark Hitchcock, 2020

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The Threat of War with Iran Grows Day by Day

Bible prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock, PhD, is noticing a dangerous trend: the nation of Iran remains in the newspaper headlines for all the wrong reasons. In Showdown with Iran, he reveals why this rogue nation is so dangerous and how that connects to what the Bible says about what’s to come while encouraging readers to remain alert, aware, and hopeful as the end times near. He tackles questions such as:

  • Does Iran still plan to wipe Israel off the map?
  • What does this mean for the future of the Middle East?
  • Where does Iran stand in Bible prophecy?
  • What will be the role of the United States in Bible prophecy?

The warning of what will happen is not new. In the book of Ezekiel, the Bible records a multitude of predictions about the region then known as Persia as well as about the nation of Israel. These ancient prophecies foretell an end-time rise of Iran, as well as Russia and Turkey. But are the prophecies still unfulfilled today? Hitchcock is convinced Iran continues to play a central role in bringing about chaos in the Middle East. In Showdown with Iran, he explores the continued validity and accuracy of end-time prophecy and answers questions that will become increasingly relevant as the end times draw near. 187 pages, paperback, appendix.

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The Harvest Handbook of Bible Prophecy

A Comprehensive Survey from the World's Foremost Experts

Ed Hindson, Mark Hitchcock and Tim LaHaye, General Editors, 2020

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Everything You Need to Know About the Last Days at Your FingertipsThe Harvest HandbookTM of Bible Prophecy is a reference resource that provides a comprehensive overview of everything the Bible says about the last days. Compiled by bestselling prophecy teachers Ed Hindson, Mark Hitchcock, and Tim LaHaye, this volume has 150+ topics on the most important subjects of prophetic study from 40+ of world’s foremost prophecy experts, including Armageddon, the Day of the Lord, eternal life, the glorious appearing, the messianic kingdom, the millennium, rewards, and the Tribulation. You will gain clear and useful insights about the future in this A-to-Z handbook, which is written to provide thousands of Bible-based facts about the end times and beyonda chronology of the last days from a pretribulational, premillennial viewdetailed definitions of all the major prophecy-related terms Both new and experienced students of prophecy will find this a tool they can use and understand. Ideal for browsing or serious research, you’ll find yourself reaching for this indispensable resource again and again. 464 pages, hardcover, bibliography.

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The End Times Survival Guide

Ten Biblical Strategies for Faith and Hope in These Uncertain Days

Mark Hitchcock, 2018

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We live in a world that seems to be on the verge of coming apart. Shootings. Killer viruses. The threat of nuclear war. All of it is just too real.

Why does the apocalypse craze in movies and video games appeal to so many people so strongly? One answer is it shows us the primal foundations of our existence. In the same way, what’s happening in our world today is moving Christians to return to the foundations of our spiritual existence. Believers everywhere must get back to what matters most. We must always remember that our battle, at its most basic level, is spiritual.

So, what are the spiritual tools—the essentials—that Scripture tells us we must remember and use as the end draws near?

In The End Times Survival Guide, you will discover ten spiritual tools the Bible relates directly to our preparation for the Lord’s coming—ten biblical survival strategies to live out in these last days so you and your family can prosper in an increasingly decaying, darkening world. These strategies won’t guarantee your physical or financial well-being, but they are guaranteed to bring life and vitality to your spiritual health and welfare as you cling to the immovable rock of God’s Word.

When life is whittled down to its essence, the real issue is our spiritual condition before God. Discover how you can protect yourself and your family spiritually in these dark days. 224 pages, paperback.

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The End

Everything You'll Want to Know About the Apocalypse

Mark Hitchcock, 2012

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A Comprehensive Guide to Bible Prophecy and the End of Days

Psychic hotlines, tabloid newspapers, and astrologers make a living preying upon people's innate interest in the future. But what does the Bible say about it all?

