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Homer Hailey, 1993, 2009 |
$32.95 | Temporarily Out of Stock |
This book, the Minor Prophets, is Homer Hailey's best seller and is used in church Bible classes and seminaries throughout the world. In its fifteenth printing, it is still in demand. Hailey was one of the 20th century's most widely-known and beloved preachers and teachers. He was noted for his knowledge and simplicity. In his writing he was able to express himself so all could read and understand the biblical text, particularly the Old Testament prophets. Although Hailey departed from this world in the year 2000, he works live on in numerous books and publications. His seventy-seven years of study continue to benefit others. 428 pages, hardcover, bibliography.
$28.95 | Temporarily Out of Stock |
The first section of this commentary discusses the author, the place of writing, symbolism, the dating, and various interpretations, theme and the purpose of the book of Revelation. The author provides the historical background for the birth and early years of Christianity. Then follows a verse-by-verse commentary, anchored in sound scholarship. This enlarged 10th printing contains a valuable catalog on the nearly 90 symbols found in the book of Revelation, together with a comprehensive subject index. For readability, the page size has been slightly enlarged. A significant essay in which Hailey shows the relevance of the book of Revelation to the 21st century world, rounds out this volume. 442 pages, hardcover, bibliography, index.
$28.95 | Temporarily Out of Stock |
Hailey concludes that the prophetic events in Daniel indeed came to pass. He provides a full commentary on the book of Daniel including: The Four Beasts, The Ram and the He-Goat, The Seventy Weeks, and more. 282 pages, hardcover, bibliography.
$14.95 | Temporarily Out of Stock |
In the week following the infamy of September 11th, 2001, a second assault was launched--this time by two well-known televangelists who had the temerity to suggest that the terrorist attack on the United States bore the unmistakable imprint of God's own hand, bringing judgment against a morally rebellious and sinful nation. Naturally, a shocked and mourning "Christian nation" rejected out of hand so insensitive a conclusion. It is difficult enough to ask how God could even allow such hateful carnage to happen; but to go further and suggest that God, Himself, might have masterminded the heinous attack is unthinkable!... Or is it...? This book is a two-part study regarding God's eternal character and the character of His judgments on nations and individuals. 220 pages, paper, bibliography.
More Information, Table of Contents
$22.95 | Temporarily Out of Stock |
The words "prayer" and "providence" are heard daily in almost every human situation. Victims of natural disasters, crimes and catastrophic illness, people who have not made God part of their lives, tell of praying and believing in God's providence. This providence presupposes the divine creation of the universe and God's government in and over that which He created.
This book helps the believer to understand that prayer is a sacred privilege as well as an obligation. With many references to Scripture, author Homer Halley begins his discussion of prayer by analyzing man's need of it and divine instructions about it. Hailey then discusses prayer for others, especially in times of trouble. For a better understanding of God's part in our communication with Him through prayer, the author discusses what the believer should expect from prayer and that there will be times when God says "no" or "wait." Hailey reassures the believer that God is able to answer the requests offered by His children. From the book of Revelation he concludes, "The Lord God, the Almighty, makes His glory to shine brilliantly upon His redeemed. Surely, such a wonderful, all-glorious and all-powerful God can answer the prayers of His saints!"
The world at large often associates providence with the miraculous. Halley indicates that miracles are not under consideration in this study, and defines providence as, "The workings of God through His provision in the natural and spiritual realms....Divine providence is a distinctive feature or attribute whereby the infinite God finds expression." After defining his topic, the author then considers providence in its relationship to evil and its part in the moral realm. Attention is given to God's control over the universe and Jesus' rule in natural and spiritual affairs. The final part of this study focuses on providence as it relates to the individual, as seen in the book of Ecclesiastes and in many parts of the New Testament. 221 pages, paperback, bibliography, Scripture index.
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