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Joel Richardson & Bill Salus, 2018 |
$17.95 Retail $19.99 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Join two world class prophecy teachers, Joel Richardson and Bill Salus, in a historic debate of biblical proportions. Where is "The Great Harlot" city of Revelation 17-18? Is it the city of Mecca or Rome? Should prophecy watchers look to the central city of Islam in the heart of Saudi Arabia or should we look to the capital of Roman Catholicism in Italy? Will Satan use the religion of Islam as the foundation for his final great deception or will apparitions of "The Queen of Heaven" and Roman Catholic eucharistic miracles be used to lead the inhabitants of the world astray? Answers to these and many more questions are provided in this timely and enlightening debate. This event was held in the historic battle town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 4, 2017. Join these two leading prophetic voices for three hours of enlightening discussion. Moderated by Larry Spargimino of Southwest Radio Ministries. Running time: Approx. three hours. Language: English. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).
$27.95 Retail $29.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
In this powerful and dynamic two DVD five part teaching series, New York Times Bestselling author, internationally recognized author, and Middle Eastern expert unpacks the many reasons why the nation of Turkey is so critical to the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
Session One: Joel reviews the history of the Republic of Turkey, this past century's most important and influential thinkers and politicians who have laid the foundations for the emergence of one of the most powerful and dangerous nations in the Middle East. Session Two: In this session, Joel reviews the Jewish and Christian understanding of Ezekiel's oracle of the Battle of Gog of Magog. What do the Jewish sages and rabbis believe about Gog and his hordes? What did the early Christians believe about Gog? Is he the Antichrist? Find out in this highly informative session. Session Three: Next, Joel works through the many reasons within the text to understand that Gog is indeed none other than the biblical Antichrist. Discover the many internal clues that prove beyond the shadow of any doubt that Gog is indeed Ezekiel's name for the Antichrist. Session Four: In this session, Joel reveals where the various nations listed in Ezekiel's prophecy can be found today. What nation does Ezekiel reveal will rule over the final empire of the Antichrist and which nations will be included? Will it include Russia or is the prophecy pointing to Turkey? Find out in this powerful teaching session. Session Five: In this session Joel begins with the prophecy of Revelation Seventeen and shows that all of the biblical prophecies are pointing to the same nation and telling the same story. Finally, Joel explores Daniel Eight to reveal what is coming next, what the next wars will involve, and where to watch for the emergence of the Antichrist. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).
$32.95 Retail $34.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
New York Times bestselling author Joel Richardson tackles on of the most controversial issues raging with the church: the prophetic battle over the salvation of Israel and the Jewish people. In six dynamic teaching sessions, Richardson blows away confusion, bringing biblical clarity to these questions:
Session 1: The Promises of God
Session 2: When All Israel Will Be Saved
Session 3: Until I Make Your Enemies Your Footstool
Session 4: Our Anchor of Hope
Session 5: The Time of Jacob's Trouble
Session 6: The Judgment of the Nations
Running Time: Appox. 4 hours 45 minutes. Language: English. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).
$19.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Joel Richardson, New York Times Bestselling author and teacher, and director of the documentary, End Times Eyewitness present a powerful new film, Global Jesus Revolution, showing how present-day world events, particularly throughout the Middle East, are clearly falling into alignment with the words of the biblical prophets concerning the last days. But far important than merely knowing about the end times, is knowing what the followers of Jesus should be doing about it. What are the primary issues that the Church must focus on in light of all that is now unfolding throughout the nations?
In Global Jesus Revolution, Joel Richardson looks out across the Middle East and across the earth. He explores and examines the exponential rise of protests, riots and full blown political revolutions. Global Jesus Revolution reveals that the only proper response to the political revolutions, social upheaval, civil wars, and outright chaos unfolding throughout the nations is a much greater spiritual revolution among the disciples of Jesus. Find out from these leaders such as Jonathan Cahn, Daniel Lim, David Davis, Sameh Maurice, and a dozen others how the Global Jesus Revolution is being manifested across the globe. Running Time: Approx. 73 minutes. Closed Captioned. Optional Spanish subtitles. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).
$22.95 Retail $24.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Is the return of Jesus closer than you think? What are the most powerful prophetic signs being fulfilled on the earth today? How is the new Middle East after the Arab Spring aligning with the testimony of the biblical prophets? What are the little-known prophetic signs that few are paying attention to? End Times Eyewitness takes you on a firsthand journey into the heart of the biblical world, to the front lines of the ongoing Middle Eastern revolutions, to discover the shocking answer to all of these questions. Filmed in several nations and featuring the testimonies of global Christian leaders, pastors, theologians and missionaries, "End Times Eyewitness" reveals which biblical prophecies of the Last Days are being fulfilled on the earth today and what is coming next. Join New York Times bestselling author Joel Richardson as he interviews: Old Testament scholar Walter C. Kaiser Jr.; Messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn; CBN Middle East bureau chief Chris Mitchell; Temple Mount Heritage Foundation chairman Rabbi Yehuda Glick; International House of Prayer director Mike Bickle; Many other Christian leaders from Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria and the United States. Running Time: Appox. 70 minutes. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada)
$34.95 Retail $39.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
In this powerful, 4-Session, 2-DVD set, Joel discusses current events in light of Biblical prophecy. This is by far the best series that Joel has taught.
Session 1: What is the singular unified message that is proclaimed from Genesis to Revelation, first by the prophets and then by Jesus and the apostles? Joel argues that if one embraces a Biblical / Hebraic worldview as opposed to a Greek-Philosophical worldview, then one will likewise embrace Premillennialism and reject Preterism, Amillennialism, and Post-Millennialism.
Session 2: It this session, Joel discusses current events in light of Biblical prophecy. Discover the astounding details concerning the move to re-establish sacrifices on the Temple Mount. And why is a prominent Muslim leader supporting the idea of a rebuilt Jewish Temple during the reign of the Islamic Mahdi-Messiah?
Sessions 3 & 4: In the final two sessions, Joel delves into one of the greatest and most fascinating mysteries of Biblical prophecy: Who or what is Mystery Babylon? Joel reveals a possibility that will shock you. These two sessions are an absolute must-see for every serious student of Biblical prophecy.
Picking up on Joel’s two previous Islam & The End Times DVD sets, this third set is perfect for private or group Bible studies. Set of Two DVDs. Language: English. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada)
$34.95 Retail $39.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
This DVD set is the first of a series planned to help believers better understand the Islamic End Time Theory and what it means to them individually and corporately as the Body of Christ. Set includes the following five sessions combined with a dynamic power point presentation. Ideal for personal and group Bible Studies.
Set of two DVDs. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada)
$34.95 Retail $39.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
This DVD set is the second of a series planned to help believers better understand the Islamic End Time Theory and what it means to them individually and corporately as the Body of Christ.In this Part II Set, Joel Richardson and Steve Moutria continue to open up the Scriptural evidence for a soon coming Islamic Invasion of the Middle East. Controversial topics such as the timing of the rapture of the Church and the Battle of God and Magog are examined in great detail. Will the Antichrist, his empire and his religion come forth from the Middle East, or from Europe? Over six hours of teaching included in six sessions:
Set of two DVDs. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada)
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