The End lays out Bible prophecy in a clear and understandable way:

  • How to interpret Bible prophecy
  • The key prophecy passages in the Bible
  • The key events and characters of prophecy
  • The strengths and weaknesses of the different views on the Rapture, the Millennium, and the chronology of end times events

504 pages, paperback, appendices, index, Scripture index.

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Can We Still Believe in the Rapture


Ed Hindson & Mark Hitchcock, 2017

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Today, the hope that all believers on earth will be "caught up" to heaven is being challenged in new waves of criticism. Is the rapture really taught in the Bible? Can we really expect Jesus to gather up His followers before the Antichrist is revealed? In this well-reasoned and thorough defense, prophecy authors Mark Hitchcock and Ed Hindson examine the concept, context, and consequences of the important and long-expected event known as the rapture. Discover the answers to such questions as...

  • What is the rapture—and is there any historical precedent for it?
  • Why do some believers object to the idea of a rapture?
  • Does the timing of the rapture really make a difference?

As you explore what Scripture says about the end times, you'll get a grander glimpse of your glorious future and the deepest hope of every follower of Jesus. 230 pages, paperback, bibliography, glossary.

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ISIS, Iran, Israel and the End of Days

ISIS, Iran, Israel: And the End of Days

Mark Hitchcock, 2013, 2016

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Iran has repeatedly declared its intention to destroy Israel. ISIS continues to gain ground, leaving a trail of death and terror in its wake. And Russia is inserting itself into Middle Eastern affairs in a power play prophesied long ago. ISIS, Iran, Israel is an updated edition of the book Iran and Israel by prophecy scholar Mark Hitchcock, with all-new information on ISIS, Russian involvement in Syria and Iran, and the state of relations between Israel and Iran. Hitchcock brings a strong biblical perspective to the latest conflicts, while answering important questions such as...

  • Where did ISIS come from--and why are its tactics so brutal?
  • Are we on the road to the Apocalypse?
  • Will there ever be peace in the Middle East?
  • What can we expect in the days to come?
  • How are events in the Middle East affecting America today?

An eye-opening survey of where things stand and how it all ties in with Bible prophecy. 238 pages, paperback, appendix.

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Visits to Heaven and Back


Mark Hitchcock, 2015

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What will heaven really be like?
Today’s bestseller lists are filled with stories of those who have claimed to experienced heaven firsthand. Curiosity about what will happen after we die is as strong as ever in the twenty-first century. Yet, each book contains a different story about what we will experience in heaven.

What are we to believe? What is true?
In Visits to Heaven and Back: Are They Real? Mark Hitchcock, a respected Bible teacher, sorts out the facts. He chronicles the recent phenomenon of “heaven” books, comparing and contrasting the ideas presented in these books and revealing the discrepancies and contradictions. Then, Mark turns to the Bible, laying out clearly the teachings about heaven and experiences in this life of another world. The Bible does reveal that there is a world beyond this one, but it also contains clear warnings and amazing promises. Discover today God’s clear and certain promises concerning heaven. 221 pages, paperback.

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Blood Moons Rising

Bible Prophecy, Israel, and the Four Blood Moons

Mark Hitchcock, 2014

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Has the final countdown to the end days begun? Are the heavens telling us we are nearing the end? Astronomers have noticed it is coming. Historians have noted its significance. In 2014 and 2015, there will be a phenomenon in the skies of four blood moons falling during Jewish feasts. This has only happened three times in recorded history: 1493-94, 1949-50 and 1967-68. Each time these dates have had extraordinary significance for the Israelites. From the discovery of the New World to the creation of modern-day Israel, these years of the four blood moons have truly been turning points in history. Bible prophecy describes the moon being darkened and turned to blood. What is the significance of these signs in the skies? What will the future bring? Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock guides you through the relevant Bible passages so you can understand the times in which you live. 202 pages, paperback.

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Middle East Burning


Mark Hitchcock, 2012

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Is the Spreading Unrest a Sign of the End Times?

Middle East Burning helps make sense of the bewildering firestorms raging in the Arabic-Israeli world. Widespread revolutions in multiple Arab nations. New powers rising to challenge entrenched despots and ruling bodies. Bitter new conflicts further enflaming the many already in place. And a pall of uncertainty over how it will all play out.

Indeed the Middle East is burning. How can we make sense of it all? At first glance the many hotspots may seem without a pattern, without rhyme or reason. But a look at Scripture helps paint a clear picture of what’s taking place, giving insight on current events in Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Syria, and more. A riveting and timely survey of things now and things to come! 243 pages, paperback, appendix.

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The Mayan Apocalypse


Mark Hitchcock & Alton Gansky, 2010

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On the heels of Mark Hitchcock’s prophecy bestseller 2012, the Bible, and the End of the World comes a suspenseful novel (coauthored with bestselling novelist Alton Gansky) about the supposed expiration date of planet earth—December 21, 2012.

Andrew Morgan is a wealthy oil executive in search of the meaning of life. In his quest for answers he encounters the ancient Mayan predictions that the world will end in 2012. That the claims seem supported by math and astronomy drives him to check on them. Then he meets Lisa Campbell, an attractive Christian journalist also researching the Mayan calendar. When he learns that she is a Christian, he quickly dismisses what she has to say. As the time draws closer to December 21, 2012, a meteorite impact in Arizona, a volcanic eruption, and the threat of an asteroid on a collision-course with earth escalate fears. Are these indicators of a global apocalypse? Will anyone survive? Does Lisa’s Christian faith have the answers after all? Or has fate destined everyone to a holocaust from which there is no escape? 278 pages, paperback.

2012 the Bible and the End of the World


Mark Hitchcock, 2009

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In 2012, the Bible, and the End of the World, bestselling prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock explores a fascinating last-days controversy that is gaining the attention of millions all over the globe. What should Christians make of the rapidly spreading speculations that the world will end on December 21, 2012? The ancient Mayans were expert astronomers and their advanced calendar cycles predict 12/21/2012 as a catastrophic day of apocalypse. This prophecy has spawned a growing number of fringe-element books, Web sites, and even a major movie—complete with all-star cast—scheduled to release in November, 2009. Missing in the furor is a biblical perspective. Bible teacher Mark Hitchcock—whose books have sold more than 500,000 copies—examines the following questions:

  • Why December 21, 2012?
  • Can we trust the Mayan alarm clock?
  • Does the Bible say anything about 2012
  • What signs will tell us that Armageddon is near?

This book provides a fascinating survey of both the historical past and the prophetic future. Readers will discover how to effectively counter baseless speculation with biblical fact. 184 pages, paper.

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The Late Great United States

THE LATE GREAT UNITED STATES - Updated and Expanded!
What Bible Prophecy Reveals About America's Last Days

Mark Hitchcock, 2009, 2010

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Every day brings more news of a world that seems to teeter on a disastrous precipice: Wars of genocide; Massive earthquakes and typhoons; The rising cost of foreign oil; Terrorist bombings; Economic disasters and lost security; Crushing federal debt; Famine and worldwide hunger; A tidal wave of illegal immigrants.

How many of these events and crises are signs of the "end times"? And what will become of the United States? Will America continue to slip as today's lone world superpower, and will it even exist when the sounds of warfare rumble at the Battle of Armageddon? Clearly explaining the end time prophecies of Scripture, Mark Hitchcock shows that today's geopolitical situation corresponds remarkably to what the Bible predicted thousands of years ago. Prophecies previously dismissed as unbelievable now read like news headlines. 193 pages, paperback.

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The Apocalypse of Ahmadinejad

The Revelation of Iran's Nuclear Prophet

Mark Hitchcock, 2007

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In his provocative, well-researched expose of Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock unveils the insidious agenda behind this Shiite's regime. His ultimate goal--driven by his fanatical ideology--is to bring the Mahdi, or Twelfth Imam, out of hiding. And he plans to do so by arming his country with nuclear weapons, then exporting the Iranian revolution to the world by destroying Israel and the United States. But there's a bizarre twist to Ahmadinejad's nightmarish intentions: This ardent zealot may well be part of God's plan to set the stage for a scenario prophesied more than 2,500 years ago. Hitchcock presents compelling evidence that Ahmadinejad's actions, including his alliances with Russia and many of Iran's neighbors, have placed his nation--and the world--on a collision course toward the war of Gog and Magog. 208 pages, paper.

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Iran the Coming Crisis

Radical Islam, Oil, and the Nuclear Threat

Mark Hitchcock, 2006

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The events wracking the Middle East today are confusing to even the most avid news buff. Now all the answers to your questions are offered in just one resource. Divided into five main sections, Iran: The Coming Crisis contains the most up-to-date, thorough information available and is complete with maps, charts, and timelines for visual assistance. Iran’s past, present, and future are exposed-the country’s quest for nuclear weapons and support of Palestinian terror groups, its ability to “play the oil card,” and Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s apocalyptic beliefs that motivate his actions. You’ll discover the truth about today’s events, how they relate to Bible prophecy, and what the Bible clearly describes is yet to come. It’s a crisis unlike any the world has ever faced. 214 pages, paper.

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The Truth Behind Left Behind

A Biblical View of the End Times

Mark Hitchcock & Thomas Ice, 2004

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With the unparalleled worldwide success of the Left Behind series, both fans and critics are curious about the relationship between Bible prophecy and the events depicted in the novels. Responding to recent works that question Left Behind's biblical accuracy, two respected theologians set forth solid, biblical answers in this reader-friendly resource. Beginning with a clear presentation of prophecy interpretation and dispensationalism, the authors examine specific end times events represented in Left Behind and offer historical and biblical support for each event. 220 pages, paper.

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The Second Coming of Babylon


Mark Hitchcock, 2003

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The Bible says that Babylon will be rebuilt and become the economic center of the world in the end times. Even now the ruins of the ancient city-just sixty miles south of Baghdad, Iraq-are quietly stirring. What Bible Prophecy says about:

  • Iraq in the End Times
  • Israel and Armageddon
  • Antichrist's Ruling City
  • America in the Final Days
  • War in the Middle East
190 pages, paper.

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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse


Mark Hitchcock, 2004

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The image of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation 6:1-8 is one of the most vivid and powerful in all the writings of the prophets. Their presence speaks of a coming day of horror - the first four judgments of the tribulation. White, red, black, and pale, they will wreak destruction around the world. Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock takes an in-depth look at the horsemen and shows how today's events point toward the prophecy about them. Signs all around us indicate that the four horsemen of the Apocalypse may be ready to mount up and gallop across the earth. 112 pages, paper.

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Is the Antichrist Alive Today?


Mark Hitchcock, 2002

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Astounding footage from around the world confronts us with the shocking realization that news abou the Antichrist could break onto your TV screen at any moment...or maybe it already has! Mark Hitchcock sounds a wake-up call to this generation, unearths biblical clues about the Antichrist's identity, then shows you what you must do before he comes. 108 pages, paper.

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What on Earth is Going On?


Mark Hitchcock, 2002

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Like others, do you wonder, "What's going on?" does it feel like your global village is getting smaller, your free world more dangerous? Does the evening news sound more and more like play-by-play coverage of unfolding events prophesied in the book of Revelation? Is it possible that Jesus Christ will return soon? Is it time you found out why--and where, and when He said He'd come? 110 pages, paper.

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101 Answers


Mark Hitchcock, 2001

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The user-friendly manual answers 101 of the most frequently asked question about everything from the pre-Tribulation Rapture, Antichrist, and Tribulation to the Second Coming and Millennium. A prophecy expert offers a biblically authoritative resource for understanding God's plan and reason for peace instead of anxiety about each believer's role in it. 283 pages, paper, bibliography.

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The Complete Book of Bible Prophecy


Mark Hitchcock, 1999

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AT LAST! Bible prophecy can make sense-and make a difference. The crisp pace and plain English of this fascinating book puts the prophecy puzzle together. And you will discover that Bible prophecy is not just for the curious-it could change your life. 243 pages, paper, index.

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